Quality Auditing Associate Manager (BPO Industry)
āļāļĩāđāđāļāļāđāļāļāđāļāļāļĢāđ (āļāļĢāļ°āđāļāļĻāđāļāļĒ)OVERALL PURPOSE OF JOB
The QTP Manager serves as the main point of contact on managing all day to day QTP deliverables and client management. He/she will represent his/her site on local syncs with the rest of the Senior leadership, QTP leads and operations managers. The role also entails frequent client facing interaction, may it be virtual or face to face, discussing all QTP related items and activities.
Responsibilities to include but not limited to the following:
- Managing the end-to-end Quality, Training & Policy (QTP) strategy and execution across sites
- Responsible for the performance of the QTP Teams across sites & regions
- Define and execute on standard documentation strategy for QTP function ensuring qualitative and quantitative metrics (as agreed with Client) are defined for the success of each function
- Define and execute measurement strategies for functional scorecards within Service Provider site
- Engage with QTP & operations team across sites to ensure processes continue to meet business outcomes
- Communicate critical feedback and best practices from all regions to site delivery teams
- Enable change management execution for routine changes across multiple regions within their specific Service Provider
- Improve, align, and maintain processes across functional skills of quality, training and policy center of excellence across multiple regions within their specific Service Provider
- Monitor performance through metric review and statistical inference to drive improvement
- Provide recommendations to Client for re-engineer existing processes which are broken or not delivering results for scaled review
- Orchestrate cross-functional role within Service Provider sites to aid business metric achievement
- Establish and provide functional skill development strategies within Service Provider sites to attract and retain the best talent
- Establish governance engagements within Service Provider sites and across Client groups to communicate execution strategy and provide progress
- Engage with Client counterparts on regular frequency to drive partnership and collaboration
- 10+ years of experience in quality, learning & change management functions within an operations setting
- 8+ years of people management experience in leading teams
- Experience identifying and implementing process improvement opportunities within enabling functions to drive business outcomes
- Experience managing and growing global teams, while keeping pace with changing policies and standards Experience working across a global multicultural and multilingual team, tackling problems and designing business solutions
- Experience in any process improvement framework or process maturity models in design and execution
- Experience communicating with, influencing, and presenting to a variety of audiences, including global cross-functional leaders
- Able to work on shift rotation including Sat-Sun and public holiday
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