KYC Strategy Lead - Virtual Bank
atAdvanced Info Service PCL. (AIS)Lead the onboarding process for VB products by spearheading KYC initiatives integrated with telecom services. Enhance user experiences through innovative UX/UI design and consent centralization.
- KYC Strategy: Develop and implement a comprehensive KYC strategy tailored for telecom-linked VB products, ensuring compliance and efficiency.
- User-Centric Onboarding: Create intuitive onboarding processes that enhance customer satisfaction while centralizing consent for future use.
- UX/UI Journey Design: Collaborate with design teams to craft engaging customer journeys across telecom service channels.
- Data Management: Oversee accurate customer data collection and compliance with regulatory requirements, including data structure and retrieve for future usage.
- Cross-Functional Collaboration: Align KYC processes with marketing and product strategies through close collaboration with telecom partners and internal teams.
- Education : Bachelorâs degree in Finance, Business, or related field (MBA preferred).
- Experience : 5+ years in KYC, compliance, or onboarding roles, preferably in telecom or financial services.
- Skills:
- Strong grasp of UX/UI design and customer journey optimization.
- Excellent logical articulation, analytics and project management skills.
- Outstanding communication abilities to engage stakeholders effectively.
- Industry Knowledge: Familiarity with telecom products, KYC regulations, and digital onboarding solutions.
Experience required
- 5 years
Career level
- Middle Level
- Senior Level
- Negotiable
Job function
- Strategy / Planning
- Senior Management
Job type
- Full-time
Company overview
Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited (AIS) is the 5G Digital Service Provider with the most spectra to provide service, totalling 1420MHz . The company has the most subscribers in Thailand, counting over 45.7 million in September 2022. AIS is ready to power Thailand with 5G technology whi ...
Why join us: AIS āļāļđāđāļĨāļāļāļąāļāļāļēāļāđāļāļāļāļāđāļāļāļĢāļāļāļāļĢāļąāļ§ āļāļĢāļīāļĐāļąāļāļŊ āļāļķāļāļĄāļĩāļāđāļĒāļāļēāļĒāļāļđāđāļĨāļāļāļąāļāļāļēāļāļāļąāđāļāļāđāļēāļāļŠāļļāļāļ āļēāļāļāļĢāļāļāļāļĢāļąāļ§āđāļĨāļ°āļŠāļąāļāļāļĄāđāļāļ·āđāļāđāļŦāđāļāļāļąāļāļāļēāļ āļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāļāļāļīāļāļąāļāļīāļāļēāļāđāļāđāļāļĒāđāļēāļāļĄāļĩāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļīāļāļāļīāļ āļēāļ āļĄāļĩāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļŠāļļāļāđāļāļāļĩāļ§āļīāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļāđāļĨāļ°āļāļĢāļāļāļāļĢāļąāļ§ AIS āđāļāļ·āđāļāļĄāļąāļāļ§āđāļēāļŠāļļāļāļ āļēāļ§āļ°āļāļĩāđāļāļĩāļāļāļāļāļāļąāļāļāļēāļāļāļļāļāļāļāđāļāđāļāļāļļāļāđāļāļāļĩāđāļŠāļģāļāļąāļāļāđāļāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļŠāļģāđāļĢāđāļāļāļāļāļāļāļāđāļāļĢ āđāļāļĢāļāļāļēāļĢ âAIS Health an ...
- Dental Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Transport Allowance
- Travel Allowance