ITSM Specialist
atThaioil Energy Services Co., Ltd.ITSM Specialist
- Process Design and Implementation: Develop, document, and implement ITSM processes and procedures, ensuring alignment with industry best practices, such as ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library).
- Incident and Problem Management: Lead and oversee incident and problem resolution processes, driving timely resolution and root cause analysis to prevent recurrence.
- Change Management: Manage the change control process, assessing the impact of changes on IT services, and ensuring minimal disruption to operations.
- Service Catalog Management: Maintain and enhance the service catalog, ensuring that IT services are clearly defined and aligned with business needs.
- Service Level Management: Define, negotiate, and manage Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to meet and exceed service expectations.
- IT Asset and Configuration Management: Oversee IT asset and configuration management, maintaining accurate records of hardware, software, and configurations.
- Continuous Improvement: Identify areas for improvement within ITSM processes and drive initiatives to enhance efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction.
- Training and Documentation: Develop and deliver training programs for IT staff and end-users regarding ITSM processes and tools. Maintain comprehensive documentation of processes and procedures.
- ITSM Tool Administration: Administer and optimize ITSM tools and systems, ensuring they meet organizational needs and support process automation.
- Reporting and Analytics: Generate and analyze ITSM performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to identify trends and areas requiring attention.
- Compliance and Audits: Ensure ITSM processes are compliant with relevant regulations and standards. Prepare for and participate in internal and external audits as needed.
Bachelor's degree in a relevant field; certification in ITIL or ITSM is highly desirable.
- At least 5 yearsâ experience in IT service management, with a focus on process design and improvement.
- Strong technical knowledge of ITSM tools, incident, problem, and change management.
- Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Effective communication and interpersonal abilities.
- Detail-oriented with a commitment to accuracy.
- Ability to work collaboratively in a cross-functional team environment.
- Demonstrated project management skills.
Experience required
- 5 years
- Negotiable
Job function
- Product / Brand Management
Job type
- Full-time
Company overview
Thaioil is the first and the largest refinery in Thailand. We was established in 1961 under the vision of âA leading fully integrated refining and petrochemical company in Asia Pacificâ. Now, we are still the largest refinery in the country, and we aim for growing str ...
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- Five-day work week
- Professional development
- Provident fund
- Accident Insurance
- Health Insurance