Assistant Manager-High Value Business (HVB)
atThaioil Energy Services Co., Ltd.Assistant Manager-High Value Business (HVB)
Experience in Industrial and Institution(I&I) cleaning is preferred.
1.Experience on market/commercial development situation of Disinfectant/Preservative + Surfactant and/or specialty chemical product/business
2.Experience / well understand on the process and practice of technical service and/or technical sale engineer
3.Experience and understand process/how of product formulation development; Experience in I&I cleaning is preferred.
4.Experience on the specialty chemical (i.e. D+S product) manufacturing/production
5.Experience market development for Personal care, Industrial and Institution cleaning(I&I) and Paint & coating business
6.Experience as technical sale, sale engineer for Surfactant, Disinfectant, preservative product.
7.Strong experience in cross functional work involving commercial , technical , R&D, strategy as well as business development
8.Understand / experience in financial performance for running the business
Bachelor or higher in Chemical Engineering, Chemical Technology, Petroleum/Petrochemical Technology are preferred, or other Engineering discipline/ Economics.
Possess strong English communication, be extremely logical & Service Mind.
Experience required
- any or no experience
- Negotiable
Job function
- Assistant
- Management
Job type
- Full-time
Company overview
Thaioil is the first and the largest refinery in Thailand. We was established in 1961 under the vision of âA leading fully integrated refining and petrochemical company in Asia Pacificâ. Now, we are still the largest refinery in the country, and we aim for growing stronger and st ...
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- Five-day work week
- Professional development
- Provident fund
- Accident Insurance
- Health Insurance