China Project Content Specialist
atSiam Commercial Bank (SCB)Job Description
- Provide support and implement in building market and project operating plan
- Monitor and edit marketing content including digital marketing and brands strategy
- Provide support China project team to help coordinate, execute and drive project to meet targets and deliverables on time and successfully
- Coordinate with related key Chinese partner, internal and external parties to integrate resources and information for the project with systems or processes and keep a good relationship with all involved parties
- Translate Thai-Chinese-English for various contents
- Keep update current knowledge of online digital marketing trends, eCommerce, technology trend or cross-border trade in China
- Bachelor or Masterâs degree in Economics, Business, Accounting, Finance or related fields
- Minimum 2 yearsâ experience in Digital Marketing
- Advanced business Chinese level (HSK level 6)
- Have knowledge background in Product Corporate Banking will be advantage
Experience required
- 2 years
- Negotiable
Job function
- Product / Brand Management
Job type
- Full-time
Company overview
Siam Commercial Bank is the first bank in Thailand that was informally established in 1904 as "Book Club". According to the Bank of Thailand, it is Thailand's fourth largest commercial bank in terms of total assets, deposits, and loans.
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- Professional development
- Learning & Development Opportunities
- Five-day work week
- Performance bonus