This job has expired
Business Transformation Manager (BPO Industry)
atAccenture (Thailand)Roles and Responsibilities:
- Conduct GBS Diagnostic Studies to determine transformational innovative interventions to transform processes & Operations.
- This position determines the âbest way to run the processâ with Non-Automation/Automation interventions using the Accenture Operations Tech Tool Stacks, RPA, AI/Analytics Tool Suite & Mini-Bot catalogue in order to deliver Value and Benefit to the Clientâs Operations process & organization.
- Foundational Automation High Level and Detailed Assessments for External Clients
- E2E Solution ownership for a set of processes regardless of which technology combination is underlying
- Partner with the Client to understand current state of the process. Lead Client discussion to develop solutions and become a trusted transformation & innovation advisor for clients
- Implement & execute recommendations made off the back of Diagnostic studies for clients to realize the value/benefits estimated
- Conduct High Level and Detailed Assessments and Propose Solutions at various stages in the life-cycle of transforming a process or GBS/SSC organization
- Detailed As-is Process Analysis to gauge Process and Technical Feasibility for transformation/Automation Solutions
- Bring Process Reengineering, RPA, AI/Analytics & Mini-Bot knowledge together to bring digital transformation solutions for process automations to clients
- Ability to break Vast Business Areas into palatable, smaller Process Segments for assessments
- Based on high level process scan/analysis sessions effectively select/eliminate processes for further detailed assessment
- Ability to visualize the transformed/automated process with a Design pattern thinking based on the intervention/automation Tool that is selected or is to be selected
- Understand the commercial impact of a Tool selection
- Holistic solution approach including the detail design plan to adhere to a âhybrid-Agileâ implementation
- Ability to apply the Design pattern thinking, Solution approach (Hybrid-Agile) leading to effective business case predictions
- Identify repetitive manual tasks that have a potential for transformation/re-engineering/Automation
- Propose standardization and re-engineering to optimize Automation potential
- Ability to understand the process performance from a handling time perspective
- Drive Client workshops to understand Scope and Process details
- Conduct High Level Process and Technical Feasibility Assessment
- Propose & define transformation/automation Scope of the process
- Design a high level transformation/optimization/Automated Solution schematic
- Create a Business View transformation/optimization/Automation Solution Design. This involves the detailing of the As Is procedural steps and the design of the To Be process flow when configured for transformation/optimization/automation for the identified & agreed scope
- Assign Solution Complexity for the proposed Scope to be automated for the process
- Understand Operational Metrics of the Process inclusive of Volume, Seasonality, Average Handling Time, etc., to gauge Effort and Benefits
- Define a quantifiable Benefits Case to feed into the Business Case for the client
- Identify and confirm the capacity required to run the to be process/automation in BAU/production through License requirements to meet the process SLAs with factors like incoming volumes, application availability, handling time etc.
- Utilize the reusable Asset library & identify reusable components within each client
- Create a plan (hybrid-agile) to automate the process.
- Post Implementation support for Change Requests â CR Impact analysis, Gauge feasibility, effort, timelines, Complexity, Benefits, etc.,
- Lead & facilitate Sign off from the Client stakeholders on PDD, SDD, Scope and Plan
- Ability to lead & conduct Proof of Concepts wherever required by the Client
- 10 years experience in Business Transformation and Process Improvement
- 3 years experience in team management
- Direct experience in BPO, Contact Center, E-Commerce, Technology will be advantage
- Business Analysis, Requirements Gathering
- Analytics Solutions Design Skills
- Stakeholder Management Skills
- Project Management Skills
- Story Telling or Communication Skills
- Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
- Transformation Skills
- Design Thinking
- Procurement and Finance Skills
- Six Sigma Project Certification (Green or Black belt and LSS Certified)
- RPA Tools Certification (for Design not coding)
Skills required
- Automation
- Project Management
- Procurement
Experience required
- 3 years
Career level
- Senior Level
- Top Level
Skills optional
- Finance
- Negotiable
Job function
- Management
Job type
- Full-time
Company overview
Grab the opportunity to work with a globalised and powerful company. We work with 89 of the Fortune Global 100. As of 2022, we have been recognized among Fortune's World's Most Admired Companies for 20 consecutive years. And that's just the beginning. Our values shape the culture of o ...
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- Provident fund
- English lessons
- Flexible working hours
- Five-day work week
- Life Insurance
- Job training
- Learning & Development Opportunities
- Performance bonus
- Annual bonus
- Employee discount