Senior System Engineer (IOT and Charging and Billing Platform)
atAdvanced Info Service PCL. (AIS)Job Descriptions : IOT System
- Performing IoT service architecture design for IoT/M2M/MEC platforms and IoT/M2M/MEC Application
- Implementing IoT / M2M / MEC platforms and IoT/M2M/MEC Application
- Detail Planning of IoT /M2M / MEC platforms
- Monitoring performance of IoT / M2M / MEC platforms and services
- Performing platform configuration and changes - Performing fault handling and preliminary troubleshooting
- Testing IoT/M2M/MEC services together with MKT and customers - Solving customer complaints & disputes
- Supporting routine activities related to IoT platforms and services âĒ Coordinate internal department and third parties/vendors for execution of projects
Job Descriptions : Charging and Billing System
- Efficiently oversee and monitor the charging and billing systems, covering servers, networks, databases, and applications.
- Swiftly identify and troubleshoot any issues with charging and billing systems, ranging from hardware failures to software bugs, security breaches, or network outages.
- Execute preventive maintenance tasks, backup procedures, and disaster recovery plans to safeguard seamless business operations during emergencies.
- Collaborate with vendors and service providers to procure, install, and update equipment and software to maintain optimal system performance.
- Methodically document and update procedures and work instructions to ensure alignment with industry standards and regulations.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor or masterâs degree in computer and Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Science, IT or in a related field
- 8 - 13 years of experience in the Computer or Telecommunication field
- Good Knowledge on cloud computing & edge computing technology
- Good understanding on infrastructure technic that related of TCP/IP, Switch, Router, Firewall, LBS , and DNS
- Good understanding technic that related of IoT/M2M/MEC Network Protocols â HTTP, HTTPS, Restful , MQTT , COAP , JSON objects , API , SNMP
- Operating System knowledge : Linux-Redhat, CenOS , Windows Server
- Database knowledge â Mongo DB, NoSQL DB, SQL, PostgreSQL
- Good understanding of Docker and Kubernetes operations
Experience required
- 8 years
Career level
- Senior Level
- Negotiable
Job function
- Engineering
Job type
- Full-time
Company overview
Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited (AIS) is the 5G Digital Service Provider with the most spectra to provide service, totalling 1420MHz . The company has the most subscribers in Thailand, counting over 45.7 million in September 2022. AIS is ready to power Thailand with 5G technology whi ...
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- Dental Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Transport Allowance
- Travel Allowance