Account Executive
atAct Media (Thailand) Co., Ltd.Roles & Responsibilities:
- Provide an attractive Sales presentation in a range of prospective clients.
- Prepare all relevant reports to territory account clients.
- Project and analyze individual sales on a weekly, monthly, quarter and yearly basis which be able to aim and reflect directly to sales target and ensure to meet or exceed target.
- Involve determine pricing package, promotions and negotiations process which based on the prospective clients.
- Plan, and regular visit all Key accounts in order to maintain a good relationship with territory account clients as well as seek out and create new relationship with potential clients consistently.
- Clarify all client issues to be resolved all relevant parties/concerns both internal and external.
- Ensure all programs / services are smoothly operated both routine and ad hoc activities.
- Be company representative as a contact point of client to ensure that all complaints and issues are solved within time constrain.
- Address all client issues/problems to ensure the best/professional services.
- Handle all related campaign measurement report as effectively control as well as accurate delivered within timeline and on the timely manner.
- Ensure effective communications through a group meeting and across the organization both internal and external.
Qualifications :
- Bachelorâs degree or higher in marketing or business-related field.
- 2-7 years of experience in Sales or Key Account Management. Experience in Media/FMCG/Retail industry will be an advantage.
- Accountability and high ownership.
- Strong analytical skills.
- Adaptability, willing to work in fast pace and flexible schedule.Good and presentation skills.
- Strong interpersonal and communication skill in order to cooperate to team and all related functions work effectively with others.
- Process good planning skills to accomplish tasks and collaborate with others.
- High competencies in selling techniques, analytical thinking, conceptual thinking and information seeking.
- Self - motivated, energetic, and able to work under pressure.
- Work well under pressure.
- Knowledge of basic data analytics.
- High level proficiency in MS Office (Advance MS Excel/Power point) BI, Social App.
- Good proficiency in written and spoken English
Skills required
- Energetic
- Fast Learner
- High Responsibilities
- Work Well Under Pressure
- Multitasking
- English (Good)
Education required
- Marketing
- Business Administration
- Communication Arts
- Economics
- Engineering
Experience required
- 3 years
Career level
- Entry Level
Only Thai nationals can apply
Skills optional
- Analytical Thinking
- Service-Minded
- Teamwork
- Problem Solving
- Good Communication Skills
- 25,000+ THB, Negotiable
Job function
- Sales
- Marketing / Advertising
- Product / Brand Management
Job type
- Full-time
Company overview
ActMedia was founded in 1993 with a clear mission to provide communication and branding solutions to retail stores. As a major division of Omni Marketing Global, ActMedia plays a pivotal role in spearheading the in-store media and marketing needs of our clients. We focus on communicating your bra ...
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- Five-day work week
- Social Security
- Health Insurance
- Annual bonus
- Performance bonus
- Job training
- Phone Allowance
- Transport Allowance
- Provident fund
- Professional development
- Learning & Development Opportunities