Sales and Commercial Manager / Assistant Manager | JOEM
atBosch Automotive (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Company Description
The Bosch group is a global player in the technology and service sector: we achieve annual sales of around 78 billion euros â with a total of over 402,000 associates worldwide. Where we are active: in the four business sectors Mobility Solutions, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods and Energy and Building Technology. How we operate: with around 440 subsidiaries and regional companies in approximately 60 countries. What drives us: developing solutions for connected living to improve the quality of life for people all over the world â with innovative and exciting products and services. What you can expect from Bosch: the opportunity to be part of something big, and together with us to actively shape the future. As part of a team that sets new trends with meaningful products.
A BOI promoted Thai-Japan-German JV in major manufacture of automotive part with Worldwide export. Our located in Amata City, Rayong Province (40 min from Pattaya, 90 mins from Bangkok), is a growing plant with about 1,000 employees. Currently products for the divisions Chassis Control, Powertrain Solutions, Diesel Systems and Electrical Drives are produced there. Also pass-through business is handled for several divisions.
Job Description
Sales and Commercial Manager / Assistant Manager | JOEM (Commercial and Acquisition Sales; Global) is responsible for acquiring new business awards by leading acquisitions within the cross functional customer team and dealing with all commercial related topics with customers.
Commercial part: Responsible for the commercial aspects of a product/component within the cross functional customer team.
- Negotiate customer contracts.
- Maintain good customer relationship.
- Monitor/track negotiation of project specific.
- Price management: Globally prepare or lead negotiation considering volume effects, management of contract updates based on additional customer requirements.
- Customer price checking for 4-eye-principle.
- Preparation of customer quote letter according to customer-template.
- Confirmation of purchase order according to customer-specific standards or project specific contracts.
- Responsible for Sample planning and Sample price management, aligned with team member.
- PLCM (Product Life-cycle management): Assures on time (by end of series) cancellation of part numbers, quality of PLC-data and handover to After Market.
- Business planning: Responsible for planned sales volume planning,Price planning, Special revenue planning and Risk planning (Quick savings).
Acquisition part: Responsible for / leading acquisitions within the cross functional customer team.
- Define acquisition & pricing strategy for specific OEM sourcing.
- Lead the cross functional acquisition team.
- Lead acquisition specific pre-selling activities alight with customer team.
- Select, define & apply acquisition tools (battle plan e.g. job stopper, war gaming, specific acquisition man-mapping).
- Initiate Sales Price analysis for respective product/component.
- Define, align and implement pricing strategies.
- Check quotation specific term and conditions. (e.g., customizing sales business frames).
- Manage acquisition negotiations and closure withing released âbottom lineâ (product price, application costs, tooling, logistics, samples etc.)
- Prepare and release customer quotation letter, complaint with Bosch standard.
- Assure involvement and prepare proper project handover with Customer Project Manager and Commercial Manager, incl, documentation.
- Prepare lessons learned after each acquisition, incl. won/lost analysis.
- Identify acquisition specific customer trends and requirement, market activities and competitor information.
- Good command of English language both written and spoken, use English as working language.
- Can Speak Japanese Language with have certificate (JLPT N1 or N2) Level.
- Above 3 years experience in team management, team member >= 3 subordination.
- At least 6 year sales experience in automotive industry.
- At least 4 years working experience in international company.
- 3 year experienced in Project management.
- Good knowledge of automotive industry.
- Global sales experience.
- Good sales basic skill, incl. communication, negotiation, presentation, marketing, etc.
- Good sense of customer orientation and services to others.
- Familiar with target customer process & mapping.
- Knowledge of acquisition and project management processes and tools.
- Excellent interpersonal skills, Good Personality, Willing mindset, Professional working with a good attitude.
- Familiar with automotive product development process like APQP and PPAP and quality standard like QS9000, TS16949.
- Be willing of traveling frequent and working under high pressure.
Education Background: Bachelor, Major in engineering area, prefer in Automotive related major.
- Be familiar with Microsoft office: PPT, EXCEL, OUTLOOK.
5 working days, housing allowance, health & life insurance, uniform, provident fund and home loan with Government Housing Bank.
Skills required
- Contracts
- Negotiation
- Sales
- English (Good)
- Japanese (Fair)
Experience required
- 3 years
Skills optional
- Product Development
- Microsoft Office
- Excel
- Negotiable
Job function
- Sales
- Assistant
- Management
Job type
- Full-time
Company overview
A BOI promoted Thai-Japan-German JV in major manufacture of automotive part with worldwide export. One of Robert Bosch group of company, in which 250,000 people working in worldwide. The history of Bosch in Thailand dates back to 1923 when the first Bosch product was introduced to the Thai market ...
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