- Architect and build native Android applications.
- Provide solution architecture for Android applications, in cooperation with other team members such as architects.
- Responsible for the performance and quality of Android applications.
- Helping the team resolve difficult engineering problems and answer technical questions.
- Review the decisions the team makes to ensure consistency and alignment with the current development process in the team.
- Reviewing the quality of the work done by the team and making sure potential deviations are addressed and improved for the next project.
- Knowing team members' strengths and weaknesses.
- Mentor and provide technical guidance to other members of the team.
- Take the lead in technical job interviews and help to grow the team.
- Bridge communication between your team and other teams, such as the design team.
- Keep up to date on related technology and libraries.
- Help defines the development process and best practice tools for the team in tight collaboration with the Head of Mobile.
- Have a high focus on productization and standardization to make sure the team constantly can be more effective in their daily development work.
- Focus on reusable components to expedite the delivery process.
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Seven Peaks is a digital transformation driver focused on solving the modern business challenges of its clients, helping them survive and grow, through high-impact digital solutions that are made viable with robust strategies, desirable, through engaging user-centric design, and feasible, via techni ... āļāđāļēāļāļāđāļ
āļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāđāļĢāļē: Work at an international software company in central Bangkok with flexible working hours and easy going atmosphere. Our team consists of 25+ nationalities, and close to 250+ people! At Seven Peaks you will have a chance to work with both local Thai enterprise clients and foreign customers on bui ... āļāđāļēāļāļāđāļ
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