Client Advisor Prada Central Chidlom
āļāļĩāđāļāļĢāļēāļāđāļēFounded in 1913 in Italy, the Prada Group was built on a tradition of excellence and with a vision of innovation. Our Iconic Brands include PRADA, Miu Miu, Churchâs, Car Shoe and Pasticceria Marchesi and we are currently operating in more than 45 Countries, embracing employees of more than 100 nationalities.
Joining our Company means working in a creative and international environment, with teams of people motivated by curiosity and the quest for excellence. The engine of our success is the importance and value that we place on the talent and passion of our people leading to their own professional growth.
To be the âambassadorâ who conveys the Brandâs philosophy and values. As such, to be responsible to maximize the sales performance by fostering the relationship with the customers and developing their Brand loyalty, providing a unique experience in our store and guiding the client into our world.
- Welcome and serve the customer providing an excellent in-store experience at all times.
- Maintain and develop client relationships through an individual approach, leveraging also on CRM and digital tools.
- Be proactively engaged in cross selling with all Departments and maximizes sales opportunity in order to achieve individual sales target and KPIs.
- Ensure to be up-to-date knowing fashion trends and competitors.
- Prove Brand and product knowledge.
- Deal effectively with customer complaints by liaising with the line manager when necessary.
- Ensure and maintain the shop floor and visual display high standard, complying with Company operational guidelines and stock procedures.
- Contribute to ensure a high level of security and is attentive to prevent product thefts.
Passion for human relations and sales
Problem solving, curiosity and interest in luxury/fashion, art and design
Experience of building a long-lasting relationship with clients
Being able to work in team as well as alone
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Passion and knowledge of the managed product category
Good communication in English. Mandarin is an advantage
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The PRADA Group is one of the world leaders in the luxury goods sector where it operates with the Prada, Miu Miu, Churchâs and Car Shoe brands in the design, production and distribution of luxury handbags, leather goods, footwear, apparel and accessories. The Group also operates, under licensing agr ... āļāđāļēāļāļāđāļ
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