Head of Talent Acquisition
āļāļĩāđāļĨāļāļĢāļĩāļāļąāļĨ (āļāļĢāļ°āđāļāļĻāđāļāļĒ) āļāļģāļāļąāļAt L'OrÃĐal, there is never a dull day, the beauty lies in the freedom to go beyond with our empowering entrepreneurial culture. We take pride in developing young talents who have the passion and ambition to make an impact in the beauty industry.
Join us on our mission to: Create the beauty that moves the world.
Being part of L'Oreal, "Talent" is the core of our business. L'Oreal group's success is built upon the collaboration of brilliant minds.
You Will
- Strategy and Leadership: Develop and execute the strategy for the recruitment and integration of new employees according to priority areas in the development of L'OrÃĐal's business.
- Anticipate the professional and profiling needs of organizations in consultation with managers, and with management committees in particular
- Team Management: Lead, manage and motivate a team, fostering a collaborative and high-performing environment. Set clear goals, provide regular feedback, and conduct performance evaluations
- Full Cycle Recruitment: Oversee the entire recruitment life cycle, from requisition until onboarding, ensuring a seamless and positive candidate experience
- Sourcing & Pipeline Development: Implement proactive sourcing strategies to identify and attract passive candidates, building a robust talent pipeline across key skill areas
- Employer Branding: Develop and implement employer branding strategies to enhance L'Oreal's reputation as an employer of choice
- Stakeholder Management: Build strong relationships with hiring managers and HR Business Partners, understanding their talent needs and providing consultative support
- Metrics & Reporting: Track and analyze key recruitment metrics, providing regular reports on recruitment performance and identifying areas of improvement
- Compliance & Best Practices: Ensure compliance with all relevant employment laws and regulations. Stay abreast of industry best practices and trends in talent acquisition
- Budget Management: Manage the talent acquisition budget effectively and efficiently
- At least 8 years of experience in Talent Acquisition or recruitment with at least 4 yrs in a leadership or managerial level
- Ability to analyze HR metrics and develop the recruitment strategies
- Strong problem solving skills and develop creative solution
- Driven to achieve results and meet challenging goals
- Ability to adapt to changing business needs and priorities
- Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to build effective relationships with stakeholders at all levels
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills both Thai and English
We will support you through a tailor-made learning & development journey where you will receive constant career advice to empower you to navigate through and reach the Senior Leadership role of your dreams. Progressive leadership track - opportunities for growth & development.
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āļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāđāļĢāļē: Want to lead the future of Beauty? If youâre an impact seeking inventor, a driver of disruption, join us to lead Beauty innovation to the next level.
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