E- Dermatological Advisor (Livestream)
āļāļĩāđāļĨāļāļĢāļĩāļāļąāļĨ (āļāļĢāļ°āđāļāļĻāđāļāļĒ) āļāļģāļāļąāļAt L'OrÃĐal, there is never a dull day, the beauty lies in the freedom to go beyond with our empowering entrepreneurial culture. We take pride in developing young talents who have the passion and ambition to make an impact in the beauty industry. Join us on our mission to: Create the beauty that moves the world. Being part of L'Oreal, "Talent" is the core of our business. L'Oreal group's success is built upon the collaboration of brilliant minds.
You Will
- Develop and host daily engaging and interactive TikTok live streams. This includes planning themes, topics, and calls to action that drives to awareness and conversion for each live stream.
- Build daily high-quality, original short-form video contents optimized for the TikTok platform.
- Stay ahead of the curve on contents challenges and features to incorporate into your contents.
- Interact with our audience in real-time during live streams, responding to comments and questions authentically.
- Collaborate with the marketing team to brainstorm and develop content ideas that align with overall brand strategy and commercial campaigns.
- Track and analyze content's engagement and sale performance using analytical dashboard, identifying areas for improvement and growth.
- Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Marketing, Communication Arts or related field.
- Proven working experience as live streamer and short-form video content creator.
- Knowledge of Tiktok platform to have insightful understanding on key success factors that can create effective contents resonate with the community.
- Exceptional on-camera presence with excellent communication and storytelling skills.
- Creativity with proven successful track record of developing highly engaging Tiktok contents.
We will support you through a tailor-made learning & development journey where you will receive constant career advice to empower you to navigate through and reach the Senior Leadership role of your dreams. Progressive leadership track - opportunities for growth & development.
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āļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāđāļĢāļē: Want to lead the future of Beauty? If youâre an impact seeking inventor, a driver of disruption, join us to lead Beauty innovation to the next level.
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