Hostess @ Blue by Alain Ducasse [ICONSIAM]
āļāļĩāđāļŠāļĒāļēāļĄāļāļīāļ§āļĢāļĢāļāļāđ āļāļģāļāļąāļBase Salary + On duty Allowance 100āļŋ / day + Service Charge
As a Hostess at Blue by Alain Ducasse, you will be required to manage the reservations systems in conjunction with the restaurant general manager and restaurant manager. You will handle and process all reservation enquiries, taking advantage of every sales opportunity to maximize restaurant sales
- To ensure all teams have up to date information prior to each service
- To answer the telephones promptly, courteously and following the relevant judging standards
- To handle and accurately process all reservation enquiries ensuring that the maximum possible rate/sale is achieved, in conjunction with restaurant director
- To pass all special guest requirements to the relevant department required to act upon them
- To accurately take and process all cancellations and amendments
- To accurately enter into the reservations system details of the reservation, including correcting guest profiles and to research guests prior to their arrival
- To accurately file all correspondence relating to reservations processed
- To welcome guests with warmth and courtesy according to required standards
- To assist guests with their belonging and ensure that they are returned without delay
- To observe and to anticipate guestâs needs
- Glean personal and relevant information relating to VIP guests
- To support the management ensuring a smooth, pleasant and efficient service
- To use up selling techniques to exceed guest expectations and increase revenue
- To ensure that the manager is kept informed of all guest comments and complaints
- To create personalised menu
- To assist with the service when required in the lounge and restaurant â offering a knowledgeable and friendly service.
- To revise floor plan and check floor is set correctly
- To use the booking sheet to check name, and refer to guests appropriately
- To set up and to maintain a nice working area
- To follow opening / closing duties to required standards
- Other duties as assigned by superiors
- Full working rights for Thailand only
- Previous experience in similar role 2 â 3 years
- F&B background
- Customer care skills
- Attention to detail
- Ability to work under pressure Autonomy & initiative
- Ability to handle a complex and multi-faceted role
- Excellent level of English
- Motivational skills
Interested person may send your resume to [email protected]
or contact to
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āļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāđāļĢāļē: Siam Piwat is also determined to âbe the firstâ in the business to develop national-scale projects with creativity, innovation, and top quality management. We want to give back to the community by providing opportunities for a better quality of life in the Thai society.
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