Cloud IT Infrastructure Engineer
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Design and deliver new corporate-wide System and Cloud IT Infrastructure, this position setup, design and maintain of both preventive and corrective to ensure business continuity. Support and maintain Data Governance system to drive FWD into Next-in-Class in the insurance industry.
Key responsibilities:
- Design, operate and maintain IT system and Infrastructure on both private cloud and public cloud in accordance with FWD standards and policies.
- Work with project owner and stakeholders to support an application hosted at on-premise data centers and public cloud providers.
- Consult with project owner and stakeholders on deployment design, implementation, monitoring and optimization within cloud platforms.
- Take a hands-on role in automating infrastructure migration to cloud environments.
- Develop scripts to automate standard activities (ie. PowerShell , Python)
- Develop, document, make recommendations, and communicate plans for investing in IT cloud infrastructure, including analysis of cost reduction opportunities
- Anticipate, mitigate, identify, respond to, and resolve problems affecting cloud systems performance, efficiency, and availability.
- Complete all vulnerability fixing are on time and align with group policy.
- Bachelorâs Degree in Computer Science or IT related fields.
- Prefer Certified Microsoft, Azure, AWS or equivalent IT industry certificate
- Minimum 3-5 years of experience in IT Infrastructure and Cloud Infrastructure
- Excellence communication both Thai and English
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āļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāđāļĢāļē: At FWD Thailand - weâre proactive, open, committed, caring and innovative. We also provide a caring environment for all the members of the staff and believes that everyone is equally important in driving the companyâs success. Over the years, âCelebrate livingâ has always ...
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