Sr. Technical Sales Representative (Cosmetic Ingredients)
āļāļĩāđāđāļāļāļĢāđāļĨāļĩāđ āļĒāļļāļāđāļāļāļĢāđ āļāļģāļāļąāļ (āļĄāļŦāļēāļāļ) (āļāļĩāđāļāļāļĩ)Responsibilities
- Responsible for sales in Cosmetic Ingredients division.
- Plan and arrange the customer visit report as well as to present new productâs information to customer
- Ensure fulfillment of sales and other objectives by means of implementation
- Achieve target set out increase market share & sales, through acquisition and retention of customers
- Build product propositions with existing customers and identify new business opportunities
- Provide technical advisory to customer and be able to solve basic technical problems
- Explore opportunity and get voice of market/customer for new product development
- Establish and continuously improve product & market knowledge, so as to be more efficient
- Propose improvement of and/or within internal & external processes to Product Manager as to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the organization
- Bachelorâs Degree in Chemistry, Cosmetic Science is preferable or any related field
- Having experience in selling Cosmetic & Personal care Ingredients would be an advantage
- Good technical, Sales, Marketing and Negotiation skills
- Team player, fast learner and result oriented
- Able to work under pressure
- Decision making & problem solving skills
- Can do attitude, Service mind, Good interpersonal skill, & Idea initiatives
Berli Jucker Public Co., Ltd.
Phrakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
Visit us at :
LinkedIn: Berli Jucker Public Company Limited (BJC)
Facebook Fan Page: BJC Careers
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