Medical Representative Intern
āļāļĩāđāļĨāļāļĢāļĩāļāļąāļĨ (āļāļĢāļ°āđāļāļĻāđāļāļĒ) āļāļģāļāļąāļAt L'OrÃĐal, there is never a dull day, the beauty lies in the freedom to go beyond with our empowering entrepreneurial culture. We take pride in developing young talents who have the passion and ambition to make an impact in the beauty industry. We currently offer a wide range of career opportunities for undergraduates and fresh graduates across the region.
Join us on our mission to: Create the beauty that moves the world.
Being part of L'Oreal, "Talent" is the core of our business. L'Oreal group's success is built upon the collaboration of brilliant minds.
You Will
- Implement Medical Visit Strategy: Visits targeted doctors in the sector and presents the brand's products. Added value by emphasizing the technical and scientific characteristics of the products and services.
- Follow the Medical Communication Plan by doctor specialty: Uses all available digital and physical communication channels and communication material to increase message frequency and enhance customization.
- Get to know the environment, the pathologies, the products, and the useful communication techniques for promoting the products and services.
- Basic science: Skin pathology/ Dermocosmetics/ Product information and scientific study.
- Basic skill: Doctor Centricity Approach & Doctor Adoption/ Detailing skill/ Product presentation skill and practice.
- Tools: HCP CRM Tools (VEEVA)/ Omnichannel Communication Material/ Territory planning and analysis.
- Month 1: Learning basic science, basic skill, and tools in classroom and in field by shadowing Medical Representatives.
- Month 2: Use the communication techniques during the Medical Detailing, Product Presentation, and gets to know the environment.
- Month 3: Special project- Support product listing/ Doctor survey/ Key learning summary and presentation.
- 6th Year undergraduate student in Pharmaceutical Science
- Minimum of 2 clerkships required (3 months) to join this internship program
- Self-driven and good team playing with a can-do attitude
- Good analytical and negotiating skills
- Intermediate level of English proficiency
We will support you through a tailor-made learning & development journey where you will receive constant career advice to empower you to navigate through and reach the Senior Leadership role of your dreams. Progressive leadership track - opportunities for growth & development.
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āļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāđāļĢāļē: Want to lead the future of Beauty? If youâre an impact seeking inventor, a driver of disruption, join us to lead Beauty innovation to the next level.
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