- No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
7 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Research, Quality Assurance, Assurance, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- You will provide end-to-end advisory and overlay point-of-views and industry insights onto the research and analyses provided by the project teams, and seek to formulate innovative technology-enabled solutions to address our clients business needs.
- You will manage the assessment and business requirements gathering processes, review appropriateness of functional specifications against the problem statements/business requirements, and support solutions prototyping and architecture re-design by applying industry insights and know-hows.
- You will engage our clients in discussions, presentations and workshops to validate technology-enabled solutions provided by the project teams, as well as perform walk-through of work products and deliverables with the clients.
- You will develop trusted relationships with your clients and gain recognition in the marketplace for technical and advisory capabilities across the spectrum.
- You will provide quality assurance and ensure timely delivery of work products developed by the project teams.
- You will actively coach project teams during the execution of projects and support senior team members in maintaining operational excellence at all times.
- You will meet clients on a regular basis to define problem statements, analyse key priorities/issues, and work with senior team members to develop responses to client enquiries, formulate proposals and produce point-of-view publications.
- If you are someone with:A good honors Degree, preferably at postgraduate level, in Information Technology, Business Information Systems, Business, Engineering, Mathematics or related disciplines.
- Require a minimum of 7 years of experience in IT management consulting and in IT Implementation.
- Involved in overall SDLC - requirement gathering, design, test, deploy/release, data migration, project management.
- Preferably has led the project (as a Project Manager) and managed project resource and financials.
- Has experience related to Cloud Implementation (incl. Cloud Business Case, Cloud Design, Cloud Architecture, Cloud Operating Mode, Cloud Migration) using AWS, GCP, Azure / Cloud Certified Architect (AWS, GCP, Azure) is a bonus.
- Strong analytical skills, excellent oral and written communication skills in English, be self-motivated, and be able to work in stressful situations with changing priorities.
- Proven demonstration of sound business acumen, teamwork and leadership qualities.
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a pre-requisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignment.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website.Requisition ID: 104922In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
10 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Market Research, Procurement, Budgeting, Management, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Manage fully F&B operations of Courtyard Group e.g. OKONOMI, 72 Courtyard (Beam-X, Beer Belly).
- Develop and implement operational strategies that align with business goals.
- Manage budgets, forecasts, and financial performance metrics to maximize profitability.
- Proficiency in doing market research, generating demographic insights, and creating accurate and timely estimates for various projects and brands.
- Manage pre-openings, launch new brands, oversee all facets of operation for already-existing brands, and monitor performance and reports.
- Oversee all aspects of food and beverage operations, including procurement, production, quality control, and service delivery.
- Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations, industry standards, and company policies.
- Analyze operational costs and implement strategies to reduce waste and improve efficiency.
- Collaborate with senior management to establish long-term plans for growth and development.
- Build and maintain relationships with suppliers and vendors to ensure quality ingredients and services.
- Develop and implement initiatives to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
- Monitor feedback and performance metrics to drive continuous improvement.
- Prepare regular reports on operational performance, trends, and areas for improvement.
- Utilize data analytics to inform decision-making and operational strategies.
- Assure timely completion of construction milestones.
- Capable of working with a sizable team on a variety of brands, sectors, and job roles.
- Knowledge of supply chain management and vendor negotiations.
- Customer-focused mindset with a commitment to service excellence.
- The ideal candidate should possess the following background.
- Required 10+ years of experience in operations management within the food and beverage industry.
- Strong understanding of food safety standards, regulations, and quality control processes.
- Proven track record of managing budgets and driving profitability.
- Excellent in Thai & English communication and interpersonal skills.
- Ability to analyze data and implement process improvements.
- Strong leadership, organizational and multitasking abilities.
- Proficient in financial management and reporting software.
Analytical Thinking, Fast Learner, Good Communication Skills, High Responsibilities, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
āļŋ20,000 - āļŋ25,000
- Coordinate with Online Travel Agents (OTAs) such as Agoda Booking Traveloka etc.
- Maintains working calendar of all promotions / events and notifies team of upcoming promotions/ events that need to be created or updated.
- Maintain relationship with customer(Hotel) and OTAs Participates on weekly prepare report and monthly report for customer.
- Creating content on social media.
- Performs other related duties as assigned.
- Monitor performance, evaluate, initiate optimized mechanics or new ideas.
- Working day: Mon-Fri.
- Bachelor degree in Hotel and Tourism Management, Marketing or related fields.
- Age from 21 to 30 years.
- Fresh graduated are welcome.
- Basic English communication skills.
- Prior experience in Hotel industry or OTAs will be an advantage.
- Strong presentation and communication skills.
5 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Data Analysis, Business Development, Project Management, Marketing Strategy
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Project Development & Execution:āļĢāļąāļāļāļīāļāļāļāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢ Project āļāļĨāļĒāļļāļāļāđāļāļĩāđāđāļāđāļĢāļąāļ āļĄāļāļāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒ āđāļāļĒāđāļĢāļīāđāļĄāļāļąāđāļāđāļāđ āļāļēāļĢāļ§āļēāļāđāļāļāđāļāļĢāļāļāļēāļĢ āđāļĨāļ°āļāļĢāļąāļāļĒāļēāļāļĢāļāļĩāđāļāđāļāļāđāļāđ, āļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļēāļ āļāļēāļāļāļđāđāļāļĩāđāđāļāļĩāđāļĒāļ§āļāđāļāļāđāļĨāļ°āļāļģāļŦāļāļāļāļąāļ§āļāļĩāđāļ§āļąāļāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļŠāļģāđāļĢāđāļāļāļāļāđāļāļĢāļāļāļēāļĢ, āđāļĨāļ°āđāļāđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļāļīāļāļąāļāļīāļāļĢāļīāļāđāļāļ·āđāļāđāļŦāđāļāļĢāļĢāļĨāļļāļāļĨāļĨāļąāļāļāđ.
- Data Analysis & Action Plans Suggestion:āļ§āļīāđāļāļĢāļēāļ°āļŦāđāļāđāļāļĄāļđāļĨāļāļĩāđāđāļāđāļāļēāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāđāļāļīāļāļāļēāļāđāļĨāļ°āļŠāļĢāļļāļāļāļĨ āļĢāļ§āļĄāļāļķāļāļāļģāđāļŠāļāļāļāđāļāđāļāļ°āļāļģāđāļāļ·āđāļāļāļąāļāļāļēāđāļāļĢāļāļāļēāļĢāļĄāļĩāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļīāļāļāļīāļ āļēāļāļĄāļēāļāļĒāļīāđāļāļāļķāđāļ.
- Market and Competitor Analysis:āļāļīāļāļāļēāļĄāđāļāļ§āđāļāđāļĄāļāļāļāļāļļāļĢāļāļīāļāđāļĨāļ°āļāļđāđāđāļāđāļ āđāļāđāļ āđāļāļĢāļāļāđāļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļīāđāļ āļāļāļāļāļŠāļīāļāļāđāļē, āļāļēāļĢāļāļāļāļāļĨāļīāļāļ āļąāļāļāđāđāļŦāļĄāđāļāļāļāļāļđāđāđāļāđāļāđāļĨāļ°āļŠāļĢāļļāļāļāļĨāđāļāļ·āđāļāļāļģāđāļŠāļāļ..
- āđāļāļĻāļāļēāļĒ/āļŦāļāļīāļ āļāļēāļĒāļļ 30-40 āļāļĩ.
- āļāļĢāļīāļāļāļēāļāļĢāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ.
- āļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļāļāļēāļĢāļāđāđāļĄāđāļāđāļģāļāļ§āđāļē 5 āļāļĩ āđāļāļŠāļēāļĒāļāļēāļāļāļēāļĒ āļŦāļĢāļ·āļ Trade Marketing āļāđāļāļāļāļēāļ Traditional Trade.
- āļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāļāļāļīāļāļąāļāļīāļāļēāļāđāļāļāļ·āđāļāļāļĩāđāļĢāđāļēāļāļāđāļēāļāļĨāļĩāļ-āļāđāļēāļŠāđāļ.
- āļāļąāļāļĢāļāđāļāđ, āļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāļāļģāļāļēāļāļāđāļēāļāļāļąāļāļŦāļ§āļąāļāđāļāđāļāļāļĢāļąāđāļāļāļĢāļēāļ§āđāļāđ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļĄāļļāđāļāļĄāļąāđāļāđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļāļīāļāļąāļāļīāđāļāļ·āđāļāđāļŦāđāļāļĢāļĢāļĨāļļāđāļāđāļēāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒ (Result-driven).
- āļĄāļĩāļāļ§āļēāļĄāđāļāđāļāļāļđāđāļāļģāđāļĨāļ°āļāļąāļāļĐāļ°āđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļŠāļīāļāđāļ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļąāļāļĐāļ°āđāļāļāļēāļĢāļ§āļīāđāļāļĢāļēāļ°āļŦāđāļāđāļāļĄāļđāļĨ, āļŠāļĢāļļāļāļāļĨāđāļāļĢāļđāļāđāļāļ āļāļĩāđāđāļāđāļēāđāļāđāļāđāļāđāļēāļĒāđāļĨāļ°āļāļąāļāđāļāļāđāļĨāļ°āļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāļŠāļĢāļļāļāļāļģāđāļāļ°āļāļģāļŠāļģāļŦāļĢāļąāļāļāļļāļĢāļāļīāļāđāļāđ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļ§āļēāļĄāđāļāđāļāļāļđāđāļāļģāļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāļāļģāļāļĩāļĄāđāļŦāđāļāļāļīāļāļąāļāļīāļāļēāļāļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļąāļāđāļŦāđāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļŠāļģāđāļĢāđāļ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļĒāļ·āļāļŦāļĒāļļāđāļāđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļāļāļĩāđāļŦāļĨāļēāļāļŦāļĨāļēāļĒ.
8 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Data Analysis, SQL, Financial Modeling
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Lead your own team of analysts/managers on selected projects/requests from the top management.
- Help shape and drive internal performance analysis (trends, scenarios) relevant to corporate goal setting.
- Conduct industry, and competitor data analysis to support the definition of priorities and key issues.
- Develop draft business strategies and share with corporate strategy function.
- Support the creation of high-quality materials for senior stakeholders for both internal and external audiences.
- Help organize Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) and other select team ceremonies (e.g., all hands, townhalls).
- Track Objective and Key Results (OKRs) and conduct deep-dives on strategic topics as required.
- Coach analysts/manager to draft SQL queries to gather data from multiple databases within Agoda/ work with the analytics team to gather the required information for the analysis.
- Experience working in a similar role, ideally in a technology or travel focused company.
- Degree in BS or BA required.
- 6-8 years of Consulting experience is a strong plus.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Strong financial modeling skills.
- Ability to think strategically, learn fast and understand new business dynamics.
- Ability and willingness to drive projects independently, working efficiently to deliver results rapidly and engaging the relevant stakeholders throughout the process.
- Excellent ability to manage and influence senior stakeholders.
- Knowledge of SQL / Tableau or willingness to invest time to learn.
- This role will be based in Bangkok, Thailand. Relocation package will be provided.
- Equal Opportunity Employer.
- At Agoda, we pride ourselves on being a company represented by people of all different backgrounds and orientations. We prioritize attracting diverse talent and cultivating an inclusive environment that encourages collaboration and innovation. Employment at Agoda is based solely on a person's merit and qualifications. We are committed to providing equal employment opportunity regardless of sex, age, race, color, national origin, religion, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, citizenship, veteran or military status, and other legally protected characteristics.
- We will keep your application on file so that we can consider you for future vacancies and you can always ask to have your details removed from the file. For more details please read our privacy policy.
- To all recruitment agencies: Agoda does not accept third party resumes. Please do not send resumes to our jobs alias, Agoda employees or any other organization location. Agoda is not responsible for any fees related to unsolicited resumes.
2 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Management, Business Statistics / Analysis, Business Development
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- āļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāđāļāļĢāđāļāļāļāđāļĨāļđāļāļāđāļēāđāļĨāļ°āđāļāļĢāđāļāļāļāđāļāļāļāđāļāļĢāđāļāļĢāļđāļāđāļāļāļ§āļīāļāļĩāđāļ āļāļĩāđāļ§āļāļāđ āđāļĨāļ°āļāļ·āđāļāđ āļ āļēāļĒāđāļāđāđāļāļāļĢāđāļ§āļīāļŠāđāļĨāļ°āđāļāļĢāļāļąāļāļāđāļāļāļ THE STANDARD.
- āļāļģāļŦāļāļāļāļēāļĢāļēāļāđāļĨāļ°āļĢāļ°āļĒāļ°āđāļ§āļĨāļēāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļāļ āļēāļāđāļŦāļāđāļāļāļāđāļāļĢāđāļāļāļāđāļāļāļāđāļāļĢāđāļĨāļ°āļĨāļđāļāļāđāļē.
- āļĄāļāļāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒāļāļēāļāđāļŦāđāļāļąāļāļŠāļĄāļēāļāļīāļāļŦāļĢāļ·āļāļāļļāļāļāļĨāļāļĩāđāđāļāļĩāđāļĒāļ§āļāđāļāļāļāļąāļāđāļāļĢāđāļāļāļāđāļāļąāđāļāđ āļāļ§āļāļāļļāļĄāļāļđāđāļĨāđāļĨāļ°āļāļģāļāļ§āļĒāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļŠāļ°āļāļ§āļāđāļāļ·āđāļāđāļŦāđāļāļĢāļ°āļāļ§āļāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļāļŠāļģāđāļĢāđāļāļāļēāļĄāļĢāļ°āļĒāļ°āđāļ§āļĨāļēāļāļĩāđāļāļģāļŦāļāļ.
- āļāļīāļāļāđāļāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļēāļāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāļāļļāļāļāļĨāļāļĩāđāđāļāļĩāđāļĒāļ§āļāđāļāļāļāļąāļāđāļāļĢāđāļāļāļāđāļāļąāđāļāļ āļēāļĒāđāļāđāļĨāļ°āļ āļēāļĒāļāļāļāļāļāļāđāļāļĢ āđāļāļ·āđāļāļāļđāđāļĨāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļāđāļŦāđāļĄāļĩāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļīāļāļāļīāļ āļēāļ.
- āļāļ§āļāļāļļāļĄāļāđāļēāđāļāđāļāđāļēāļĒāđāļŦāđāļāļĒāļđāđāļ āļēāļĒāđāļāļāļāļāļĢāļ°āļĄāļēāļāļāļāļāđāļāļĢāđāļāļāļāđ.
- āļāļēāļĒāļļ 25 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ.
- āļāļĢāļīāļāļāļēāļāļĢāļĩ āļŠāļēāļāļēāļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāļāļļāļĢāļāļīāļ āļŦāļĢāļ·āļāļŠāļēāļāļēāļāļ·āđāļāđ āļāļĩāđāđāļāļĩāđāļĒāļ§āļāđāļāļ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļāļāļēāļĢāļāđāļāđāļēāļāļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāļāļļāļĢāļāļīāļ āļāļąāļāļāļēāļāļļāļĢāļāļīāļ āļāļąāđāļāđāļāđ 2-4 āļāļĩ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāđāļāļāļēāļĢāļ§āļīāđāļāļĢāļēāļ°āļŦāđāļāđāļāļĄāļđāļĨ āļĢāļ§āļāļĢāļ§āļĄāļāđāļāļĄāļđāļĨ āļāļģāđāļŠāļāļ āđāļĨāļ°āļĢāļēāļĒāļāļēāļāļāļĨ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļĢāļđāđ āļāļ§āļēāļĄāđāļāđāļēāđāļāđāļāļŠāļīāļāļāđāļēāđāļĨāļ°āļāļĢāļīāļāļēāļĢāļāļąāđāļāļŦāļĄāļāļāļāļāļāļāļāđāļāļĢ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļĢāļđāđ āļāļ§āļēāļĄāļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļēāļāļāļēāļĄāļāļĩāđāđāļāđāļĢāļąāļāļĄāļāļāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļĢāļđāđ āļāļ§āļēāļĄāđāļāđāļēāđāļāđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļĨāļīāļāļŠāļīāļāļāđāļēāđāļĨāļ°āļāļĢāļīāļāļēāļĢāļāļāļāļāļāļāđāļāļĢ.
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Business planning - target setting, performance tracking, business reviews
- Preparing for & presenting in partnership meetings with clients.
- Strategic partnership development and relationship management -top Global Fashion/Sports companies.
- Promotional Planning including campaign planning and NPD launches regionally.
- Analytical- data insights to improve and support business & retail plans
- Developing & implementing processes for regional partnerships
- Managing tech product roadmap to support new innovations and enhance UX for respective categories & group companies
- Capability development and regular close collaboration with local teams in joint business planning for respective Group companies
- Business development - identify new trends and brands to support constant growth on Lazada.
- Mid- level: Ability to work the top leaders in the industry and internally with senior leadership to drive the growth of the Strategic Accounts
- Cross-functional collaboration: Work with multiple external and internal stakeholders like brand managers, campaign teams, seller operations teams, other category teams and traffic management teams to achieve the business objectives
- Analytical Skills: Ability to digest exceptionally large amount of data along with providing insights based on data
- 6-8+ years experience in e-Commerce industry, Fashion/Sports industries - in commercial roles and / or consulting
- Knowledge about SEA Fashion/Sports Industry: Experience working with Fashion or sports Brands
- Basics of E-Commerce business: Appreciate the dynamics of online business and the challenges associated with building a business online.
5 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Good Communication Skills, Thai, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
āļŋ50,000 - āļŋ100,000
- Location: Thailand.
- Reports to: Head of Project SCS.
- Job Type: Full-Time.
- Seven Clean Seas builds Ocean Impact Projects and empowers communities to turn the tide on plastic pollution. We work with businesses and individuals to co-create sustainability initiatives following the Measure, Reduce, Offset, and Engage framework. A large part of what we do is engaging with businesses to involve employees in the plastic pollution issue..
- We are seeking a dedicated Project Coordinator to oversee the daily operations of the SCS Thai project, HIPPO, and other plastic collection/recycling initiatives in Thailand. This role requires an individual with strong project management skills, the ability to manage logistics, and a commitment to sustainability. The Project Coordinator will be responsible for managing the project schedule, allocating resources, mitigating risks, and ensuring compliance with local regulations and environmental standards. The ideal candidate will have experience in team management, data collection, and stakeholder engagement..
- Oversee the daily operations of the SCS Thai project, HIPPO, and other plastic collection/recycling initiatives in Thailand.
- Develop and maintain project schedules, ensuring that milestones and deadlines are met.
- Allocate resources effectively to ensure that project goals are achieved within the specified timeframe.
- Identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies to address any issues that may arise.
- Ensure that all project activities are carried out in accordance with the project plan and objectives.
- Monitor and report on project progress, challenges, and milestones to the Head of Project SCS.
- Foster a culture of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and refining project processes and procedures.
- Supervise and support the crew and team members involved in waste collection/recycling.
- Conduct regular team meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and solutions.
- Ensure the safety and well-being of all team members during operations.
- Manage day-to-day clean-up schedule and logistics for the SCS Thai project crews, HIPPO, and other plastic collection/recycling activities, including equipment, transportation, and supplies.
- Coordinate with local vendors and service providers to ensure timely delivery and maintenance of project resources.
- Maintain accurate records of inventory, expenses, and logistics activities.
- Coordinate all data-related tasks under the guidance and alignment of the SCS HQ Consultancy department and Head of Project.
- Collaborate with the SCS HQ consultancy department to develop comprehensive reports and presentations for stakeholders, showcasing the project's achievements and areas for improvement.
- Oversee the collection, management, and analysis of data related to plastic collection activities.
- Implement data management systems to ensure the integrity and accuracy of all collected data.
- Collaborate and support the utilization of data analytics to identify the Thai project stage or progress and measure project impact.
- Ensure accurate and timely data reporting to support project evaluation, decision-making, and the plastic credit certification process.
- Liaise with Thai local authorities, community leaders, and other related stakeholders to ensure project alignment and support.
- Represent SCS at local events and meetings to promote the SCS Thailand project, HIPPO, and other plastic collection/recycling initiatives.
- Coordinate with the SCS HQ Marketing Manager to ensure alignment with the overall branding and communication strategies of SCS.
- Organize and participate in local events, campaigns, and community outreach programs to raise awareness about SCS's mission and projects.
- Support in the creation and distribution of promotional materials, including press releases, newsletters, and social media content.
- Monitor and report on the effectiveness of marketing efforts, making adjustments as needed to improve engagement and outreach for stakeholders and the community in Thailand.
- Ensure compliance with local regulations and environmental standards.
- Prepare and submit regular reports on project activities to the HQ or Head of Projects and financial reports with the SCS HQ Finance department..
- Bachelor's or Master's degree in project management, environmental science, sustainability, or a related field.
- Proven experience in managing large-scale projects, particularly in waste management or recycling.
- Strong leadership and team management skills.
- Excellent organizational and logistical management abilities.
- Proficiency in data collection, management, and analysis.
- Effective communication and stakeholder engagement skills.
- Commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship..
- Problem-solving skills with the ability to address complex project challenges.
- Ability to work collaboratively with diverse teams and stakeholders.
- Strong project management skills with the ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.
- Experience in developing and implementing marketing and promotional strategies.
English, Thai
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
āļŋ25,000 - āļŋ55,000, āļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāļāđāļāļĢāļāļāđāļāđ, āļĄāļĩāļāđāļēāļāļāļĄāļĄāļīāļāļāļąāđāļ
- Leader in private event organisation, team building activities and corporate events in Bangkok, we are currently looking for a business development and event manager for our activity Team Building BKK that is the leader in team building corporate event organization in Thailand..
- Contact agencies and develop business.
- Telephone prospection.
- Developping corporate accounts.
- Quote making and activities implementation.
- Customers follow-up.
- Events organization.
- Animation of Team Building events.
- Data base updates.
- Managing a team of 3 persons.
- Gestion of communication supports..
- Proficient business English skills.
- Experience in event organisation.
- Proficient sales skills.
- Result driven.
- Flexible and hard working.
- Very well organized.
- Proactive behavior.
- Meet the deadlines and targets..
- Basic salary from 25,000thb to 55,000thb based on skills and experience + bonuses + commissions + phone.
- That position is for our affiliate company, Team Building BKK. Please feel free to have a look at our website: www.teambuildingbkk.com.
Compliance, Finance
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Develop, implement, and oversee the annual budget process for the organization.
- Collaborate with department leaders to create accurate monthly and quarterly forecasts.
- Analyze financial data and performance to identify trends, risks, and opportunities.
- Prepare detailed reports and presentations for senior management and stakeholders.
- Manage and mentor a team of budget analysts and financial planners.
- Ensure compliance with financial regulations and company policies.
- Drive process improvements in financial forecasting and budgeting.
- Serve as a key liaison between the finance department and other organizational units.
Negotiation, Analytical Thinking, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Drive the cooperation from our potential tenants in our marketing campaigns, sales promotions, or other marketing activities.
- Analyze products performance and tenants sales growth after joining in our marketing campaigns, to identify and drive the growth opportunities for the tenants and SPWG.
- Explore the needs and specifications to grow up the business of each tenant, to serve the effective and suitable solutions for them, and enhance the strong relations with our potential tenants.
- Identify targeted customers and product segment for product sourcing and customer acquisition.
- Work closely with related teams and brand about our marketing campaigns and promotions.
- Maximize utilization of our spaces.
- Understand the qualification and needs of tenant.
- Manage relationship and support the tenants for good relationship and partnership with the company.
- Plan and execute the promotion campaigns including the customer benefits such as Onesiam Coin, Gift card, Tourist Card, etc.
- Consolidate info. from tenant for creating plan to attract the target customers.
- Perform other tasks as assigned.
- Bachelor s or Master s Degree in Business Administration, Marketing, Property Management or related fields.
- More than 5 years of experience about partnership management, product categorizing, or related fields.
- Experience in area management or tenant service in shopping complex will be an advantage.
- Have background knowledge in strategic marketing, property management, or sales.
- Understand the business trends, customer behavior, and be able to evaluate opportunities for growth.
- Excellent in interpersonal and presentation skills, including proven a good skill in negotiation.
- Partnership management.
- Analytical Thinking.
- Excellent command in English.
Finance, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Be the project manager in transformation initiatives collaborating and engaging in agile way with right stakeholders at the right timing to gain sponsorship and ownership on the plan.
- Convert insights into business recommendations and cascade for executions through cross functional collaboration.
- Be Strong in project management.
- Spot risk, opportunity to reshape format strategy where possible from both Internal and external information.
- Conduct comprehensive financial analyses to identify performance gaps, trends, and opportunities for improvement.
- Develop and implement strategies to enhance profitability, optimize resource allocation, and manage financial risks.
- Collaborate with internal corporate Finance to understand business s goals and objectives.
- Evaluate the financial drivers of enterprise value, including revenue growth, cost optimization, and Profit improvement.
- Develop and implement value creation strategies to maximize shareholder value and achieve long-term business objectives.
- Provide insights and recommendations to support relevant stakeholders.
- Build and utilize sophisticated financial models to forecast financial performance, evaluate investment opportunities, and assess risks.
- Leverage data analytics techniques to extract meaningful insights from financial data and inform strategic decision-making.
- Communicate financial results and recommendations effectively to stakeholders.
- Collaborate with the cross functions based on specific directions from Top Managements.
- Effectively conduct Framework from data insights to execution plan.
- Always bring in insights from external sources which can be beneficial to the business.
- Experience in project and program management especially in AI Projects, with a focus on executing complex initiatives.
- Experience in stakeholder management and the ability to work collaboratively across different function is also important.
- Strong standing and good network within the organization.
- Strong organization skills, attention to detail, and the ability to manage multiple projects are keys.
- Positive and proactive process management with an eye for detail and a strong ownership mentality.
- Ability to work effectively in a high pace environment.
- Fluent in English & Thai language.
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Transport Operation Manager is responsible for supporting the efficient and effective functioning of transportation processes within an organization. This role involves overseeing day-to-day operations, managing ground operation, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. Transport Operation Manager will collaborate with various teams to ensure that goods will be dispatched and delivered to both internal customer and external customer timely and correctly.
- Supervise and coordinate daily transportation activities, ensuring timely delivery a ...
- Monitor and manage fleet operations with selected vendor, including vehicle maintenance, driver scheduling, and route optimization.
- Oversee the utilization of transportation management systems (TMS) and related technologies.
- Collaborate with IT teams to troubleshoot and resolve system issues, ensuring seamless integration with other organizational systems.
- Analyze transportation data to optimize delivery routes, reduce transit times, and enhance fuel efficiency together with Control Tower Team
- Implement strategies to improve the overall performance of transportation routes.
- Lead and motivate a team of Supervisor, Officer, Controller, and Dispatcher.
- Conduct regular performance reviews and provide training to enhance team skills.
- Identify and implement technology solutions to enhance transportation operations, such as GPS tracking, route planning software, and communication tools together with Control Tower Team
- Ensure compliance with transportation regulations and safety standards.
- Build and maintain relationships with external transportation vendors, and ensuring service level agreements are met.
- Evaluate vendor performance and address issues as they arise together with other related division such as Control Tower Team
- Generate regular reports on key performance indicators (KPIs) and analyze data to identify trends and areas for improvement.
- Present findings and recommendations to senior management.
- Bachelor's degree in Business, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, or a related field.
- 6+ years of experience in transportation operations and management.
- Familiarity with transportation management systems and related technologies.
- Strong leadership and interpersonal skills.
- Knowledge of relevant regulations and safety standards.
- Excellent problem-solving and decision-making abilities.
- Proficient in using MS Office and other relevant software..
8 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Excel, Negotiation, Data Analysis, Management, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Owner of strategic 3 years aspiration plans with distributor and partner which includes opportunities identification, volume aspiration and stack up, and brands positioning, format portfolio, sales and channel strategy.
- Lead to develop sales & marketing yearly plan (by channel and SKU, activities grid and budget) with distributors and partners.
- Owner of distributor & partners management and performance (sell in / sell out sales, inventory, forecasting, RTM & sales force efficiencies) and meeting cycles.
- Owner country budget - Meet the defined ROI / objectives for the brand trade investment, budget control and management.
- Develop sales analytics to drive business understanding and decision.
- Develop consumer, customer and channel insights to strengthen market understanding and decision.
- Ensure & monitor country plan to execute with clear objectives and KPIs measurement.
- Build and maintain good relationships with Distribution partner & Key accounts.
- Monitor marketing and sales situation of competitors such as sales, promotion, prices, distribution, market share & etc.
- Follow up monthly plan and adjust the plan to fit and correspond to competitive market situations.
- Be Company representative.
- At least 30 years of age.
- Bachelor/Master Degree in Business or related fields.
- Minimum 8-10 years of experience in Distributor Management, Country Management, Sales, MKT, Export & Import or related fields.
- International experiences, especially related to EMEA and crossculture understanding.
- Strong biz network with local players in APAC is a plus.
- Can work independently under minimal supervision.
- Excellent English Proficiency.
- Resilient and able to work under pressure & business dynamic.
- Proficiency in Excel and PowerPoint. Key Competencies.
- Strong Business Acumen.
- Distributor Mgt.
- Strategic Thinking / Data Analytic / Negotiation skill/ Adaptability.
- Passionate about regional sales scope of work.
5 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Management
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Ensure the continuous organization of events within the designated area.
- Oversee the entire process of selling common area spaces.
- Present and offer spaces to clients, including preparing sales documents, conducting site visits, creating quotations, and coordinating with the accounting department for payment collection.
- Monitor and ensure that revenue targets are met.
- Prepare rolling forecasts of income and expenses related to the common areas.
- Maintain the overall condition of the common areas.
- Supervise and manage client activities within the center to ensure they comply with the center's standards.
- Ensure events do not disrupt existing tenants in the center.
- Assist clients during the setup, event execution, and teardown phases.
- Prepare documents according to the established procedures.
- Ensure documents are prepared on time and accurately.
- Bachelor s/Master Degree in Business Administration, Marketing or related field.
- Minimum 5 years of experience in managing event space.
- Good at organization and project planning, strong data sense.
- Experience and proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Office.
2 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Problem Solving, Research
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Utilize an in-depth knowledge on client category, brands and specific client requests and needs to provide appropriate input and direction to the agency units driving the entire value exchange process.
- Lead account project manager for the entire business accountable for achieving deadlines across all campaigns and deliverables.
- Act as key liaison accountable for the entire work product (for assigned client brands) among each business unit (Business Planning, Invention and Exchange) that contri ...
- Started to build relationships with the key decision makers within the client and agency organisations.
- Proven yourself as a reliable point of contact for client stakeholders.
- To anticipate what is needed to stay on track to secure, grow and solidifying client relations, and to take actions appropriated.
- Demonstrates a deep understanding of the of different marketing channels including different roles, advantages, formats, potential partnerships, distribution.
- Quickly builds strong relationships with marketing channel owners and leverages these relationships to deliver the best outcomes for us and our clients.
- Demonstrates a high degree of numeracy and IT literacy in order to monitor and manipulate data to deliver the best outcomes for the business, e.g. forecasting, delivery against plan, conforming to share deals.
- Understand the implications for the business and communicates potential impact to clients.
- Filters and adapts the different options and applies good judgement combined with hard facts to select which ideas will produce the best results.
- Understands what the client s business needs by understanding the history of the brand and what the client wants it to stand for. Understands the client s strategic intent and the implications for building the client s business.
- Communicates information and decisions with the full range of stakeholders involved in a project.
- Supports the development of others by expressing positive expectations towards their initiatives and giving constructive feedback.
- Under graduate degree in communication or media or business management (Post-graduate/masters preferred).
- At least 2 years in media planning experience or related field required.
- Knowledgeable about and experienced with the concepts, approaches and issues involved in tactical media planning.
- Familiar with the timelines, processes and needs of the implementation of all media.
- Knowledgeable about new approaches to and developments in tactical planning.
- Demonstrated critical thinking and problem solving.
- Ability to work successfully with teams, handling multiple projects and meeting tight deadlines under pressure.
- Ability to make decisions and use critical thinking.
- Knowledge and use of various research systems.
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- āļāļāļāļēāļĢāļĻāļķāļāļĐāļēāļĢāļ°āļāļąāļāļāļĢāļīāļāļāļēāļāļĢāļĩ āļāļļāļāļŠāļēāļāļē.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļāļāļēāļĢāļāđāļāļēāļĢāđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļđāđāļĨāļĢāđāļēāļāļŦāļĢāļ·āļāļāđāļēāļāļĨāļĩāļāļāļĒāđāļēāļāļāđāļāļĒ 5 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļāļāļēāļĢāļāđāļāļēāļĢāđāļāļāļģāđāļŦāļāđāļāļāļđāđāļāļąāļāļāļēāļĢāđāļāļ āđāļāļāļļāļāļāļļāļĢāļāļīāļ āļāļĒāđāļēāļāļāđāļāļĒ 3 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ.
- āđāļāđāļāļāļĄāļāļīāđāļāļāļĢāđ āđāļāļĢāđāļāļĢāļĄ MS-Office āđāļāđ (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
- āļāļąāļāļĢāļāļĒāļāļāđāđāļāđ āļĄāļĩāđāļāļāļāļļāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāļāļĩāđ āļĄāļĩāļĢāļāļĒāļāļāđāđāļāđāļāļāļāļāļāļāđāļāļ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļāļīāļāđāļāļīāļāļ§āļīāđāļāļĢāļēāļ°āļŦāđ āļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāļāļģāļāļēāļĢāļ§āļīāđāļāļĢāļēāļ°āļŦāđāđāļāļ·āđāļāļĄāđāļĒāļāđāļāđāļāđāļĄāļļāļĄāļāđāļēāļāđ āđāļāļ·āđāļāļāđāļ§āļĒāđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļŠāļīāļāđāļ.
- PTG Energy Public Company Limited.
- 90 CW Tower, Tower A, 33rd Floor, Ratchadaphisek Road,.
- Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310.
- www.ptgenergy.co.th.
3 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Market Analysis, Business Development, Vietnamese, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Identify prospects through market analysis and cold calling.
- Engage with potential clients, organize meetings to showcase our expertise, and drive new business opportunities.
- Manage and nurture existing accounts, ensuring strong client relationships and satisfaction.
- Recruitment & Team leadership.
- Attract and recruit top talent with the right expertise and skillset.
- Mentor and support your team to help them grow and succeed.
- Ensure project success and maintain high consultant satisfaction.
- Financial & Performance management.
- Oversee the well-being and success of your business unit.
- Analyse financial performance and implement strategies to optimize results.
- Lead daily operations and create a dynamic working environment for your team.
- By joining our offices, you will be integrated into the team of a Senior Manager, who will coach and mentor you on a daily basis and support you at any time!.
- Your profile.
- You are graduated with a Master s degree in business or engineering.
- You have at least 6 months to 3 years of experience in Business Development activities or have strong passion in doing business.
- You re thriving in a demanding setting where excellence and continuous learning are the primary goals.
- You re structured, organized, and possessing a competitive yet collaborative and innovative mindset.
- You demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Vietnamese and English.
- An international community bringing together 110+ different nationalities.
- An environment where trust has a central place: 70% of our key leaders started their careers at the first level of responsibility.
- A robust training system with our internal Academy and 250+ available modules.
- A vibrant workplace that frequently gathers for internal events (afterworks, team buildings, etc.).
- Strong commitments to CSR, notably through participation in our WeCare Together program.
- Amaris Consulting is proud to be an equal-opportunity workplace. We are committed to promoting diversity within the workforce and creating an inclusive working environment. For this purpose, we welcome applications from all qualified candidates regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, beliefs, age, marital status, disability, or other characteristics.
Market Research, Product Development, Management
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Supplier Management and Development Identifies suppliers who can co-develop products .
- Cooperates and maintains good relationship with suppliers who are reliable in providing products. .
- Commits to all agreements made with the suppliers (i.e. invoice control arrangements, price differences), all of which are subject to a written contract or confirmation.
- Visit suppliers and producers.
- Product Management and Development and Sales Target Conducts market research and analysis to identify products that can be developed and adopted as Fresh Food Products .
- Coordinates with concerned Director, Sr. Buyer and Buyers to identify existing shelf-products that are sellable and can generate desired sales and profits if developed and marketed as Fresh Food Products.
- Monitors the performance of Fresh Food Products, identify route causes of shortfall and plan actions to improve performance.
- Work with Marketing team to develop new launch activity in stores to drive sales .
- Pricing and Makro Mail Promotional Program Ensures that products being developed match or better quality than benchmarks and priced lower than the benchmark according to brand positioning. .
- Work with Marketing team to produce an effective Makro Mail Program, to achieve sales budget and profit targets.
- Team Management Feeds back market information, competition information, projects, sales and profit results to line manager and supported team .
- Gives all necessary information and documents (i.e. article, supplier, ordering, promotions) to the stores .
- Makes regular store visits to detect operational problems and follows-up on product quality and presentation. .
- Gives all the necessary information to the Commercial Director and concerned Sr Buyer.
- Others Perform other tasks as assigned..
- Product knowledge .
- Category Management .
- Promotion Management .
- Assortment Management .
- Product Development.
- CP AXTRA | Lotus's
- CP AXTRA Public Company Limited.
- Nawamin Office: Buengkum, Bangkok 10230, Thailand.
- By applying for this position, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data to us, our recruitment firms and all relevant third parties for the purpose of processing your application for this job position (or any other suitable positions within Lotus's and its subsidiaries, if any). You understand and acknowledge that your personal data will be processed in accordance with the law and our policy. .
Industry trends, Data Analysis, Project Management
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Drive and execute initiatives to improve operational efficiency, drive cost savings, and enhance retail productivity through innovation, process improvement, and streamlined operations supporting company s and top management s directions.
- Monitor and evaluate store performance, financial data, and in-store execution, providing insights and recommendations to the team for continuous development of store operations and process enhancements.
- Leverage global best practices from across the world to implement innovative solutio ...
- Apply business insights, industry trends, and data analysis to guide the team in translating information into actionable initiatives that drive process standardization and improved performance.
- Coordinate and collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment on project goals and strategies, helping to resolve issues and ensure smooth execution of initiatives.
- Oversee project management efforts, tracking progress and ensuring timely completion of tasks. Provide regular status updates, identify potential risks, and support the team in implementing mitigation plans when necessary.
- Prepare reports and presentations for senior management to communicate project progress, performance metrics, and key developments, offering insights and recommendations for effective decision-making.
- Lead and develop team members, fostering a entrepreneurial mindset and empowering them to identify opportunities for continuous improvement, cost savings, and operational excellence across the organization.
- Degree in Business, Economics, Engineering, or related field.
- 5 years+ working experience in process improvement, project management, quantitative analysis, or cost savings.
- Experience as a consultant for internal / external clients, or experience in Retail sector is a plus.
- Six Sigma Green Belt certification is a plus.
- Ability to analyze financial, operational, and performance data to generate actionable insights and recommendations.
- Familiarity with data analysis tools (e.g., Power BI, Excel) for analyzing data and generating performance reports.
- Skill in managing and facilitating process changes, ensuring that improvements are implemented effectively and embraced by the team.
- Proficiency in preparing reports and presentations that summarize data, analysis, and project updates for management.
- Strong ability to communicate clearly and persuasively with senior management, team members, and cross-functional partners.
- Ability to mentor and coach team members, developing a strong, capable team with a focus on business optimization.
- CP AXTRA | Lotus's
- CP AXTRA Public Company Limited.
- Nawamin Office: Buengkum, Bangkok 10230, Thailand.
- By applying for this position, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data to us, our recruitment firms and all relevant third parties for the purpose of processing your application for this job position (or any other suitable positions within Lotus's and its subsidiaries, if any). You understand and acknowledge that your personal data will be processed in accordance with the law and our policy.
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