- No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
- ทีม Business Enablement and Solutions (Business Enablement and Solutions Team).
- บริษัท อินฟินิธัส บาย กรุงไทย จำกัด (Infinitas by Krungthai)
- กำหนดกลยุทธ์การพัฒนา และออกแบบกระบวนการ (Process Design)
- รวมถึงบริหารโครงการต่าง ๆ ตามที่ได้รับมอบหมาย (Project Management) ดังต่อไปนี้
- กระบวนการที่เกี่ยวกับสินเชื่อรายย่อย และ Digital Lending
- กระบวนการอื่น ๆ ของธุรกิจ Retail Banking ตามที่ได้รับมอบหมาย
- โครงการ National Digital ID
- โครงการที่เกี่ยวข้องกับ e-KYC
- โครงการอื่น ๆ ตามที่ได้รับมอบหมายตามยุทธศาสตร์บริษัท.
- กำหนดกลยุทธ์และแผนงานในการบริหารจัดการข้อมูลของระบบงานหรือโครงการที่ได้รับมอบหมาย เพื่อสนับสนุนการทำงานของหน่วยงานต่าง ๆ.
- ออกแบบกระบวนการต่าง ๆ ในการย้ายธุรกิจไปยัง Digital Platform (Process Design for Digital Migration).
- ให้ Solution หรือให้คำปรึกษาในการปรับปรุงกระบวนการและการพัฒนาระบบงานที่เกี่ยวข้อง ภายใต้ขอบเขต กฎเกณฑ์ กฎหมาย และ Best Practice.
- ดูแล ควบคุม และออกแบบ End-to-End User Journey และ User Experience ให้มีความเป็นหนึ่งเดียวกันทั้งระดับ Application เดียวกัน และระดับ Channel ต่างๆ.
- ปฏิบัติหน้าที่อื่นใดตามที่ได้รับมอบหมาย..
- ท่านสามารถอ่านและศึกษานโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัวของธนาคารกรุงไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) ที่ https://krungthai.com/th/content/privacy-policy ทั้งนี้ ธนาคารไม่มีเจตนาหรือความจำเป็นใดๆ ที่จะประมวลผลข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลที่มีความอ่อนไหว รวมถึงข้อมูลที่เกี่ยวข้องศาสนาและ/หรือหมู่โลหิต ซึ่งอาจปรากฏอยู่ในสำเนาบัตรประจำตัวประชาชนของท่านแต่อย่างใด ดังนั้น กรุณาอย่าอัปโหลดเอกสารใดๆ รวมถึงสำเนาบัตรประจำตัวประชาชน หรือกรอกข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลที่มีความอ่อนไหวหรือข้อมูลอื่นใด ซึ่งไม่เกี่ยวข้องหรือไม่จำเป็นสำหรับวัตถุประสงค์ในการสมัครงานไว้บนเว็บไซต์ นอกจากนี้ กรุณาดำเนินการให้แน่ใจว่าได้ดำเนินการลบข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลที่มีความอ่อนไหว (ถ้ามี) ออกจากเรซูเม่และเอกสารอื่นใดก่อนที่จะอัปโหลดเอกสารดังกล่าวไว้บนเว็บไซต์แล้วด้วย ทั้งนี้ ธนาคารมีความจำเป็นต้องเก็บรวบรวมข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลเกี่ยวกับประวัติอาชญากรรมของท่านเพื่อบรรลุวัตถุประสงค์ในการพิจารณารับบุคคลเข้าทำงาน หรือการตรวจสอบคุณสมบัติ ลักษณะต้องห้าม หรือพิจารณาความเหมาะสมของบุคคลที่จะให้ดำรงตำแหน่ง ซึ่งการให้ความยินยอมเพื่อเก็บรวบรวม ใช้ หรือเปิดเผยข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลเกี่ยวกับประวัติอาชญากรรมของท่านมีความจำเป็นสำหรับการเข้าทำสัญญาและการได้รับการพิจารณาตามวัตถุประสงค์ดังกล่าวข้างต้น ในกรณีที่ท่านไม่ให้ความยินยอมในการเก็บรวบรวม ใช้ หรือเปิดเผยข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลเกี่ยวกับประวัติอาชญากรรม หรือมีการถอนความยินยอมในภายหลัง ธนาคารอาจไม่สามารถดำเนินการเพื่อบรรลุวัตถุประสงค์ดังกล่าวข้างต้นได้ และอาจ ทำให้ท่านสูญเสียโอกาสในการได้รับการพิจารณารับเข้าทำงานกับธนาคาร .
1 ปีขึ้นไป
Production Engineering, Thai, English
- วิเคราะห์ และพัฒนากระบวนการผลิตเพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพ และลดต้นทุน.
- ออกแบบ และปรับปรุงกระบวนการผลิตให้มีความทันสมัย และมีประสิทธิภาพ.
- จัดทำ และปรับปรุงเอกสารมาตรฐานการปฏิบัติงาน (SOP) และคู่มือการผลิต.
- ควบคุม และติดตามตัวชี้วัดประสิทธิภาพหลัก (KPIs) ของกระบวนการผลิต.
- วิเคราะห์ปัญหาในกระบวนการผลิต และเสนอแนวทางแก้ไข.
- ประสานงานกับทีม และหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้อง เพื่อการพัฒนาอย่างต่อเนื่อง.
- จัดการโครงการปรับปรุงกระบวนการผลิต.
- เพศ หญิง - ชาย อายุ 22 ขึ้นไป.
- วุฒิการศึกษา ปริญญาตรี สาขาวิศวกรรมการผลิต,วิศวกรรมอุตสาหการ หรือสาขาที่เกี่ยวข้อง.
- มีประสบการณ์ 1-3 ปีขึ้นไป (ด้านการควบคุมโรงงาน หรือด้านอุตสาหกรรมการพิมพ์).
- มีความรับผิดชอบ บริหารจัดการระบบได้ดีเข้ากับผู้อื่นได้ดี.
- หากมีประสบการณ์ใช้โปรแกรม SAP หรือเคยทำ BOM *พิจารณาเป็นพิเศษ*.
- หากมีประสบการณ์ด้านสิ่งพิมพ์ *พิจารณาเป็นพิเศษ*.
- กองทุนสำรองเลี้ยงชีพ.
- การฝึกอบรมและพัฒนาพนักงาน.
- ค่าทำงานล่วงเวลา.
- ประกันสังคม.
- ประกันสุขภาพ.
- ประกันอุบัติเหตุ.
- เครื่องแบบพนักงาน, ชุดยูนิฟอร์ม.
- เงินช่วยเหลือฌาปนกิจ.
- เที่ยวประจำปี หรือเลี้ยงประจำปี.
- เบี้ยขยัน, ค่าตอบแทนพิเศษ.
- โบนัสตามผลงาน/ผลประกอบการ.
- จัดการฐานข้อมูลลูกค้าในระบบ VSMS (Van Sales Merchandising System) ตรวจสอบความถูกต้อง.
- รวบรวมข้อมูลยอดขายจากแบบสำรวจเพื่อนำข้อมูลมาจัดการ (cleaning and correct data) เพื่อเตรียมวิเคราะห์ข้อมูล.
- วิเคราะห์ข้อมูลร่วมกับทีมขายเพื่อวิเคราะห์ปัญหาและโอกาสทางการขายได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ พร้อมระบุและตรวจสอบแนวโน้มความผิดปกติของยอดขาย ในการปรับปรุงพัฒนากลยุทธ์ทางธุรกิจของบริษัทฯ.
- การนำเสนอข้อมูลและรายงาน (Data Visualization and Reporting) สร้างรายงานและ Dashboard เพื่อแสดงข้อมูลในรูปแบบที่เข้าใจง่าย โดยใช้เครื่องมือ เช่น Power BI, หรือ Excel.
- นำเสนอข้อมูลเชิงวิเคราะห์ให้แก่ฝ่ายที่เกี่ยวข้องและผู้บริหาร พร้อมแนะนำวิธีการนำข้อมูลไปใช้เพื่อการตัดสินใจและจัดทำ Presentation Slide สำหรับผู้บริหาร.
- งานมอบหมายอื่นๆ.
- Education (การศึกษา): ปริญญาตรี/โท บริหารธุรกิจ,เศรษฐศาสตร์, วิทยาศาสตร์คอมพิวเตอร์, หรือสาขาที่เกี่ยวข้อง.
- Experience (ประสบการณ์): มีประสบการณ์ทำงานด้านธุรกิจอาหารและเครื่องดื่ม อย่างน้อย 5 ปี มีประสบการณ์เกี่ยวกับการพัฒนาระบบฐานข้อมูล หรือการทำ Dashboard อย่างน้อย 2 ปี.
- มีทักษะในการใช้เครื่องมือวิเคราะห์ เช่น SQL, Excel, Power BI.
- มีทักษะในการสื่อสาร และ นำเสนอได้เป็นอย่างดี.
- สามารถ พูด-อ่าน-เขียน ภาษาอังกฤษ ได้.
- มีความอดทน สามารถทำงานภายใต้ภาวะความกดดัน.
- Contact.
- Sirapatsorn ( Meen ).
- Human Capital Business Partner - Spirits.
- Office of Human Capital | ThaiBev Marketing Co., Ltd.
- Sangsom Building 1, 4th Floor, 15 Moo 14, Vibhavadi Rangsit Rd.,.
- Chomphon, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand 10900.
- Email: [email protected].
Project Management, Statistical Analysis
- Strategically analyze reports across all departments to identify gaps or opportunities that drive business improvement.
- Use of statistical practices to analyze current and historical data to make predictions, identify risks, and opportunities enabling better decisions on planned/future events.
- Design, develop, implement and maintain business solutions and recommendations to improve performance.
- Execute process improvement projects that promote improved operating models and lead others to adopt changes.
- Work closely with outsource operation team to drive and implement work standard & business solutions.
- Audit and evaluate the quality of service received from operation provider team, and providing solutions for continuous improvement.
- Managed P&L by operating the business within budgeted guidelines through scheduling expenditures and analyzing any variances to the plan.
- Specification.
- Bachelor's or Master's degree in Management Information Systems, Engineering, Logistic & Supply Chain or related field.
- Experience in process improvement, especially in distribution or supply chain management is a plus, with 1-2 years in supervisory role.
- Experience in a large distribution center environment strongly preferred.
- Demonstrates a deep understanding of multiple database concepts.
- Has a working knowledge of various data structures and the ability to extract data from various data sources.
- Ability to work well in a fast-paced and fluid environment.
- Experienced in the use of operating and routing software.
- Ability to work flexible hours, days of the week including holidays when required, in support of operational commitments.
Automation, DevOps, Python
- Works closely with Tech Leads and developers of various teams to develop automation pipelines and CI/CD.
- Develops self-serve tools/artefacts to development teams to support the SDLC (e.g. containerized dev env, testing env etc.).
- Configures the infrastructure using IaaS/PaaS products and own developed tools.
- Actively participates in deploying application artifacts to appropriate target environments using the supported technologies and infrastructure.
- Participates in planning delivery time, code quality, and process efficiency improvement projects.
- Performs maintenance tasks as infrastructure health checks and monitoring.
- Identifies bottlenecks in development and deployment processes and designs automation solutions to mitigate.
- Maintains and grows knowledge of platform configuration management, monitoring, and troubleshooting.
- Collaborates with the rest of DevOps team to deliver consistent and holistic solutions to the organization.
- RequirementsExcellent scripting skills (e.g. Python, Bash, Perl).
- Experienced with building and maintaining large scale, cloud-based container-based platforms (in IaaS and PaaS).
- Working knowledge of deployment automation solutions (i.e. Terraform, Puppet, Chef, Ansible).
- Experienced AWS platform (certification is a plus).
- Experienced with containers and Kubernetes.
- Experienced with continuous integration and related tools such as GitlabCI, Jenkins, Hudson, Maven, Ant, Git, Sonar, etc.
- Familiar with security automation tools such as static application security testing etc.
- Strong understanding of Agile methodologies.
- Experience as a DevOps or SRE Engineer on a cross-functional agile team preferred.
- BenefitsHealth Insurance - At Maknet, we care about your health! Group insurance from a top insurance company is included in your benefits OPD, IPD, Emergency OPD.
- Provident Fund - Maknet cares about your long-term plan! We offer 3% provident fund.
- Year-end bonus - We include variable and performance bonus for our employees.
- Gym Facilities - Our Head office has a fitness center, yoga room, and recreational space. Enjoy Bangkok scenery and work your body!.
- Attractive Vacations days - Enjoy our attractive annual leave. Let s say the minimum is 18 days!.
- Flexible working hours - We know people have different productive cycles. Choose your way of work whether you are a night owl or an early riser.
- No overtime - We work 5 days a week with. We set our own goals and deadlines.
- Cool hardware - New MacBook. The tool to help you be the best of yourself.
- Free car parking space - No more stress or extra cost if you drive to work. We offer free parking space for our employees.
- Best Culture.
- Clear focus.
- Diverse Workplace (Our members are from around the world!).
- Non-hierarchical and agile environment.
- Growth opportunity and career path.
ETL, Compliance, SQL
- Design, implement, and manage end-to-end data pipelines architectures.
- Configure and maintain data ingest workflows (ETL) across several production systems.
- Transform data into Data Mart, Data Model that can be easily analyzed.
- Ensure the data is correct and is in a highly usable state by the time and good performance.
- Hands-on development mentality, with a willingness to troubleshoot and solve complex problems.
- Ensure compliance with data governance and security policies.
- Bachelor s Degree or higher in Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Engineering, or related field.
- Minimum 3 years of work experience in Data engineer.
- Strong SQL Command and knowledge on Non-SQL tools and languages.
- Experience in ETL tools & Data Model such as SSIS, SSAS.
- Experience working on Big Data platform is advantage.
- Experience in cloud platform such as AWS, GCP.
- Ability to develop Python, R is advantage.
- Good business understanding, able to identify business problems, formulate business goals, and find relevant data.
- ประสบการณ์ที่จำเป็น.
- 3 ปี.
- ระดับตำแหน่งงาน.
- ระดับหัวหน้างาน.
- เงินเดือน.
- สามารถต่อรองได้.
- สายงาน.
- ไอที / เขียนโปรแกรม.
- วิศวกรรม.
- ประเภทงาน.
- งานประจำ.
- เกี่ยวกับบริษัทจำนวนพนักงาน:500-1000 คน.
- ประเภทบริษัท:อุตสาหกรรมสินค้าอุปโภคบริโภค.
- ที่ตั้งบริษัท:กรุงเทพ.
- เว็บไซต์:www.osotspa.com.
- ก่อตั้งเมื่อปี:1891.
- คะแนน:4.5/5.
- เราจะเป็นบริษัทอุปโภค-บริโภคชั้นนำของประเทศไทยที่สอดคล้องกับไลฟ์สไตล์ของผู้บริโภค และเป็นที่ยอมรับอย่างกว้างขวางในภูมิภาคอาเซียน มากกว่าหนึ่งศตวรรษกับความสำเร็จที่น่าภาคภูมิใจของโอสถสภา เรายังคงมุ่งมั่นวิจัยและคิดค้นพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์เพื่อตอบสนองความต้องการ ของคนไทย เพื่อให้คนไทยมีคุณภาพชีวิตที่ดีขึ้น เราพัฒนาศักยภาพเพื่อสร้างความเชื่อมั่นและคุณภาพชีวิตให้กับผู้บริโภคชาวไทยอย่างไม่หยุดยั้ง โอสถสภา ในวันนี้ เราพูดได้อย่างภูมิใจว่า เรามีการดำเนินธุรกิจอย่างครบวงจร นับแต่การวิจัยถึงความต้องการของผู้บริโภค สู่การคิดค้นและพัฒนานวัตกรรมใหม่ๆ สู่กระบวนการผลิต การทำตลาดการกระจายสินค้าและ การจัดกิจกรรมส่งเสริมการตลาดและการขายอย่างต่อเนื่อง เพื่อให้มั่นใจว่า สินค้าของโอสถสภาเข้าเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของวิถีชีวิต และไลฟ์สไตล์ของผู้บริโภคอย่างแท้จริง.
- ร่วมงานกับเรา: ปัจจุบัน โอสถสภามีอายุมากกว่า 123 ปี เรายังคงมุ่งมั่นพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์ที่มีคุณภาพต่อไปอย่างไม่หยุดยั้ง ภาใต้ปรัชญาข้อปฏิบัติที่ยึดมั่น "เห็นแก่ประโยชน์ของผู้อื่นมากกว่าตนเอง คิดถึงน้ำใจของคนอื่นมากกว่าเงินตรา มีความสัตย์ซื่อในการประกอบอาชีพ รักษาไว้ซึ่งจรรยาบรรณของธุรกิจ".
- เขตที่ตั้งที่ทำงาน: บางกะปิ.
- สำนักงานใหญ่: 348, Ramkhamhaeng Road.
3 ปีขึ้นไป
Quality Assurance, Assurance, Chemical Engineering, English
- Process Development and Optimization: Design and optimize chemical and plating processes for improved performance and reduced defects.
- Develop and implement process documentation and standard operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure consistent and reliable production.
- Analyze process data and conduct experiments to enhance plating efficiency and quality.
- Production Support: Provide technical support and troubleshooting for plating processes, including chemical baths and equipment.
- Monitor production processes, identify bottlenecks, and suggest solutions to improve throughput and reduce downtime.
- Collaborate with the production team to ensure smooth operation and quick resolution of process-related issues.
- Quality and Compliance: Ensure that all plating processes comply with environmental, health, and safety regulations.
- Work closely with the Quality Assurance team to reduce scrap and rework rates by improving process control and capabilities.
- Participate in internal and external audits and implement corrective actions as needed.
- Project Management: Lead and manage projects related to process improvements, cost reduction, and capacity expansion.
- Coordinate with equipment suppliers, manage installations, and conduct process validation.
- Prepare reports and presentations for management review on project progress and results.
- Team Collaboration and Training: Work collaboratively with engineers, technicians, and other plant personnel to achieve project and process goals.
- Train production staff on new processes and technologies to ensure high competency levels across the team.
- Participate in cross-functional teams to drive improvements in overall plant performance.
- Bachelor s degree in Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, or a related field.
- 3-5 years of experience in chemical process engineering; specifically in plating or surface finishing operations.
- Strong understanding of electroplating, anodizing, and other metal finishing techniques.
- Good command in English communication skills.
- Proficiency in process simulation and analysis tools such as Aspen Plus, MATLAB, or similar.
- Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to analyze complex process data.
- Strong project management skills and experience leading cross-functional project teams.
- Knowledge of Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, and continuous improvement methodologies.
- Effective communication and interpersonal skills to work with diverse teams.
- Familiarity with ISO and other quality management systems is preferred.
- About Us.
- The world is changing. And it s a familiar story at Honeywell. Our $36 billion business was founded on a legacy of firsts spanning 130 years. We re building a safer, smarter, and more sustainable world through our technology and software across each of our 930 sites globally. Our impact is seen in every shape and size around the world. Our solutions are felt daily in aerospace, buildings and cities, retail, chemicals and materials, safety, industrial and manufacturing, safety, and supply chains.
- Discover More.
- We ve been innovating for more than 100 years and now we re creating what s next. There s a lot more available for you to discover. Our solutions, our case studies, our and so much more. Learn more at careers.honeywell.com/us/en/.
- If you believe what happens tomorrow is determined by what we do today, you ll love working at Honeywell.
- The future is what we make it. So join us and let s do this together.
- Honeywell is an equal opportunity employer, and we support a diverse workforce. Qualified applicants will be considered without regard to age, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, nationality, sex, religion, or veteran status.
- In October, 2024 Honeywell announced the spin-off of our Advanced Materials business to become a stand-alone publicly traded company, independent of Honeywell. Our intention is that this role, dedicated to the Advanced Materials business, will be a part of this future transaction when the separation occurs. .
- Copyright 2024 Honeywell International Inc.
- Additional Information.
- JOB ID: req467485.
- Category: Integrated Supply Chain.
- Location: 32 Moo 8 Srirachi, Chonburi Industrial Estate,Chonburi,BANGKOK,20110,Thailand.
- Exempt.
Golang, Java, J2EE, English
- Implement high quality, scalable and extendable JAVA solutions.
- Provide guidance and direction to stakeholders to deliver on their expectations.
- Explore new business solutions to continually enhance functionality that fulfils user needs.
- Provide expert advice and leadership on standards and methodologies of application design and functionality.
- Bachelor s degree or higher in Computer Engineering, Computer Sciences, IT, Information System, or related field.
- Minimum 2 years of experience.
- Proficiency in Golang (Go) programming language.
- Familiar with Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE), Spring Boot,.
- Ability to work in a team environment delivering quality software that meets requirements working to a timeline.
- Good command of English and Thai both written and spoken.
- Motivated to be continually enhancing your skills to be aware of the latest software development.
- Be a self-starter and recognize when issues need to be raised.
Product Owner, Docker, Java, English
- Lead and manage staff resource, deliver works to the teams, and manage teams' schedule.
- Leads and manage applications services under responsible areas to ensure BAU stabilization and meet expected incident SLA and system availability level defined per on/off peak time/period.
- Performs root cause analysis (RCA) to immediate troubleshoot issues and perform issue resolution (short term. Medium term and long term) within incident SLA along with ...
- Perform BAU system set up, bug fixing & small CRs with IT implementation methodology (build, test, deploy) aligned to company security and business objectives and strategy.
- Lead and manage system monitoring process to ensure data quality and integrity in production is always accurate and available for key stakeholders and business processes that depend on it.
- Lead and manage regular IT audit checks on recorded calls, incidents and provides feedback to team members to ensure procedures are followed and quality is improved.
- Lead and manage regular system patch upgrade with product owner & business stakeholders.
- Lead and manage IT service & support operating model and procedure in responsible area to ensure team is able to support BAU & business stakeholders smoothly especially month end & yearend financial closing activities.
- Manage support workbook and control. Ensure knowledge base has been well organized and keep up-to-date.
- Be familiar with REST API (Syncronous Process), Message Producer/Consumer Process (Async Process) and Batch process.
- Be familiar withe of Opensource Monitoring Tools such as ELK stack, Grafarna.
- Be familiar with Container Technology such as Docker, K8S.
- Be familiar with Cloud Technology such AWS, Azure and Tencent cloud.
- Bachelor s in Computer Science or related field.
- 6+ years in SRE or Support Engneer, with leadership experience.
- Familiar in programming (Java, Go),basic SQL, Linux/Unix scripting, Cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, Tencent Cloud).
- Experienced in ITIL (Ticket Management, Problem Manasgerment).
- Familiar with container technology such as Docker, Kubernetes (K8S).
- Skilled in monitoring tools (ELK stack, Grafana) and incident response, with experience in high-availability design.
- Excellent communication and team mentorship, with experience leading cross-functional projects.
- Good English proficiency.
- CP AXTRA | Lotus's
- CP AXTRA Public Company Limited.
- Nawamin Office: Buengkum, Bangkok 10230, Thailand.
- By applying for this position, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data to us, our recruitment firms and all relevant third parties for the purpose of processing your application for this job position (or any other suitable positions within Lotus's and its subsidiaries, if any). You understand and acknowledge that your personal data will be processed in accordance with the law and our policy. .
DevOps, Software Development, English
- Work with team to deliver software with quality and on plan.
- Work with stakeholder to solve blocking issue with team.
- Define technology roadmap/strategy based on direction and distribute to team level.
- Build team capability to follow technology roadmap/strategy.
- Do resource planning and recruit Developer/SA/BA staff based on hiring strategy.
- Understand and adapt Web Front End Architecture, Microservice Architect, Event-Driven Architecture, Container Orchestration and Cloud technology to deliver software.
- Understand and adapt Agile methodology/DEVOPS in software development.
- Build team culture to be great place to work.
- Supervise/mentor/coach team member to archive the goal/objective and improve skills as their personal development plan.
- Bachelor's in Computer Science or related field.
- 10+ years experience with proven track record of successfully leading teams in delivering high-quality software on schedule while ensuring adherence to project plans and specifications.
- Experienced in solution delivery process with proven record.
- Experienced in Agile methodologies, DevOps adaptation.
- Ability to define and articulate a clear technology roadmap and strategy that aligns with organizational goals, effectively communicating this vision to team members.
- Experience in fostering team capabilities to follow the technology roadmap, including organizing training sessions and providing resources for skill development.
- Strong background in resource planning and executing hiring strategies to recruit Developers, System Analysts, and Business Analysts, ensuring the team has the right mix of skills and expertise.
- Good English proficiency.
- CP AXTRA | Lotus's
- CP AXTRA Public Company Limited.
- Nawamin Office: Buengkum, Bangkok 10230, Thailand.
- By applying for this position, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data to us, our recruitment firms and all relevant third parties for the purpose of processing your application for this job position (or any other suitable positions within Lotus's and its subsidiaries, if any). You understand and acknowledge that your personal data will be processed in accordance with the law and our policy. .
2 ปีขึ้นไป
Network Infrastructure, Network Administration, VMware, English
฿30,000 - ฿50,000, สามารถต่อรองได้
- Design & Deployment: Architect and deploy on-premises infrastructure solutions, including servers, storage, and networking equipment.
- Maintenance & Support: Perform regular maintenance and troubleshooting of all infrastructure components, ensuring timely updates and patches.
- Monitoring & Troubleshooting: Continuously monitor system performance, diagnosing and resolving hardware, software, or network-related issues.
- Virtualization: Manage visualized environments, such as VMware or Hyper-V, optimizing server workloads and system resources.
- Backup & Recovery: Implement and maintain backup solutions and disaster recovery plans to safeguard critical business data and ensure continuity.
- Security & Compliance: Apply industry-standard security measures to protect infrastructure, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and policies.
- Documentation: Develop and maintain comprehensive documentation of infrastructure configurations, procedures, and troubleshooting guidelines.
- Collaboration: Work closely with cross-functional teams to align IT infrastructure with business requirements, providing necessary technical support.
- Bachelor s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field (or equivalent experience).
- 4 years of hands-on experience managing on-premises IT infrastructure, including servers, storage, networking, and virtualization.
- Expertise in Windows/Linux operating systems and experience with virtualization platforms like VMware or Hyper-V.
- Strong knowledge of networking technologies, such as TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, and VPNs.
- Experience with backup, storage, and disaster recovery solutions.
- Strong analytical and troubleshooting skills for diagnosing complex technical issues.
- Good communication skills and ability to work effectively in a team environment.
- CompTIA Server+ or A+.
- VMware Certified Professional (VCP).
- Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Administrator.
- Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA).
Docker, DevOps, Linux
- ให้บริการสนับสนุนทีมงาน Business Technology Servicesตอบคำถาม แยกสาเหตุของปัญหาได้ เช่น เกิดจากระบบ Network, System, DBMS, Infrastructure เป็นต้น.
- แก้ไขปัญหาที่เกิดจากการทำงานของระบบได้.
- ประสานและทำงานร่วมกับทีมพัฒนา, ตัวแทนจำหน่าย และทีมอื่น ๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้อง เมื่อเกิดปัญหาในระบบที่รับผิดชอบ.
- Monitor ระบบ ให้สามารถทำงานได้อย่างต่อเนื่องราบรื่น หากพบสิ่งผิดปกติสามารถแก้ไขปัญหาได้ก่อนที่จะเกิดปัญหาและกระทบต่อการใช้งาน.
- บริหารวางแผนการสำรองข้อมูล, กู้คืนข้อมูล, กำหนดสิทธิ์ในการเข้าถึงในระบบที่ดูแล.
- บริหารจัดสรรทรัพยากรต่าง ๆ ในระบบให้ใช้งานได้เกิดประโยชน์สูงสุด.
- จัดทำเอกสารต่าง ๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้อง ในระบบที่รับผิดชอบ เช่น รายงานการทดสอบระบบ, รายงานการสำรองและกู้คืนข้อมูล เป็นต้น.
- ปริญญาตรีสาขาบริหารธุรกิจ วิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์ คอมพิวเตอร์ธุรกิจ เทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ หรือ สาขาอื่น ๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้อง.
- มีประสบการณ์ทำงานอย่างน้อย 2-4 ปี.
- มีประสบการณ์ในงานบริการด้านสนับสนุนโปรแกรมระบบที่เกี่ยวข้องอย่างน้อย 2 ปี.
- มีความรู้พื้นฐานทางเกี่ยวกับกระบวนการทางธุรกิจ เช่น ระบบบัญชี, ระบบการเงิน, ภาษีอากร, ระบบงานขาย, ระบบการวางแผนการผลิต, ระบบโลจิสติก เป็นต้น.
- สามารถวิเคราะห์ แก้ปัญหาและให้คำปรึกษาเกี่ยวกับระบบ/ขั้นตอนการทำงานได้.
- ทักษะการวินิจฉัย เพื่อระบุปัญหาฮาร์ดแวร์ ซอฟต์แวร์ และเครือข่าย.
- มีความรู้ทางด้าน IT Infrastructure เช่น System, Network, Docker, CI/CD, VM, DevOps เป็นต้น เข้าใจพื้นฐานการทำงานของระบบดังกล่าว.
- ความรู้เกี่ยวกับระบบปฏิบัติการและฮาร์ดแวร์: เข้าใจพื้นฐานการทำงานของระบบปฏิบัติการที่พบบ่อย เช่น Windows, macOS, Linux และมีความรู้เกี่ยวกับฮาร์ดแวร์ทั่วไป เช่น CPU, RAM, Storage.
- ติดต่อสอบถาม.
- สำนักทรัพยากรบุคคล.
- บริษัท ไทยเบฟเวอเรจ จำกัด (มหาชน).
- อาคารเล้าเป้งง้วน 1 333 ถนน วิภาวดีรังสิต จอมพล เขตจตุจักร กรุงเทพมหานคร 10900.
3 ปีขึ้นไป
Assembly, CAD
- Supervise Technician to support company goals.
- WI, Control plan, PFMEA and FA documents support.
- Continuous process improvement activities utilizing wide variety of analytical techniques (such as SPC, DOE, Gauge R&R), lean manufacturing and six sigma concepts.
- Leader in Product quality improvement, DFM, DFA, Engineering Evaluation.
- Process out control for problem solving.
- Evaluation of new material or component part use in production.
- Evaluation and develop Process and new Technology.
- Overseas travel is required, ~30% work load.
- Knowledge/Skills/Competencies.
- Refer to technical skills below.
- Typical Experience.
- 3+ years Experience in die bonding, flip chip attach, glob top, underfill, and die attach process development.
- Work Experience and understand in optoelectronics assembly, microelectronics assembly.
- Strong Knowledge of transceiver, modulator is an advantage.
- Hands-on experience in machine set-up and operation for die bonders (DataCon, MRSI, Finetech, Amicra) is an advantage.
- Proficient in root cause and failure mode Analysis.
- Familiar with cleanroom and ESD protocols.
- Knowledge of Auto CAD 2D, 3D or Solid work program.
- Excellent interpersonal skills and demonstrated communication skills.
- Self-motivated, proactive and innovative problem-solving capabilities, Management skill and Presentation skill.
- Typical Education.
- Bachelor or Master degree in Mechanical, Mechatronic, Electronics or relates Engineering degree.
- Notes.
- This job description is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all duties and responsibilities of the position. Employees are held accountable for all duties of the job. Job duties and the % of time identified for any function are subject to change at any time.
- Celestica is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on any protected status (including race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran or disability status or other characteristics protected by law).
- At Celestica we are committed to fostering an inclusive, accessible environment, where all employees and customers feel valued, respected and supported. Special arrangements can be made for candidates who need it throughout the hiring process. Please indicate your needs and we will work with you to meet them.
- Celestica (NYSE, TSX: CLS) enables the world s best brands. Through our recognized customer-centric approach, we partner with leading companies in Aerospace and Defense, Communications, Enterprise, HealthTech, Industrial, Capital Equipment and Energy to deliver solutions for their most complex challenges. As a leader in design, manufacturing, hardware platform and supply chain solutions, Celestica brings global expertise and insight at every stage of product development - from drawing board to full-scale production and after-market services for products from advanced medical devices, to highly engineered aviation systems, to next-generation hardware platform solutions for the Cloud. Headquartered in Toronto, with talented teams spanning 40+ locations in 13 countries across the Americas, Europe and Asia, we imagine, develop and deliver a better future with our customers.
- Celestica would like to thank all applicants, however, only qualified applicants will be contacted.
- Celestica does not accept unsolicited resumes from recruitment agencies or fee based recruitment services.
Big Data, ETL, SQL
- Develop and maintain robust data pipelines to ingest, process, and transform raw data into formats suitable for LLM training.
- Conduct meeting with users to understand the data requirements and perform database design based on data understanding and requirements with consideration for performance.
- Maintain data dictionary, relationship and its interpretation.
- Analyze problem and find resolution, as well as work closely with administrators to monitor performance and advise any necessary infrastructure changes.
- Work with business domain experts, data scientists and application developers to identify data that is relevant for analysis.
- Develop big data solutions for batch processing and near real-time streaming.
- Own end-to-end data ETL/ELT process framework from Data Source to Data warehouse.
- Select and integrate appropriate tools and frameworks required to provide requested capabilities.
- Design and develop BI solutions.
- Hands-on development mentality, with a willingness to troubleshoot and solve complex problems.
- Keep abreast of new developments in the big data ecosystem and learn new technologies.
- Ability to effectively work independently and handle multiple priorities.
- Bachelor degree or higher in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Management Information System or an IT related field.
- 3+ year's experiences in Data Management or Data Engineer (Retail or E-Commerce business is preferrable).
- Expert experience in query language (SQL), Databrick SQL, PostgreSQL.
- Experience in Big Data Technologies like Hadoop, Apache Spark, Databrick.
- Experience in Python is a must.
- Experience in Generative AI is a must.
- Knowledge in machine/statistical learning, data mining is a plus.
- Strong analytical, problem solving, communication and interpersonal skills.
- Having good attitude toward team working and willing to work hard.
- CP AXTRA | Lotus's
- CP AXTRA Public Company Limited.
- Nawamin Office: Buengkum, Bangkok 10230, Thailand.
- By applying for this position, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data to us, our recruitment firms and all relevant third parties for the purpose of processing your application for this job position (or any other suitable positions within Lotus's and its subsidiaries, if any). You understand and acknowledge that your personal data will be processed in accordance with the law and our policy. .
Data Entry
- Entry level to 2 year.
- Detailed Description.
- Develop and implement new manufacturing applications to support customer products.
- Focus on developing application software and tooling for a complex machine or a series of several simpler, mechanical process steps.
- Define process problems that lead to throughput or quality issues, evaluate cause of problem, and implement solutions to stabilize processes.
- Support the evaluation of new equipment, coordinate software and hardware upgrades, set equipment specifications and qualification tests with supervision.
- Knowledge/Skills/Competencies.
- Refer to technical skills below.
- Physical Demands.
- Duties of this position are performed in a normal office environment.
- Duties may require extended periods of sitting and sustained visual concentration on a computer monitor or on numbers and other detailed data.
- Repetitive manual movements (e.g., data entry, using a computer mouse, using a calculator, etc.) are frequently required.
- Occasional travel may be required.
- Typical Education.
- Bachelor degree or consideration of an equivalent combination of education and experience.
- Educational Requirements may vary by Geography.
- Notes.
- This job description is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all duties and responsibilities of the position. Employees are held accountable for all duties of the job. Job duties and the % of time identified for any function are subject to change at any time.
- Celestica is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on any protected status (including race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran or disability status or other characteristics protected by law).
- At Celestica we are committed to fostering an inclusive, accessible environment, where all employees and customers feel valued, respected and supported. Special arrangements can be made for candidates who need it throughout the hiring process. Please indicate your needs and we will work with you to meet them.
- Celestica (NYSE, TSX: CLS) enables the world s best brands. Through our recognized customer-centric approach, we partner with leading companies in Aerospace and Defense, Communications, Enterprise, HealthTech, Industrial, Capital Equipment and Energy to deliver solutions for their most complex challenges. As a leader in design, manufacturing, hardware platform and supply chain solutions, Celestica brings global expertise and insight at every stage of product development - from drawing board to full-scale production and after-market services for products from advanced medical devices, to highly engineered aviation systems, to next-generation hardware platform solutions for the Cloud. Headquartered in Toronto, with talented teams spanning 40+ locations in 13 countries across the Americas, Europe and Asia, we imagine, develop and deliver a better future with our customers.
- Celestica would like to thank all applicants, however, only qualified applicants will be contacted.
- Celestica does not accept unsolicited resumes from recruitment agencies or fee based recruitment services.
Oracle, SQL, UNIX
- Provide functional and technical support for Oracle Retail applications, including but not limited to Retail Merchandising System (RMS), Retail Price Management (RPM), Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM), and Allocation.
- Troubleshoot and resolve production incidents and service requests related to Oracle Retail applications, ensuring timely resolution and minimal business disruption.
- Perform root cause analysis to identify recurring issues and implement permanent solutions.
- Collaborate with IT teams and Oracle Support to escalate, follow up, and resolve complex technical issues.
- Conduct regular system performance tuning and monitoring to ensure the stability and availability of Oracle Retail applications.
- Assist in the deployment of application updates, patches, and configuration changes.
- Support testing efforts for patches, updates, and enhancements in non-production environments.
- Maintain detailed documentation on issue resolution processes, configurations, and system changes.
- Participate in on-call rotations to ensure 24/7 application availability.
- RequirementsBachelor s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field.
- 3+ years of experience in application support or a similar role, with a focus on Oracle Retail (RMS, RPM, SIM, or other Oracle Retail suite applications).
- Strong knowledge of Oracle databases, PL/SQL, and performance tuning.
- Experience with Oracle Retail integration points and knowledge of Oracle Retail data models.
- Hands-on experience with Unix/Linux operating systems and shell scripting.
- Familiarity with Oracle WebLogic and middleware technologies.
- Experience with Oracle Retail patching, upgrades, and environment management.
- Solid understanding of IT service management frameworks, such as ITIL.
- Experience with monitoring tools and application performance management (APM) tools.
- Ability to troubleshoot both functional and technical issues, analyze logs, and conduct root cause analysis.
- Strong communication skills to work with business users and cross-functional teams.
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team, with a strong customer service mindset.
- Experience with cloud environments (e.g., Oracle Cloud, AWS) and Oracle Retail cloud solutions.
- Knowledge of Oracle Fusion Middleware, Java, or other relevant Oracle technologies.
- Experience working in a retail environment and familiarity with retail business processes.
Project Management, Problem Solving, Assembly, English
- Review process, product and identify the new technology, new component, new process. Then provide a solution and development for the new component/ new process/ new technology for PCBA..
- Project management for the development and key contact for customers and internal communication..
- Work closely with the design team, customers, supplier, and CTH internal team..
- Centralize for chemical qualification across the site..
- Work with CFT and customer on NPI development, process validation with FA lab technique to make successful transfer from NPI to mass production..
- Work with CFT on problem solving, root cause analysis to improve quality yield and prevent in field failure..
- Provide the technical consultant / FA lab result to CFT and customer for process/ material issue / Reliability.
- Knowledge/Skills/Competencies.
- Knowledge in NPI, new product, new process and new component qualification..
- Skilled in lab analysis and able to interpret the result link to PCBA and/or material issues..
- Good leadership and self-motivation.
- Fluent in English and communicate well..
- Typical Experience.
- 7-10 years of work experience in PCBA manufacturing with good knowledge of SMT, wave soldering, pressfit and mechanical assembly..
- Typical Education.
- Bachelor degree or Master degree in Material engineer, Chemical Engineer or Mechanical Engineer.
- Notes.
- This job description is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all duties and responsibilities of the position. Employees are held accountable for all duties of the job. Job duties and the % of time identified for any function are subject to change at any time.
- Celestica is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on any protected status (including race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran or disability status or other characteristics protected by law).
- At Celestica we are committed to fostering an inclusive, accessible environment, where all employees and customers feel valued, respected and supported. Special arrangements can be made for candidates who need it throughout the hiring process. Please indicate your needs and we will work with you to meet them.
- Celestica (NYSE, TSX: CLS) enables the world s best brands. Through our recognized customer-centric approach, we partner with leading companies in Aerospace and Defense, Communications, Enterprise, HealthTech, Industrial, Capital Equipment and Energy to deliver solutions for their most complex challenges. As a leader in design, manufacturing, hardware platform and supply chain solutions, Celestica brings global expertise and insight at every stage of product development - from drawing board to full-scale production and after-market services for products from advanced medical devices, to highly engineered aviation systems, to next-generation hardware platform solutions for the Cloud. Headquartered in Toronto, with talented teams spanning 40+ locations in 13 countries across the Americas, Europe and Asia, we imagine, develop and deliver a better future with our customers.
- Celestica would like to thank all applicants, however, only qualified applicants will be contacted.
- Celestica does not accept unsolicited resumes from recruitment agencies or fee based recruitment services.
Oracle, Java, SQL, English
- Be familiar with oracle technology such Oracle DB and related programming language such as java, pl/sql and linux script.
- Be advantage if you are familiar with Oracle Retail Suite or Oracle ERP.
- Create data flow/system flow/detail design to make the team clear in backlog and acceptance criteria.
- Create related documents as knowledge management for team and stakeholder.
- Co-ordinate with stakeholder (Business Team/Developer/QA/TPM/DEVOPS/Solution Architect) to solve any blocking issue in software development.
- Understand and adapt testing methodology and work with QA team to delivery software with Quality.
- Understand and adapt Agile methodology in software development.
- Understand and adapt CI/CD and be familiar with DEVOPS tools in software development.
- Work with L1/L2 support team as L3 to solve any production issues within SLA.
- Be senior team member and work with teammate to delivery software with quality. And be consultant for Jr. team member to solve some blocking problems.
- Bachelor s in Computer Science or related field.
- 6+ years in Developer/System Analyst with leadership experience.
- Proficient in Oracle Database, PL/SQL, Java, and Linux scripting. Experience with Oracle Retail Suite or Oracle ERP/Oracle Retail is a strong advantage.
- Skilled in creating data flows, system flows, and detailed design documentation to clarify requirements and acceptance criteria for the team.
- Strong coordination skills to work effectively with business teams, developers, QA, DevOps, and Solution Architects to resolve development issues and remove blockers.
- Experienced in Agile methodology.
- Ability to serve as L3 support for production issues, providing mentorship to junior team members and ensuring high-quality delivery.
- Good English proficiency.
- CP AXTRA | Lotus's
- CP AXTRA Public Company Limited.
- Nawamin Office: Buengkum, Bangkok 10230, Thailand.
- By applying for this position, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data to us, our recruitment firms and all relevant third parties for the purpose of processing your application for this job position (or any other suitable positions within Lotus's and its subsidiaries, if any). You understand and acknowledge that your personal data will be processed in accordance with the law and our policy. .
Network Infrastructure, Project Management, VMware, English
- Design/Implement Cyber Security project for Private Cloud and Global Cloud (CloudX, AWS and MS Azure).
- Solution integration and migration.
- Control suppliers in the assigned project.
- Do project quality control.
- Do project risk assessment and management.
- Do project UAT with customer.
- Create final project document.
- Do customer project training (OJT).
- At least 4 years of Cyber Security experience.
- Bachelor s degree in Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science or related fields.
- Experience in installation and operation Security product e.g. Firewall, IPS, SIEM, NAC, Anti-Virus, Endpoint.
- Knowledge on network security and cloud technology.
- Knowledge of monitoring tools (What s up gold, Zabbix, Nagios).
- Has valid Security product Certification e.g. Foritnet NSE3-7, PaloAlto PCNSA, PCNSE, Cisco CCNA, CCNP Security.
- Experienced in ITIL framework.
- Senior Engineer/Engineering Specialist (Network and Security).
- Configure and install various network devices and services (e.g., routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, VPN, QoS).
- Managing and troubleshooting SD-WAN solutions, Wireless Lan and Cybersec solution.
- Perform network maintenance and system upgrades including service packs, patches, hot fixes, and security configurations.
- Monitor performance and ensure system availability and reliability.
- Monitor system resource utilization, trending, and capacity planning.
- Provide Level-2/3 support and troubleshooting to resolve issues.
- Work within established configuration and change management policies to ensure awareness, approval and success of changes made to the network infrastructure.
- Select and implement security tools, policies, and procedures in conjunction with the company s security team.
- Work with vendors and other IT personnel for problem resolution.
- Bachelor s degree in computer engineering, computer science, IT, or related fields.
- At least 3-5 years of experience in network & security areas.
- Knowledge and Experience with network design, implementation, service support, and troubleshooting.
- Knowledge and Experience with SD-WAN, Network Security and CyberSec solutions.
- Knowledge and Experience in LAN/Datacenter networking, TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, SSL, HTTP, Proxy, Web Application Firewall.
- CCNA, CCNP, CompTIA Network+, Fortigate, PaloAlto product certificate is advantage.
- Good communication, analytical thinking, and effective communication skills with interpersonal and problem-solving skill.
- Able to work outside working hours.
- Good command of read, listen, written and speaking English.
- On-call support during non-office hours.
- Engineering Specialist (Project Engineer).
- Manage CCII (Cloud, Cyber Security, IOT, ICT) project for single and multi-tower solution for Property, Retail, Conglomerate, and international customer segments.
- Be a committee of AIS bid management for validating large projects at TCV > 10MB.
- Manage project stakeholders to meet expectation and requirement.
- Communicate project progress to stakeholders.
- Plan and manage project issue and risk with proper actions.
- Plan and manage project to meet project objective, within timeline, project budget, scope and give customer satisfied.
- Manage project resource both internal delivery and external suppliers.
- Bachelor's degree or higher in computer science, business, or a related field.
- 8-15 years of project management and related experience.
- Strong in communication and stakeholder management.
- Project Management Professional certification preferred.
- Proven ability to solve problems creatively.
- Strong familiarity with project management software tools, methodologies, and best practices.
- Experience seeing projects through the full life cycle.
- Excellent analytical skills.
- Strong interpersonal skills and extremely resourceful.
- Proven ability to complete projects according to outlined scope, budget, and timeline.
- Senior Engineer (System Infrastructure)
- Implement Server, Storage, Virtualization, Backup system for Enterprise customer.
- Hypervisor and Operating system configuration and customization.
- Network and firewall integration for Cloud infrastructure.
- Hand-over completed solution to related team.
- At least 3 years experience on Server, Storage, VMware and Veeam delivery.
- Strong knowledge of Cloud environment and Operating system. (Windows and Linux).
- Basic skill of Database and Middleware installation.
- Strong organizational skills and ability to take on multiple assignments.
- Experienced firewall and cloud network implementation.
- Ability to occasionally work or assign work during nights/weekends during critical incidents per on-call rotation or major project implementations.
- Good command of English.
- VMware VCP or Linux certificate knowledge is an advantage.
Oracle, Software Development, Project Management
- At least 3-5 years experience in Cloud/IT Product manager or Channel manager.
- Cloud business marketing or product experience; ROI, P&L, Feasibility related business acumen of product manager role.
- OCI Solution Architech, Oracle Security certificate, OCI DB professional is an advantage...
- Cloud Solution Architect Engineer / Presales / Solution Consulting.
- Design Cloud Architectures - Ensure robust, scalable, and secure cloud infrastructure tailored to partner needs, allowing businesses to handle growth, and changing demands efficiently.
- Lead Architectural Design Sessions - Facilitate the creation of effective and efficient cloud solutions through collaborative planning and design sessions, ensuring alignment with business goals and technical requirements. This collaboration fosters innovation and problem-solving, leading to better-designed systems.
- Develop Proof of Concepts and Pilots - Demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of proposed cloud solutions, gaining partner buy-in and driving adoption. These prototypes help validate ideas and identify potential issues before full-scale implementation, saving time and resources.
- Provide Technical Guidance and Support - Ensure successful implementation and optimization of cloud solutions, enhancing partner satisfaction and solution performance, to maximize the value of partner cloud investments and adapt efficiently to challenges.
- Transition partner and customer from Legacy Systems - Facilitate smooth transitions to modern cloud environments, improving efficiency and reducing operational risks for partners, to help them stay competitive by leveraging the latest technologies and cloud best practices.
- Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering, Business, or related field.
- 4+ years experience in cloud/infrastructure technologies, information technology (IT) consulting/support, systems administration, network operations, software development/support, technology solutions, practice development, architecture, and/or consulting OR equivalent experience.
- Strong background and in-depth knowledge of cloud technologies. And strong project management skills..
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