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Payroll, Compliance, Microsoft Office, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Facilitate training and evaluations of all fitness & spa staff.
- Ensure all administration duties including but not limited to payroll, scheduling, and expense/supply are maintained and effective. Assist in training new staff for all positions.
- Train and evaluate all new and current staff. Coach, counsel, and discipline employees to properly motivate to ensure FS standards and procedures are adhered to.
- Assist in greeting guests/members at entrance and properly register all hotel guests and guests of members. Offer orientation of the facility.
- Assist in making spa reservations, check in spa guests, and offer recommendations or descriptions of spa services as necessary. Escort and orient to locker room.
- Handle all member/guests interactions with the highest level of hospitality and professionalism, accommodating special requests whenever possible; resolve customer complaints; assist customers in all inquiries in connection with club or hotel services.
- Assist in properly booking all necessary reservations that pertain to necessary fitness services or activities i.e., personal training.
- Appropriately utilize logbook, e-mails, voice mails, and glitch system as vehicles of communication to ensure members/guests satisfaction with all services provided in the fitness area.
- Ensure compliance of daily and opening/closing checklists by walking and ensuring all areas of fitness are well maintained, stocked, and cleaned to ensure high quality presentation and repair of all fitness equipment and venues for the hotel guests and members.
- Previous leadership experience in a luxury spa setting.
- Must be able to communicate professionally in English both verbally and written.
- Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite with the ability to learn other proprietary computer applications.
- The ability to stand/walk up to 8 hours per shift when necessary.
- CPR/ First Aide certified.
- Comfort in training staff as well as coaching and counseling when necessary.
- Must be flexible with schedule - Able to work weekdays, weekends, holidays, evening shifts.
- Visa and Work Permit sponsorship is not available for the role. Only successful candidates will be contacted.
- Join Our Team.
- Join a team that is built on mutual respect, collaboration, creativity and a commitment to the highest quality of service. Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Bangkok Chao Phraya provides guests with a haven of serenity and luxury in a bustling city. Four Seasons provides employees with the same level of care that we expect to be shared with our guests. We have been ranked in FORTUNE Magazine s 100 Best Companies to work for since 1998.
- What to expect: You will .
- Be a champion of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
- Be part of a cohesive team with opportunities to learn, grow and develop.
- Have the opportunity to engage in diverse and challenging work.
- Derive a sense of pride in work well done.
- Be recognized for excellence.
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