- No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
Project Management, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
āļŋ70,000 - āļŋ100,000, āļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāļāđāļāļĢāļāļāđāļāđ
- Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Management, Engineering, Supply Chain or a related field. Master's degree is a plus.
- Proven experience (typically 5+ years) in business process management, process improvement, or related roles.
- Fluent English.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with a data-driven approach to decision-making.
- Excellent project management skills with the ability to lead cross-functional teams effectively.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills to collaborate with diverse stakeholders.
- Knowledge of process improvement methodologies such as Lean, Six Sigma, or BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation).
- Familiarity with process modeling and workflow software tools.
- Ability to adapt to a dynamic and fast-paced work environment.
- Knowledge of customer experience management approaches and methodologies a plus.
Fashion Design, Negotiation
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Provide weekly/monthly reports (Sales and Inventory), assess fast/slow moving items, and develop action plans.
- Provide account rolling inventory report, be able to advise if stock level is over or shortfall.
- Ensure selection aligns with business guidelines and store inventory is at full capacity.
- Coordinate payment, claim, and return.
- Layout merchandise list based on authorized floor plan and be able to recommend in-store display.
- Recommend OTB by seasonal purchase, and ensure orders are issued based on sales projections.
- Monitor shipment, delivery on time, pricing, promotion, and markdown.
- Monitor shipping, delivery within launch date, pricing, promotion, and markdown.
- At least 10 years of experience in merchandising, buyer, procurement, of related products.
- Bachelor s degree in Fashion Design, Business Administration, Marketing or related.
- Good communication, presentation as well as negotiation skill.
- Having experience as a Fashion & Lifestyle Thai brand Designer will be given special consideration.
- Experience directly in merchandise for retails.
- Has experience in Team management.
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Lead store operations, site acquisition, and franchise management to drive growth and profitability.
- Oversee store performance, focusing on sales, customer service, and operational improvements across company-owned and franchise stores.
- Manage expenses, inventory, and loss prevention to meet company KPIs.
- Direct site selection, store development, and franchise expansion, ensuring alignment with business objectives.
- Conduct store visits and stay updated on market trends to support operational and franchise excellence.
- Bachelor's degree in Business Administration or any related.
- Minimum of 10 years of experience in retail management, with at least 5 years in a senior leadership role.
- Retail Operations Expertise.
- Leadership and Team Management.
- Franchise Management.
- Negotiation and Market Insight.
- Problem-Solving & Decision-Making.
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Lead the end-to-end business development process for new ventures, including market research, feasibility studies, and competitive analysis.
- Develop and implement strategic business plans that ensure the successful launch, growth, and profitability of new businesses.
- Oversee day-to-day operations for the new businesses, ensuring operational efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and high-quality service delivery.
- Identify new market opportunities and trends to continuously innovate and expand the company's business portfolio.
- Build and maintain strong relationships with external partners, vendors, and industry experts to drive collaboration and growth.
- Manage financial performance by setting budgets, forecasts, and financial models to ensure profitability and scalability.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams (marketing, operations, finance, etc.) to ensure smooth business integration and alignment with corporate goals.
- Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and make data-driven decisions to optimize business performance.
- Provide leadership and mentorship to team members to foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement.
- Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Management, or a related field (Master's degree preferred).
- Minimum of 8-10 years of experience in business development, with a strong focus on launching and managing new businesses.
- Proven experience in both operational and strategic roles, ideally in retail, food and beverage, services, or market-related industries.
- Strong business acumen with the ability to analyze market trends, financial data, and competitive landscapes.
- Excellent leadership and team management skills, with a proven track record of leading cross-functional teams.
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills, both verbal and written, with the ability to build strong relationships with stakeholders at all levels.
- Highly adaptable and capable of handling multiple projects simultaneously in a fast-paced environment.
- Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to make sound decisions under pressure.
3 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Analytical Thinking, Diplomacy, Good Communication Skills, High Responsibilities, Leadership Skill, Thai
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
āļŋ40,000 - āļŋ45,000, āļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāļāđāļāļĢāļāļāđāļāđ, āļĄāļĩāļāđāļēāļāļāļĄāļĄāļīāļāļāļąāđāļ
- āļāļģāļāļąāļ āļāļđāđāļĨ āđāļĨāļ°āļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļēāļāļāđāļēāļāļāļĢāļąāļāļĒāļēāļāļĢāļāļļāļāļāļĨāđāļŦāđāļāļĢāļāļāļāļĨāļļāļĄāđāļāļāļļāļāļāđāļēāļ āđāļāļĒāļĻāļķāļāļĐāļē āļ§āļīāđāļāļĢāļēāļ°āļŦāđ āđāļĨāļ°āļāļģāđāļāļīāļāļāļēāļĢāđāļāļĩāđāļĒāļ§āļāļąāļāļāļēāļĢāļ§āļēāļāļĢāļ°āļāļ āļĄāļēāļāļĢāļāļēāļ āļŦāļĨāļąāļāđāļāļāļāđ āđāļĨāļ°āļ§āļīāļāļĩāļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļąāļāļĒāļēāļāļĢāļāļļāļāļāļĨ.
- āļĨāļąāļāļĐāļāļ°āļāļēāļāđāļāļāđāļēāļāļāđāļēāļāđ
- āļāđāļēāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļāļēāļāļļāļāļāļĨāļēāļāļĢ (Human Resource Development)
- āļŠāļ·āđāļāļŠāļēāļĢāļĄāļēāļāļĢāļāļēāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļāļīāļāļąāļāļīāļāļēāļāđāļĨāļ°āļāļ§āļēāļĄāļāļēāļāļŦāļ§āļąāļāļāļēāļĄāļāļąāļ§āļāļĩāđāļ§āļąāļāļĢāļ§āļĄāļāļąāđāļāļāļģāļŦāļāļāđāļĨāļ°āļāļĢāļ°āđāļĄāļīāļ KPIs
- āđāļŦāđāļāļģāļāļĢāļķāļāļĐāļēāđāļĨāļ°āļāļ§āļēāļĄāļāļīāļāļĢāļīāđāļĢāļīāđāļĄāđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļķāļāļāļāļĢāļĄ āđāļāļ°āļāļģāļāļąāđāļāļāļāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļąāļāđāļāļīāļāđāļāļ·āļāļāđāļĨāļ°āļāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļāļēāļāļļāļāļĨāļēāļāļĢ
- āđāļāđāļāļāļđāđāļāļģāļāļĩāđāļŠāļĢāđāļēāļāđāļĢāļāļāļąāļāļāļēāļĨāđāļāđāļĨāļ°āļāļēāļĢāđāļŦāđāļāļģāļāļĢāļķāļāļĐāļēāđāļāđāļāļĩāļĄ āļŠāđāļāđāļŠāļĢāļīāļĄāļāļĩāļĄāđāļŦāđāļĄāļĩāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļīāļāļāļīāļ āļēāļāļŠāļđāļāđāļĨāļ°āļĄāļĩāđāļĢāļāļāļđāļāđāļ.
- āļāđāļēāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļāļēāļĢ (Human Resource Management)
- āļ§āļēāļāđāļāļāļāļąāļāļāļĩāļĄāļāļēāļāđāļŦāđāļĄāļĩāļāļļāļāļāļĨāļēāļāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļāļāļĢāļāļāļļāļāļāļģāđāļŦāļāđāļ
- āļāļąāļāļāļēāļĢāđāļāđāļāļāļąāļāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļĢāļđāđāđāļĨāļ°āļāļēāļĢāđāļĢāļĩāļĒāļāļĢāļđāđāļāļĒāđāļēāļāļāđāļāđāļāļ·āđāļāļāļ āļēāļĒāđāļāļāļĩāļĄ
- āļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļēāļāļāļēāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļ (Synergy) āļ āļēāļĒāđāļāļāļĩāļĄāļāļāļāļāļ āđāļĨāļ°āļ āļēāļĒāđāļāļāļāļāđāļāļĢ āđāļāļ·āđāļāļŠāļĢāđāļēāļāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļĄāļ·āļāđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļ (Collaboration) āļĄāļļāđāļāļŠāļđāđāđāļāđāļēāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒāđāļāļĩāļĒāļ§āļāļąāļāļāļāļāļāļĢāļīāļĐāļąāļ
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- āļāļđāđāļĨāļāļēāļĢāļ§āļēāļāđāļāļ āļāļēāļĢāđāļāđāļāļēāļ āđāļĨāļ°āļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļĢāļļāļāļĢāļąāļāļĐāļēāđāļāļĢāļāļŠāļĢāđāļēāļāļāļ·āđāļāļāļēāļāđāļĨāļ°āļĢāļ°āļāļāđāļāļāļĩāļāļāļāļāļāļāđāļāļĢ.
- āļāđāļēāļ HRIS (Human Resource Information System)
- āļĻāļķāļāļĐāļēāđāļĨāļ°āļāļģāđāļŠāļāļāļĢāļ°āļāļāļāđāļēāļ āđ āļāļĩāđāđāļāđāđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļ āđāļāļ·āđāļāļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļąāļāļāļēāđāļŦāđāļĢāļ°āļāļāļĄāļĩāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļīāļāļāļīāļ āļēāļ āļŦāļĢāļ·āļāđāļŦāđāļĄāļĩāļ§āļīāļāļĩāļāļēāļĢāđāļāđāļĢāļ°āļāļāļāļĩāđāļāļĩāļāļķāđāļ
- āđāļāđāļĢāļ°āļāļ HRIS āđāļāļ·āđāļāđāļāļīāđāļĄāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļāļĨāđāļāļāļāļąāļ§āđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļāļēāļĢ ES āļāļĨāļāļāļ§āļāļāļĢāļāļĩāļ§āļīāļāļāļāļąāļāļāļēāļ āļāļĢāļāļāļāļĨāļļāļĄāļāļēāļĢāļŠāļĢāļĢāļŦāļē āļāļēāļĢāđāļĢāļīāđāļĄāļāļēāļ āļāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļāļē āļāļēāļĢāļĢāļąāļāļĐāļē āđāļĨāļ°āļāļēāļĢāļāļēāļāļĨāļē
- āļāļĢāļąāļāļāļĢāļļāļāļāđāļāļĄāļđāļĨāļāļāļąāļāļāļēāļāđāļĨāļ°āļāđāļāļĄāļđāļĨāļāļēāļĢāđāļāđāļēāļāļēāļāđāļāļĢāļ°āļāļ HRIS āļŠāļģāļŦāļĢāļąāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļ§āļāđāļāļīāļāđāļāļ·āļāļ.
- āļāđāļēāļ KM (Knowledge Management)
- āļĻāļķāļāļĐāļēāđāļĨāļ°āļāļģāđāļŠāļāļ Job Description āđāļŦāđāļāļĢāļāļāļąāļāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāļāļļāļāļąāļ āļāļāļīāļāļēāļĒāļāļķāļāļāļāļāđāļāļāļāļāļāļāļēāļ (Scope of Work)
- āđāļāļ°āļāļģ āļāļĢāļąāļāļāļĢāļļāļāļāļĢāļ°āļāļ§āļāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļāļāđāļēāļāđāļ āļēāļĒāđāļāļāļĩāļĄāđāļŦāđāļĄāļĩāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļīāļāļāļīāļ āļēāļ.
- āļāđāļēāļāļāļēāļĢāļŠāļĢāļĢāļŦāļēāđāļĨāļ°āļāļąāļāđāļĨāļ·āļāļ (Recruitment)
- āļāļģāļŦāļĨāļąāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļēāļ Employee Success āđāļāđāļāđāđāļāļāļāļāđāļāļāļāđāļēāļāđ āļĢāļ§āļĄāļāļķāļāļāļēāļĢāļŠāļĢāļĢāļŦāļēāđāļĨāļ°āļāļąāļāđāļĨāļ·āļāļ āļāļēāļĢāļāļķāļāļāļāļĢāļĄāđāļĨāļ°āļāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļāļē āļāļ§āļēāļĄāļŠāļąāļĄāļāļąāļāļāđāļāļąāļāļāļāļąāļāļāļēāļ āļāļēāļĢāļŠāđāļāđāļŠāļĢāļīāļĄāļāļĢāļīāļĒāļāļĢāļĢāļĄ āđāļĨāļ°āļāļēāļĢāļāļēāļāļĨāļē.
- āļāđāļēāļāļāļēāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāļāđāļēāļāļāļāđāļāļāļāļāļąāļāļāļēāļ
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- āļ§āļļāļāļīāļāļĢāļīāļāļāļēāļāļĢāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļāļŠāļēāļāļēāļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļąāļāļĒāļēāļāļĢāļĄāļāļļāļĐāļĒāđ āļŦāļĢāļ·āļāļŠāļēāļāļēāļāļ·āđāļāđ āļāļĩāđāđāļāļĩāđāļĒāļ§āļāđāļāļ.
- āđāļĄāđāļāļģāļāļąāļāđāļāļĻ āļāļēāļĒāļļāđāļĄāđāđāļāļīāļ 35 āļāļĩ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļāļāļēāļĢāļāđāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļāļāđāļēāļ HR āļāļĒāđāļēāļāļāđāļāļĒ 3 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļĢāļđāđ āļāļ§āļēāļĄāđāļāļĩāđāļĒāļ§āļāļēāļāđāļāļāļēāļāļāļĢāļąāļāļĒāļēāļāļĢāļāļļāļāļāļĨ āđāļĨāļ°āļĢāļ°āđāļāļĩāļĒāļ āļŦāļĨāļąāļāđāļāļāļāđ āļāđāļāļāļģāļŦāļāļ āļāļāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒāļāļĩāđāđāļāļĩāđāļĒāļ§āļāđāļāļāđāļāļāļēāļāļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļąāļāļĒāļēāļāļĢāļāļļāļāļāļĨ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļĢāļđāđāļāđāļēāļāļŠāļēāļĢāļŠāļāđāļāļĻāļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļąāļāļĒāļēāļāļĢāļāļļāļāļāļĨ (HRIS) āđāļĨāļ°āļĄāļĩāļāļąāļāļĐāļ°āļāļēāļāđāļāļāđāļāđāļĨāļĒāļĩāđāļĨāļ°āļāļīāļāļīāļāļāļĨ (Tech & Digital Skill: HRIS, empeo, social media).
- āļĄāļĩāļāļąāļāļĐāļ°āđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļīāļāļāđāļāļŠāļ·āđāļāļŠāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļāļļāļāļāļĨ āļĄāļĩāļĄāļāļļāļĐāļĒāļŠāļąāļĄāļāļąāļāļāđāļāļĩāđāļāļĩ āđāļāđāļēāļāļąāļāļāļđāđāļāļ·āđāļāđāļāđāļāđāļēāļĒ.
- āļāļ§āļēāļĄāļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāđāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļāđāļāđāļāļāļĩāļĄāđāļĨāļ°āļāļģāļāļēāļāļ āļēāļĒāđāļāđāļāļ§āļēāļĄāļāļāļāļąāļ.
- āļĄāļĩāļ āļēāļ§āļ°āļāļ§āļēāļĄāđāļāđāļāļāļđāđāļāļģ (Leadership) āļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāđāļŦāđāļāļģāļāļĢāļķāļāļĐāļē āđāļāļ°āļāļģ/feedback āđāļĨāļ°āļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļĩāļĄāđāļĨāļ°āļāļĢāļąāļāļĒāļēāļāļĢāļāđāļēāļ āđ āđāļāđāļāļĒāđāļēāļāđāļāđāļāļĢāļ°āļāļ.
- āļĄāļĩāļāļąāļāļĐāļ°āļāļēāļĢāļāļīāļ āļ§āļīāđāļāļĢāļēāļ°āļŦāđāļāđāļāļĄāļđāļĨ/āļāļąāļāļŦāļē āđāļāļ·āđāļāļŦāļēāđāļāļāļēāļŠāļāļąāļāļāļē /āļāļģāļŦāļāļāļĄāļēāļāļĢāļāļēāļ āļŦāļĨāļąāļāđāļāļāļāđ āļāļĢāļ°āļāļ§āļāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļ.
5 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Marketing Strategy, Javascript, Wordpress, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Develop and oversee the execution of web development and design projects.
- Lead a team of developers and designers, providing guidance and training.
- Ensure the delivery of high-quality, user-friendly, and responsive websites and applications.
- Conduct code reviews and ensure best practices in coding and design are followed.
- Collaborate with clients to understand their requirements and provide innovative solutions.
- Stay up-to-date with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in web development and design.
- Manage project timelines, budgets, and resources effectively.
- Prepare and present comprehensive project reports to senior management.
- Ensure all development and design practices comply with industry standards and guidelines.
- Planning the Marketing Strategy: Develop and plan web development and design strategies for clients, ensuring alignment with their objectives and industry best practices.
- Analysing Data: Analyse web performance metrics, identify insights, and recommend next steps to update strategies, stay competitive, and achieve better results.
- Quality Control and Oversight: Conduct quality control to identify and rectify mistakes, improving project effectiveness and client satisfaction.
- AI Usage: Leverage AI tools and technologies to enhance development and design processes, automate repetitive tasks, and gain deeper insights into data trends and performance metrics.
- Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Web Development, or similar.
- Minimum of 5 years of experience in web development and design, with a proven track record of successful projects.
- Strong understanding of web development tools and technologies (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress, PHP, Shopify, Python).
- Excellent command of the English language.
- Ability to multitask and stay organised.
- Strong analytical and logical skills.
- Leadership qualities with the ability to inspire and motivate a team.
- A passion for web development and staying updated with industry changes.
- Familiarity with AI tools and their applications in web development and design.
- Salary of 50,000-80,000 baht per month (dependent on experience and qualifications).
- Annual and KPI Bonuses.
- Convenient location near Rama IX MRT.
- 5-day work week - no weekend work required.
- Staff Social Club and regular events and outings.
- Generous annual leave packages.
- Continual training and education initiatives.
- A fun, relaxed work environment with great team culture.
- So if you would like to join a young, dynamic business looking to rapidly grow and be rewarded with a genuine career path opportunity, please reply with a cover letter outlining your recent job experiences and why you think you would be suitable for this role.
- Pay: āļŋ54,000.00 - āļŋ80,000.00 per month.
- āļāļĢāļļāļāđāļāļāļĄāļŦāļēāļāļāļĢ: Reliably commute or planning to relocate before starting work (Required).
- Web Development: 5 years (Required).
- English Fluency (Required).
Teamwork, Negotiation, Excel, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Ensure that all merchandise flows through DC accurately, good quality, timely and safely in order to meet stores service expectation.
- To organize and oversee the daily operations of DC ensure to achieve all DC KPI targets and beyond and develop continuous improvement initiatives and share best practices with team members.
- Control the overall DC controllable expenses within agreed budget and improve on productivity year by year with result meet or exceed budget.
- Ensure that the all Operation functions can meet future developments for company continuous growth.
- Ensure staff high moral and teamwork in order to eliminate business disruption also, support on safety work place.
- Work Location: Khlong Preng, Mueang Chachoengsao, Chachoengsao
- Working day: 5 Days/Week.
- Bachelor Degree or higher in Business Administration, Logistics or any relate field.
- Have direct experience in Warehouse Operation, Distribution Center Operation at least 15 Years.
- Minimum of 5 years experiences of Cold Storage, DC-Fresh Food/Chill.
- Minimum of 10 years in Management Level.
- Have experience of Retail business, Logistics/Warehouse business would be advantage.
- Strong negotiation skills with proactive, initiative, and work well under high pressure.
- Multi-tasked person with result-oriented.
- Strong analytical skill, initiative, proactive and result - oriented.
- Have business acumen, logistic background logistic, supply chain management or manufacturing background.
- Good Command in English for Communication Skills.
- Computer Literacy (MS Word, Excel, and Power Point).
Business Development, Market Analysis, Research
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Develop and implement a business development strategy to support the company's store expansion goals and overall growth objectives.
- Identify and evaluate new business opportunities, including market analysis, competitive research, and customer needs assessment.
- Build and maintain strategic partnerships with key stakeholders.
- Lead the negotiation and execution of business agreements, including strategic partnerships.
- Collaborate with internal teams, such as marketing, operations, and finance, to ensure alignment and support for new business initiatives.
- Provide leadership and guidance to a business development team, fostering a culture of creativity, collaboration, and excellence.
- Develop and manage a robust pipeline of new business opportunities, tracking progress and reporting on key metrics to senior management.
- Stay updated on industry trends, market dynamics, and competitive landscape to identify potential risks and opportunities.
- Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, or a related field (MBA preferred).
- Minimum 10 years of working experience in business development, including experience in building new businesses and driving expansion strategies.
- Strong understanding of retail industry trends, customer behavior, and competitive landscape.
- Excellent analytical and strategic thinking skills, with the ability to identify and evaluate new business opportunities.
- Exceptional negotiation and communication skills, with the ability to influence and build relationships with key stakeholders.
- Strong leadership and team management capabilities, with a demonstrated ability to motivate and inspire a team.
- Results-oriented mindset, with a focus on achieving and exceeding business goals.
- Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment with the agility to adapt to changing market conditions.
- Proactive and self-driven attitude, with the ability to take initiative and work independently.
- Willingness to travel as needed to meet with potential partners, attend industry events, and support business development activities.
Accounting, Finance, Financial Reporting
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Providing correctness and timely consolidated financial statements and financial information required by the regulators, managements and other teams.
- Contributing knowledge on accounting standards and financial reporting.
- Prepare consolidated financial statements.
- Taking ownership of the Group s consolidation process for both monthly internal report and statutory purposes.
- Ensuring the company complies with all regulatory requirements regarding financial reports, information disclosure, and connected transaction.
- Being a counselor about accounting standards and new transactions to managements.
- Provide financial information and analysis to Investor Relation (IR) and other functions.
- Support financial information required by the regulators (SET & SEC).
- If you like wild growth and working with happy, enthusiastic over-achievers, you'll enjoy your career with us!.
Excel, Labor law, Negotiation, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Bachelor s Degree / Master s Degree in Human Resources Management or related filed.
- Minimum 10 years of working experience in HR Business Partner or HRM function.
- Have experience in Retail, Wholesale or Logistics & Warehouse Business at least 3 years.
- Excellent for Excel & Data Analyst.
- Strong in HR and labor law knowledge.
- Good Business acumen.
- Strategic thinking with excellent communication and coaching skills.
- Good interpersonal and relationship management skills.
- Strong negotiation, influencing and building motivation skills.
- Good command in English for Communication with Forefinger Management Level.
- Location: Mobility (Pathumthani, Ayutthaya, Bangkok, Chachoengsao)
- Working day: Monday - Friday.
Sales, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Develop and implement comprehensive sales promotion strategies that align with our business objectives for ICONSIAM and ICS and key anchor tenants such as Siam Takashimaya, Sooksiam, etc.
- Lead and mentor the sales promotion team and VIP Lounge team to execute promotional campaigns that effectively attract and retain customers, build and maintain High Net worth customers.
- Monitor, track record, and analyze promotional campaigns to ensure business objectiv ...
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure campaigns are integrated and consistent across all platforms.
- Analyze market trends and consumer behavior to continuously refine and improve campaign effectiveness.
- Manage budgets and timelines to deliver high-impact promotions within allocated resources.
- Develop and coach teams and ensure future-ready capabilities in place with career growth.
- Perform others as assigned.
- Bachelor s degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or related field; a Master s degree is preferred.
- At least 7 years of experience in marketing, with a focus on sales promotions, preferably in the retail sector or shopping center or any relevant.
- Strong leadership skills with a track record of successful team management.
- Strong data analytics and critical thinking skills.
- Excellent communication and presentation skills.
- Strong interpersonal skill and collaboration.
- Digital literacy and familiar with adopting and maximizing technologies.
- Proficient in Thai and English.
- Dynamic, Flexible, Open mind, Growth mindset and Learning agility.
- Ability to work under pressure and resilent.
Accounting, Finance, Taxation
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Oversee and review the company's asset reporting system.
- Prepare detailed reports and financial statements, analyze data, and present findings to management.
- Develop recommendations and reports based on audits and presenting these ideas to senior management.
- Coordinate with internal departments and external parties, such as auditors and the Revenue Department.
- Audit Background Required.
- Bachelor s degree in a specialty area such as accounting, finance or business administration.
- Must possess external audit background in a Big 4 or Top 10 firm.
- Experienced in financial reporting, inventory management, costing, account reconciliation, month end closing, consolidation, taxation and etc.
- Experience in IPO is preferred.
- Proficiency in ERP / SAP systems, accounting software, and advanced Microsoft Excel skills.
- Strong analytical thinking, time management, leadership, communication skills, and the ability to work under pressure.
- Strong time management and organizational skills.
3 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Accounting, Finance, Compliance, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Ensure accurate and timely bookkeeping, month- and year-end closings, and management accounting.
- Ensure compliance with financial reporting standards and tax regulation.
- Ensure the reconciliations for assets and liabilities are maintained.
- Ensure all supporting documents to AR, AP, GL are prepared and maintained.
- Experience on tax refund processes.
- Mentor and develop the accounting and finance team to improve performance.
- Ensure timely and satisfactory annual audits.
- Forecast monthly, quarterly, and annual results and conduct variance analysis.
- Conduct revenue and costs analysis to optimize the business.
- At least 3-5 years of experience in accounting & finance with a proven track record of leading teams and managing operations.
- Big 4 audit background and CPA, a big plus.
- Solid understanding of financial management and accounting.
- Excellent analytical and decision-making abilities.
- Highly effective in multi-task and works well with multiple deadlines.
- Outgoing personality, excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
- High attention to detail, well-organized, with a sense of urgency.
- Fluency in English & Thai.
- Work location: Near BTS Thonglor.
- How to Apply!.
- Email: [email protected].
- Subject: Head of Accounting & Finance - Application - [Your Name].
- Why do you think you are fit for this role?.
- What are your salary expectations?.
- When can you join us?.
5 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Graphic Design
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Creates final design assets such as social posts, online ads, etc.
- Pitches creative ideas.
- Conceptualizes visuals based on requirements.
- Works with agency to produce final design.
- Ensures final graphics and layouts are visually appealing and on-brand for client.
- Qualifications bachelors' degree in fine art, art, architecture or related field.
- 5 years of experience in digital graphic design.
- at least 2 years of experience in digital advertising agency.
- excellence in graphic design tool, AI, AE, PS.
- good in motion graphic will be advantaged.
- Location: Bangkok Brand: Dentsu Creative Time Type: Full time Contract Type: Permanent
10 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Labor law, Human Resource Management, Human Resources Development, Management
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Collaborates with the business s leaders, executives, and guides the spearheads with the development of HR strategies and approaches to attract, develop, and retain talent in the business.
- Work closely with line manager to develop strategies in part of Human Resource and manpower plan.
- Provide professional guidance and advice to line manager regards to human resources management and labor law.
- Implement HR strategies, policies, system and processes by communicating to line manager to ensure the effectiveness of implementation.
- Gather requirements from line manager and provide solutions and recommendation including action plan by coordinate with relates functions.
- Work closely with management and employees to improve work relationships, build morale, and increase productivity and retention.
- Master s degree or Bachelor s degree in Business Administration, Management, Human Resource Management, Economics or Political Science or related functions.
- Minimum 10 years in, human resource management, human resource development, and organization development, preferably in IT, F&B, and Retails sector.
- Analytical and goal-oriented skill and Experience in HR Business Partner is preferred Excellent Communication, Good leadership and people management skills.
- Sufficient knowledge in the labor regulations and laws.
5 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Research, Google Analytics, Problem Solving, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Develop and implement effective SEO strategies to improve organic search rankings and drive traffic.
- Lead a team of SEO specialists and content creators, providing guidance and training.
- Conduct keyword research and competitor analysis to identify opportunities.
- Optimise website content, meta tags, and other on-page elements.
- Oversee the creation of high-quality, SEO-friendly content.
- Monitor and analyse SEO performance using tools like Google Analytics, Search Console, and third-party SEO tools.
- Stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends, algorithm changes, and best practices.
- Manage link-building campaigns to enhance website authority.
- Collaborate with other departments to align SEO efforts with overall marketing strategies.
- Prepare and present comprehensive SEO reports to senior management.
- Ensure all SEO practices comply with search engine guidelines.
- Problem Solving SEO technical difficulties, and Google algorithm changes.
- Planning the Marketing Strategy: Develop and plan marketing strategies for clients, ensuring alignment with their objectives and industry best practices.
- Analysing Data: Analyse digital marketing efforts, identify insights, and recommend next steps to update strategies, stay competitive, and achieve better results.
- Quality Control and Oversight: Conduct quality control to identify and rectify mistakes, improving campaign effectiveness and client satisfaction.
- AI Usage: Leverage AI tools and technologies to enhance SEO strategies, automate repetitive tasks, and gain deeper insights into data trends and performance metrics.
- Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or similar.
- Minimum of 5 years of experience in SEO, with a proven track record of successful campaigns.
- Strong understanding of SEO tools and software (e.g., Google Analytics, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Google Trends).
- Excellent command of the English language.
- Ability to multitask and stay organised.
- Strong analytical and logical skills.
- Leadership qualities with the ability to inspire and motivate a team.
- A passion for digital marketing and staying updated with industry changes.
- Familiarity with AI tools and their applications in digital marketing.
- Salary of 50,000-80,000 baht per month (dependent on experience and qualifications).
- Annual and KPI Bonuses.
- Convenient location near Rama IX MRT.
- 5-day work week - no weekend work required.
- Staff Social Club and regular events and outings.
- Generous annual leave packages.
- Continual training and education initiatives.
- A fun, relaxed work environment with great team culture.
- So if you would like to join a young, dynamic business looking to rapidly grow and be rewarded with a genuine career path opportunity, please reply with a cover letter outlining your recent job experiences and why you think you would be suitable for this role.
- Pay: āļŋ40,000.00 - āļŋ80,000.00 per month.
- āļāļĢāļļāļāđāļāļāļĄāļŦāļēāļāļāļĢ: Reliably commute or planning to relocate before starting work (Required).
- SEO: 5 years (Required).
- English Fluency (Required).
10 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Budgeting, Business Development, Analytical Thinking
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- āļ§āļīāđāļāļĢāļēāļ°āļŦāđāđāļĨāļ°āļāļĢāļ°āļĄāļēāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļāļāļĢāļ°āļĄāļēāļāđāļĨāļ°āļĒāļāļāļāļēāļĒ āļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāļāļĨāļāļĢāļ°āļāļāļāļāļēāļĢ āđāļāļ·āđāļāļŠāļĢāđāļēāļāļāļĨāļāļģāđāļĢāđāļāļāļļāļāļŦāļāđāļ§āļĒāļāļļāļĢāļāļīāļāļ āļēāļĒāđāļāļŠāļāļēāļāļĩāļāļĢāļīāļāļēāļĢāļŊ.
- āļāļģāļŦāļāļ āļāļąāļāļāļēāđāļĨāļ°āļāļĢāļąāļāļāļĢāļļāļāļĄāļēāļāļĢāļāļēāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļģāļāļēāļ āļ§āļēāļāđāļāļ§āļāļēāļāļāļēāļĢāļāļ§āļāļāļļāļĄāļāļĢāļ°āļāļ§āļāļāļēāļĢāļŠāļ·āđāļāļāļ§āļēāļĄ āļāļģāļŦāļāļāļĄāļēāļāļĢāļāļēāļāļāļđāđāļĄāļ·āļāļāļēāļĢāļāļāļīāļāļąāļāļīāļāļēāļāļ āļēāļĒāđāļāļāļāļāļāļĨāļļāđāļĄāļāļāļīāļāļąāļāļīāļāļēāļĢ āđāļāļ·āđāļāđāļŦāđāđāļāļīāļāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļīāļāļāļīāļ āļēāļāļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļīāļāļāļīāļāļĨāđāļĨāļ°āđāļāđāļāļĄāļēāļāļĢāļāļēāļ.
- āļāļģāļŦāļāļāļāļĨāļĒāļļāļāļāđāđāļĨāļ°āđāļāļ§āļāļēāļāđāļāļāļēāļĢāļŠāđāļāđāļŠāļĢāļīāļĄāļāļēāļĢāļāļēāļĒāđāļŦāđāļŠāļāļāļāļĨāđāļāļāļāļąāļāđāļāđāļēāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒāļāļāļāļāļĢāļīāļĐāļąāļ.
- āļāļīāļāļāļēāļĄāļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļīāļāļēāļĢāļĨāļđāļāļāđāļēāđāļŦāđāđāļāđāļāđāļāļāļēāļĄāļĄāļēāļāļĢāļāļēāļ.
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- āļāļĢāļīāļāļāļēāļāļĢāļĩ āđāļĄāđāļāļģāļāļąāļāļŠāļēāļāļē.
7 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Risk Management, Business Statistics / Analysis, Project Management, Budgeting
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
āļŋ80,000 - āļŋ120,000, āļŠāļēāļĄāļēāļĢāļāļāđāļāļĢāļāļāđāļāđ
- Understand business requirements and recommend any potential digital solutions in terms of software development technology to support business decisions.
- Manage the strategy of software project development and tactical implementation of appropriate software technology.
- Design and develop the Software Functional Specification with existing systems in various businesses of PTG group by creating methodology of test and implementation based on Agile or Waterfall framework.
- Software project management, including planning, scheduling, budgeting, implementation, control, and final delivery of projects to meet expectations within timeline, quality and budget.
- Collaborate with all stakeholders of both internal and external for fixing problems to deliver the best solution.
- Lead team in Functional Test, UAT to ensure quality of deliverable.
- Stay up to date on all kinds of software development technology related to retail and service businesses such as Blockchain, Robotic Process.
- Automation, Microservice Architecture, Event-Driven Applications etc.
- Bachelor degree in Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or Related Major.
- At least 7 years of work experience as Business Analyst, IT Project management or related fields.
- Experience in Transportation Management System, TMS Oil is a plus.
- Understand SCOR model framework.
- Risk management and issues management are a must.
5 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Research, Google Ads, eCommerce, English
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Develop and implement effective paid advertising strategies across various platforms.
- Lead a team of paid ads specialists, providing guidance and training.
- Create, manage, and optimise paid ad campaigns to maximise ROI.
- Conduct keyword research, audience targeting, and competitor analysis.
- Oversee ad copy creation, design, and landing page optimization.
- Monitor and analyse campaign performance using tools like Google Ads, Facebook Ads Manager, and third-party analytics.
- Stay up-to-date with the latest trends, algorithm changes, and best practices in paid advertising.
- Collaborate with other departments to ensure alignment with overall marketing strategies.
- Prepare and present comprehensive campaign reports to senior management.
- Ensure all advertising practices comply with platform guidelines.
- Ecommerce advertisement and development (Advantage) - e.g Shopping Ads across both Facebook & Google.
- Facebook in particular for advertisements on their market place.
- Planning the Marketing Strategy: Develop and plan marketing strategies for clients, ensuring alignment with their objectives and industry best practices.
- Analysing Data: Analyse digital marketing efforts, identify insights, and recommend next steps to update strategies, stay competitive, and achieve better results.
- Quality Control and Oversight: Conduct quality control to identify and rectify mistakes, improving campaign effectiveness and client satisfaction.
- AI Usage: Leverage AI tools and technologies to enhance paid advertising strategies, automate repetitive tasks, and gain deeper insights into data trends and performance metrics.
- Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or similar.
- Minimum of 5 years of experience in paid advertising, with a proven track record of successful campaigns.
- Strong understanding of paid advertising tools and platforms (e.g., Google Ads, Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads).
- Excellent command of the English language.
- Ability to multitask and stay organised.
- Strong analytical and logical skills.
- Leadership qualities with the ability to inspire and motivate a team.
- A passion for digital marketing and staying updated with industry changes.
- Familiarity with AI tools and their applications in digital marketing.
- Salary of 50,000-80,000 baht per month (dependent on experience and qualifications).
- Annual and KPI Bonuses.
- Convenient location near Rama IX MRT.
- 5-day work week - no weekend work required.
- Staff Social Club and regular events and outings.
- Generous annual leave packages.
- Continual training and education initiatives.
- A fun, relaxed work environment with great team culture.
- So if you would like to join a young, dynamic business looking to rapidly grow and be rewarded with a genuine career path opportunity, please reply with a cover letter outlining your recent job experiences and why you think you would be suitable for this role.
- Pay: āļŋ50,000.00 - āļŋ75,000.00 per month.
- āļāļĢāļļāļāđāļāļāļĄāļŦāļēāļāļāļĢ: Reliably commute or planning to relocate before starting work (Required).
- Paid Media Buyer: 5 years (Required).
- English Fluency (Required).
10 āļāļĩāļāļķāđāļāđāļ
Research, Project Management, Management
āļāļĢāļ°āđāļ āļāļāļēāļ:
- Manage and control project operations, analyze and design systems, and oversee system development to meet business needs.
- Analyze and define IT Business Solutions.
- Develop project plans and control timelines to ensure all parties' agreements are met, always prioritizing the organization's best interests.
- Analyze and design data integration architecture and internal systems, as well as facilitate data exchange between internal and external systems.
- Support the development or application of designed architecture to ensure effective implementation, including managing change and mitigating IT-related risks.
- Research and evaluate innovative technologies to enhance system and platform efficiency, considering processing capabilities, security, and adaptability for future changes (for IT and non-IT regulations).
- Manage stakeholder requirements effectively.
- Define company policies related to IT systems.
- Bachelor s degree in a Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology, or related fields.
- More than 10 years of experience, with over 5 years in Software Solution Architecture.
- Project management.
- Providing consultation and guidance".
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- 2
- 3
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āļāļģāđāļāļ°āļāļģāļāļēāļĢāļŦāļēāļāļēāļāđāļāļīāļāđāļāļĨāļŠāļļāļāļĒāļāļ 50 āļāļĢāļīāļĐāļąāļāļāļĩāđāļāļāļĢāļļāđāļāđāļŦāļĄāđāļāļĒāļēāļāļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļēāļāļāđāļ§āļĒāļĄāļēāļāļāļĩāđāļŠāļļāļ 2024