Sales Coordinator

Average Salary฿24,273/month

As of Feb 27, 2025, the average annual pay for a Sales Coordinator in Thailand is ฿24,273 a month.

WorkVenture Technologies is seeing annual salaries as high as ฿65,000 and as low as ฿12,000, however most of Sales Coordinator salaries currently range between ฿18,000 (25th percentile) to ฿30,000 (75th percentile) in Thailand.

Sales Coordinator - General Job Description and duties.
A Sales Coordinator is responsible for providing administrative and customer service support to the sales team. They are responsible for managing customer accounts, processing orders, and providing customer service. They also assist in the development of sales strategies and plans, and help to ensure that sales goals are met.

Common Responsibilities:
Manage Customer Accounts:
Maintain customer accounts, process orders, and provide customer service.
Develop Sales Strategies:
Assist in the development of sales strategies and plans.
Monitor Sales Goals:
Monitor sales goals and ensure that they are met.
Analyze Data:
Analyze sales data and provide reports to the sales team.
Coordinate Events:
Coordinate sales events and activities.
Maintain Records:
Maintain records of sales activities and customer interactions.

Average Bonuses for job title

Sales Coordinator:


0-2 years

Bonus (Yearly)

12,960 THB


3-6 years

Bonus (Yearly)

34,140 THB


7+ years

Bonus (Yearly)

42,930 THB