Marketing Executive

Average Salary฿35,397/month

As of Feb 11, 2025, the average annual pay for a Marketing Executive in Thailand is ฿35,397 a month.

WorkVenture Technologies is seeing annual salaries as high as ฿112,500 and as low as ฿12,600, however most of Marketing Executive salaries currently range between ฿26,000 (25th percentile) to ฿50,000 (75th percentile) in Thailand.

Marketing Executive - General Job Description and duties.
A Marketing Executive is responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote a company's products and services. They work closely with other departments, such as advertising, market research, production, sales, and distribution, to ensure that the marketing objectives are met. They also analyze market trends and recommend changes to marketing strategies based on their findings.

Common Responsibilities:
Developing and Implementing Marketing Strategies:
Developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote a company's products and services.
Analyzing Market Trends:
Analyzing market trends and recommending changes to marketing strategies based on their findings.
Working with Other Departments:
Working closely with other departments, such as advertising, market research, production, sales, and distribution, to ensure that the marketing objectives are met.
Managing Budgets:
Managing budgets and ensuring that all marketing activities are within budget.
Creating Reports:
Creating reports and presenting them to senior management.

Average Bonuses for job title

Marketing Executive:


0-2 years

Bonus (Yearly)

10,720 THB


3-6 years

Bonus (Yearly)

29,000 THB


7+ years

Bonus (Yearly)

46,880 THB