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1 of 1 job positions
for keyword product consultant (pc)
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3 years required


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  • Review process, product and identify the new technology, new component, new process. Then provide a solution and development for the new component/ new process/ new technology for PCBA..
  • Project management for the development and key contact for customers and internal communication..
  • Work closely with the design team, customers, supplier, and CTH internal team..
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Send me latest jobs forproduct consultant (pc)
Product Consultant (PC) - General Job Description and duties.
A Product Consultant (PC) is a professional who provides advice and guidance to clients on the selection, implementation, and use of products and services. They are responsible for understanding the customer’s needs and providing solutions that meet those needs. PC’s are knowledgeable in the products and services they are offering and are able to provide technical support and training to customers.

Common Responsibilities:
Analyzing customer needs:
PC’s must be able to identify customer needs and provide solutions that meet those needs.
Product Knowledge:
PC’s must have a thorough understanding of the products and services they are offering.
Technical Support:
PC’s must be able to provide technical support and training to customers.
PC’s must be able to identify sales opportunities and close deals.
Relationship Building:
PC’s must be able to build relationships with customers and maintain those relationships.
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