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Risk Management, Accounting, SAS
Job type:
- กำหนดกรอบนโยบาย และกระบวนการบริหารความเสี่ยงด้านตลาด ความเสี่ยงด้านสภาพคล่อง และความเสี่ยงของคู่ค้าของธนาคาร ตามหลักเกณฑ์ของธนาคารแห่งประเทศไทย และสอดคล้องกับกลยุทธ์ของธนาคาร.
- ดูแลการปฏิบัติงานให้เป็นไปตามกรอบนโยบาย และกระบวนการบริหารความเสี่ยง (ระบุประเมิน ควบคุม ติดตาม และรายงานความเสี่ยง) ที่กำหนด.
- ให้ควาเห็นเกี่ยวกับการออกแบบผลิตภัณฑ์ห้องค้าให้สอดคล้องกับนโยบายและระเบียบของธนาคาร.
- ดูแลกระบวนการ Risk Monitoring ของหน่วยงาน รวมถึงการรายงาน และการ Alert ต่อผู้บริหารที่เกี่ยวข้องให้มีความเหมาะสม.
- งานบริหารความเสี่ยงบัญชีเพื่อการธนาคารและความเสี่ยงด้านสภาพคล่อง.
- วิเคระห์ ประเมิน ติดตามการบริหารความเสี่ยงด้านตลาดของบัญชีเพื่อการธนาคาร (Banking Book) และความเสี่ยงด้านสภาพคล่อง และจัดทำรายงานเสนอต่อผู้บริหารและคณะกรรมการที่เกี่ยวข้อง.
- กำหนดเพดานความเสี่ยง และประสานงานกับหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้อง เพื่อกำหนดแนวทางจัดการ / ลดความเสี่ยง.
- ควบคุม และดูแลความเสี่ยงด้านตลาดของบัญชีเพื่อการธนาคาร และความเสี่ยงด้านสภาพคล่องให้อยู่ภายใต้เพดาน ความเสี่ยงที่ธนาคารยอมรับได้.
- จัดทำบัญชีป้องกันความเสี่ยง (Hedge Accounting) ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการบริหารความเสี่ยง.
- งานบริหารความเสี่ยงบัญชีเพื่อการค้า.
- วิเคราะห์ ประเมิน ติดตามความเสี่ยงด้านตลาดของบัญชีเพื่อการค้า (Trading Book) และจัดทำรายงานเสนอต่อ ผู้บริหารและคณะกรรมการที่เกี่ยวข้อง.
- กำหนดเพดานความเสี่ยงด้านตลาดของบัญชีเพื่อการค้า และประสานงานกับหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้อง เพื่อกำหนด แนวทางจัดการ / ลดความเสี่ยง.
- ควบคุม และดูแลความเสี่ยงด้านตลาดของบัญชีเพื่อการค้าให้อยู่ภายใต้เพดานความเสี่ยงที่ธนาคารยอมรับได้.
- ให้คำแนะนำ และคำปรึกษาเกี่ยวกับความเสี่ยงด้านตลาดสำหรับผลิตภัณฑ์ทางการเงินที่ออกใหม่ การพัฒนารูปแบบ ผลิตภัณฑ์ และกระบวนการบริหารความเสี่ยง.
- ประเมินเงินกองทุนเพื่อรองรับความเสี่ยงด้านตลาดให้เป็นไปตามที่ทางการกำหนด.
- งานบริหารความเสี่ยงของคู่ค้า.
- วิเคราะห์ ประเมิน และติดตามการบริหารความเสี่ยงของคู่ค้า และจัดทำรายงานเสนอต่อผู้บริหารและคณะกรรมการที่เกี่ยวข้อง.
- ดูแลระบบงานของห้องค้าในส่วนที่เกี่ยวข้องกับงานบริหารความเสี่ยงของคู่ค้า.
- ให้คำแนะนำ และคำปรึกษาเกี่ยวกับธุรกรรมของห้องค้าที่มีความเสี่ยงของคู่ค้า สำหรับผลิตภัณฑ์ทางการเงินที่ออกใหม่ การพัฒนารูปแบบผลิตภัณฑ์ และกระบวนการบริหารความเสี่ยงของคู่ค้า.
- ประเมินค่าความเสี่ยงจากการปรับคุณภาพเครดิตของคู่สัญญา (Credit Valuation Adjustment: CVA) ทั้งในส่วนของ Pre-deal CVA สำหรับประกอบการ Pricing ธุรกรรมอนุพันธ์ และ Accounting CVA ตามมาตรฐานรายงานทางการเงินสำหรับนำส่งฝ่ายการบัญชี.
- คำนวณมูลค่าเทียบเท่าสินทรัพย์ในงบดุล (Credit Equivalent Amount-CEA) สำหรับธุรกรรม Derivatives และธุรกรรม Repurchase Agreement เพื่อประกอบการคำนวณสินทรัพย์เสี่ยงด้านเครดิตของคู่สัญญาและหลักเกณฑ์การกำกับลูกหนี้รายใหญ่ (Single Lending Limit).
- งานสนับสนุนระบบงาน.
- ทำหน้าที่ Administrator และ Setup Parameter ระบบงานที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการบริหารความเสี่ยงที่รับผิดชอบโดย ฝ่ายบริหารความเสี่ยงด้านตลาด เช่น KRM, ระบบห้องค้าเงิน, Reuters และ Bloomberg เป็นต้น.
- ประสานงานระหว่างผู้ใช้และหน่วยงาน IT เพื่อให้การสนับสนุนทุกด้านเกี่ยวกับการใช้งานระบบงานตลอดจนการ ปรับปรุง แก้ไขระบบงาน.
- ตรวจสอบข้อมูลกับระบบงานที่เกี่ยวข้อง กระทบยอด และแก้ไข/ปรับปรุง Market Data ให้ถูกต้องเหมาะสม.
- งานประเมินมูลค่าธุรกรรมและข้อมูล.
- ศึกษาวิเคราะห์ความต้องการ Data เพื่อใช้บริหารความเสี่ยง รวมถึงการจัดทำ Data Specification เช่น Position Data และ Market Data เป็นต้น เพื่อรองรับการบริหารความเสี่ยงด้านตลาด ควำมเสี่ยงด้านสภาพ คล่อง และความเสี่ยงของคู่ค้า และการคำนวณเงินกองทุนเพื่อรองรับความเสี่ยงด้านตลาด.
- ตรวจสอบข้อมูลกับระบบงาน/รายงานที่เกี่ยวข้อง รวมถึงกระทบยอด และแก้ไข/ปรับปรุง Position Data ให้ถูกต้องเหมาะสม.
- ประเมิน และตรวจสอบวิธีการประเมินมูลค่า (Pricing) ของระบบงานของห้องค้า พร้อมทั้งประเมินมูลค่าตามราคาตลาด (Mark to Market) และตามแบบจำลอง (Mark to Model) ของธุรกรรมที่เกี่ยวข้อง.
- ปฏิบัติงานที่เกี่ยวข้องภายใต้สัญญา Credit Support Annex (CSA) เช่น ทบทวนความเหมาะสมของผล Mark to Market ของคู่สัญญา เป็นต้น.
- วุฒิการศึกษาระดับปริญญาตรีขึ้นไป ด้านบริหารธุรกิจ เศรษฐศาสตร์ สาขาการบัญชี สาขาการเงิน สาขาสถิติ สาขาคอมพิวเตอร์ สาขาการตลาด หรือสาขาที่เกี่ยวข้อง.
- มีความรอบรู้ในธุรกิจธนาคาร ผลิตภัณฑ์และบริการ รวมถึงมีความรู้ด้านสินเชื่อการตลาด และการบริหารจัดการความเสี่ยงที่อยู่ในความรับผิดชอบ.
- มีความรู้ความเข้าใจในกฎ ระเบียบ นโยบาย หลักเกณฑ์มาตรฐานสากล ด้านการบริหารความเสี่ยง.
- มีความรู้ด้านตลาดเงินและตลาดทุน.
- สามารถใช้ภาษาอังกฤษได้ในระดับดีสามารถใช้คอมพิวเตอร์ได้เป็นอย่างดี.
- สามารถใช้โปรแกรม R, SAS, SQL, MS เชิงลึก และ Python เป็นต้น..
- ท่านสามารถอ่านและศึกษานโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัวของธนาคารกรุงไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) ที่ https://krungthai.com/th/content/privacy-policy ทั้งนี้ ธนาคารไม่มีเจตนาหรือความจำเป็นใดๆ ที่จะประมวลผลข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลที่มีความอ่อนไหว รวมถึงข้อมูลที่เกี่ยวข้องศาสนาและ/หรือหมู่โลหิต ซึ่งอาจปรากฏอยู่ในสำเนาบัตรประจำตัวประชาชนของท่านแต่อย่างใด ดังนั้น กรุณาอย่าอัปโหลดเอกสารใดๆ รวมถึงสำเนาบัตรประจำตัวประชาชน หรือกรอกข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลที่มีความอ่อนไหวหรือข้อมูลอื่นใด ซึ่งไม่เกี่ยวข้องหรือไม่จำเป็นสำหรับวัตถุประสงค์ในการสมัครงานไว้บนเว็บไซต์ นอกจากนี้ กรุณาดำเนินการให้แน่ใจว่าได้ดำเนินการลบข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลที่มีความอ่อนไหว (ถ้ามี) ออกจากเรซูเม่และเอกสารอื่นใดก่อนที่จะอัปโหลดเอกสารดังกล่าวไว้บนเว็บไซต์แล้วด้วย ทั้งนี้ ธนาคารมีความจำเป็นต้องเก็บรวบรวมข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลเกี่ยวกับประวัติอาชญากรรมของท่านเพื่อบรรลุวัตถุประสงค์ในการพิจารณารับบุคคลเข้าทำงาน หรือการตรวจสอบคุณสมบัติ ลักษณะต้องห้าม หรือพิจารณาความเหมาะสมของบุคคลที่จะให้ดำรงตำแหน่ง ซึ่งการให้ความยินยอมเพื่อเก็บรวบรวม ใช้ หรือเปิดเผยข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลเกี่ยวกับประวัติอาชญากรรมของท่านมีความจำเป็นสำหรับการเข้าทำสัญญาและการได้รับการพิจารณาตามวัตถุประสงค์ดังกล่าวข้างต้น ในกรณีที่ท่านไม่ให้ความยินยอมในการเก็บรวบรวม ใช้ หรือเปิดเผยข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลเกี่ยวกับประวัติอาชญากรรม หรือมีการถอนความยินยอมในภายหลัง ธนาคารอาจไม่สามารถดำเนินการเพื่อบรรลุวัตถุประสงค์ดังกล่าวข้างต้นได้ และอาจ ทำให้ท่านสูญเสียโอกาสในการได้รับการพิจารณารับเข้าทำงานกับธนาคาร ".
Japanese, English
Job type:
- The challenge to contribute to a very ambitious strategic development of our Contact Centers activity.
- The opportunity to join a pioneer team in terms of innovation of the Call Center activity.
- The chance to work with our diverse team both in APAC and in Paris, as well as our global community of coordinators, creating memories and connecting people and cultures.
- Ongoing training, learning, and continuous growth of your expertise.
- Strong sense of belonging.
- Reporting to the Director of External Contact Centers Operations based in Paris, France, this position is responsible for managing daily Contact Center operations of our Japanese speaking markets.
- You will oversee both Customer Care and Reservation activities, monitor and manage the performance to ensure achievement of high service level and Quality standard across all channels.
- Performance Management.
- Monitor daily operations performance of our BPO.
- Analyze performance & SLAs on each activity, identifying areas for improvement, and collaborating on strategies to enhance service delivery.
- Quality Assurance.
- Manage and improve Quality delivered by each contact center, make sure that it s in line with Accor s quality standards.
- Conduct quality assessments and calibrations with our BPOs.
- Monitor the quality of services delivered by external contact centers, conducting regular audits and assessments to ensure adherence to service level agreements (SLAs) and maintaining the desired standards of customer experience.
- Process, Training and Development.
- Collaborate with contact center partners to identify opportunities for process enhancement, suggesting and implementing improvements that optimize workflows and elevate service quality.
- Enhance communication efficiency, ensure that all the information & processes are deployed in our centers, in an efficient manner, with high quality.
- Identify key areas of improvement in our centers, collaborate with internal stakeholders to provide necessary training & guidance & support, ensuring a consistent customer experience.
- Demonstrated experience (3 to 5 years) in client relationship management or operations within a contact center environment.
- Exceptional verbal and written communication skills to effectively convey expectations and feedback.
- Analytics and data driven problem solver, able to derive insights and drive production improvements.
- Ability to work on teams and in a multi-cultural environment.
- Familiarity with contact center operations, and customer service best practices.
- You are hands-on and enjoy getting into the heart of the matter.
- Excellent communication skills in Japanese and English are required (written, spoken, read); one of the 2 is native.
- Job based in Bangkok with up to 1 travel per quarter.
- We are an inclusive company, and our ambition is to attract, recruit and promote diverse talent.
- Why work for Accor?.
- We are far more than a worldwide leader. We welcome you as you are and support you to grow and learn every day, making sure that work brings purpose to your life, so that during your journey with us you can continue to explore limitless possibilities.
- Every chapter of your story is yours to write and together we can imagine tomorrow's hospitality.
- Do what you love, care for the world, dare to challenge the status quo!.
- Pay: Up to ฿90,000.00 per month.
- Operation/BPO Management: 2 years (Required).
- Japanese (Required).
- English (Required).
Product Development, Business Development, Market Research, English
Job type:
- Develop new innovative product concepts aligned with market opportunities and demands in the key countries.
- Drive and implement in new products development of international business innovation & expansion projects.
- Collaborate with local partners & cross functional teams to ensure that NPD process are on track.
- Lead cross-functional teams to deliver new products launching on-time and in-full.
- Analyze data, assess the risks, summarize and provide recommendation in alignment with team for various international business strategies and plans.
- BBA in Marketing or related field with minimum 3-year experiences or MBA.
- Experience in FMCG marketing; Brand Management, New Product Development or International Business Development.
- Strong analytical skills; able to analyze market research data, P&L.
- Excellent presentation skills; able to use Canva will be advantage.
- Good command of English.
M&A, Market Analysis, Project Management, Laos, English
Job type:
- You will be responsible for driving improvements to key metrics by performing routine analysis of operational and market health data to identify trends.
- You will then work cross-functionally to develop solutions and increase our ability to mitigate and reduce the impact of emerging risks across our lines of business.
- Perform analysis on operational data to identify trends and work cross-functionally to develop solutions and increase our ability to mitigate and reduce the impact of emerging risks. S&I will have better data and increased signals and the MA capacity w ...
- a) Collection of suspected bad cases reported to S&I.
- b) Market level trends and insights.
- c) Ops quality | Market quality.
- d) Sample, challenge and responsible for improving topline metrics such as North start metrics in partnership with all Safety & Integrity (S&I), Policy and Ops teams.
- e) Run routine market analysis to understand local UX and gaps in our moderation, model, keywords and discoverability.
- a) Having regular connects with cross-functional stakeholders.
- b) Partnering in Project Management activities (from Project identification, project definition to final execution and delivery) with Program Managers and cross-functional stakeholders.
- Take enforcement actions, perform proactive sweeps, and remove bad trends in collaboration with the TnS teams. This will address an existing operational gap to manage risks proactively (e.g. Sweeping for low prevalence but high-risk content).
- Project Management: ~10-20% will be given to project management (as directed by Program Manager and leads). Safety & Integrity Market Analysts will often find gaps or emerging trends that warrant a more comprehensive cross-functional approach, so they will develop projects with support from Safety & Integrity colleagues.
- Bachelor's degree or above comes with a relevant experience in content moderation / trust & safety / content quality assurance. Min 1-3 years of work experience in Trust and Safety / Online safety / Quality Analysis or related industry.
- Proven experience in data analysis with strong proficiency tools.
- Excellent Community guideline knowledge in the supported market or strong in Thai cultural background - English proficiency, along with complete fluency in Thai (both written and verbal) as you will be predominantly covering the Thai-speaking market and closely collaborating with Thai-speaking stakeholders.
- Proficient collaboration skills in facilitating teamwork across diverse teams, supported by strong communication abilities.
- Preferred Qualifications.
- Proficient Excel, Datapower / SQL / similar tools.
- Experience with Root Cause Analysis with SMART action plan and reporting.
- Basic Project Management skills.
- Excellent time management and great problem solving skills.
- Trust & Safety recognises that keeping our platform safe for TikTok communities is no ordinary job which can be both rewarding and psychologically demanding and emotionally taxing for some. This is why we are sharing the potential hazards, risks and implications in this unique line of work from the start, so our candidates are well informed before joining.We are committed to the wellbeing of all our employees and promise to provide comprehensive and evidence-based programs, to promote and support physical and mental wellbeing throughout each employee's journey with us. We believe that wellbeing is a relationship and that everyone has a part to play, so we work in collaboration and consultation with our employees and across our functions in order to ensure a truly person-centred, innovative and integrated approach.
- TikTok is committed to creating an inclusive space where employees are valued for their skills, experiences, and unique perspectives. Our platform connects people from across the globe and so does our workplace. At TikTok, our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. To achieve that goal, we are committed to celebrating our diverse voices and to creating an environment that reflects the many communities we reach. We are passionate about this and hope you are too.
- LI-Onsite.
3 years required
Data Analysis, Negotiation, eCommerce, English
Job type:
- Commercial Flagship Store Manager for Power Tools on Singapore Market based in Thailand, full time.
- Lead, drive, define the Flagship Store and Marketplace strategy of Singapore and transfer into the regular business operation to ensure the target achievement (TNS, conversion rate, cost GM, etc).
- Together with central marketing expertise team to optimize the brand, product & service presentation in the Flagship Store with the best & user-centric content.
- Drive data-based decision on listing, content, promotion, CRM from a profound data analysis & visualization to continuously optimize the shop operation efficiency and user experience.
- Lead and decide the shop annual promotion planning & execution together with central marketing expertise team and platforms.
- Profitability responsibility through budget planning & monitoring, shop operational cost monitoring and T&C negotiation & monitoring with platform or service provider.
- Ensure smooth & effective workflow & collaboration with team members and stakeholders.
- Keep contact with main regional platforms (Shopee & Lazada) & support and represent PT on regional conferences, events, etc.
- Education: At least Bachelor s degree in business, economics, statistics, or marketing fields.
- 3-5 years of experience in eCommerce or Digital Marketing.
- Advanced usage of Microsoft Excel (Pivot table, V-lookup) and PowerPoint.
- Fluent in both speaking and written English, working language-English (including daily communication and meetings) and adaptable to work in a global team.
- Familiar with data analytics and reporting tools, familiar with Power BI is preferred.
- Strong understanding and command of performance marketing tools and local marketplaces (Shopee, Lazada).
- Understanding of eCommerce cost drivers and ability to increase efficiency in supply chain solutions (logistics, vendor, etc.).
- Solid management and negotiation skills & KPI set up.
- Solid knowledge on DTC eCommerce operation models (especially.com).
- Good analytical skill with capturing trends from raw data.
- Major in business, economics, statistics or marketing fields.
- Additional Information
- Your future job offers you
- 5 Working days, Multinational working environment. Flexible working hour, Group insurance, Medical benefit, Provident fund and Annual leave.
- Make it happen
- Apply a job with us by clicking the I m interested button!.
Product Development, Negotiation
Job type:
- Responsible for the overall management of all Market Intelligence and initiative supplier activities.
- Provide market feedback to the company leadership regarding competitive offerings, prospect needs and generate product development ideas.
- Take ownership of the management negotiating, acquire and maintain travel supplier contract functions of the business.
- Supervise Market Intelligence team.
- Review hotel contract agreement, deal coupon agreement.
- Negotiate exclusive deal, allotment and incentive program.
- Drive increased revenue and profit to achieve the Company s ambitious growth.
- Working to stringent targets, the job holder will be required to adopt a professional and knowledgeable approach to each new business call.
- Planning and coordinating the implementation of business plans and the penetration of new markets.
- Keep strong relationship with hotel partner.
- Manage payment term with supplier to be credit term and control petty cash amount.
- Manage tax invoice to make sure we receive 100% of Tax Invoice from supplier.
- Experience in Manage, negotiate contracting, sales strategies and solutions.
- Must have experience of working in acquire E-Commerce field.
- Excellent negotiation skills, proven track record of successfully.
- Proven track record of increasing revenue through generation of leads.
- New graduate are welcome.
Negotiation, Microsoft Office, Excel, English
Job type:
- Identify and acquire new stores in empty spaces for gasoline stations..
- Conduct location surveys on property availability and market prices for new stores..
- Prepare proposals for new stores and submit them to the board for approval..
- Negotiate with stores and customers for new location acquisitions..
- Prepare required documents for property handovers..
- Identify opportunities in different types of retail stores for various business units..
- Review and update industry standards and competitive analyses..
- Deliver all real estate transactions, including acquisition and disposal of properties, lease renewals, subleases, rent reviews, and property-related taxes..
- Collaborate with both internal and external stakeholders and related teams to deliver new projects on time and ensure all conditions comply with company standard terms and conditions..
- Work closely with developers and property owners to secure strategic locations and coordinate with them to facilitate better functions..
- Manage the team and support the business with new locations that complement strategic growth requirements in potential areas and meet stakeholders needs..
- Always look at stores through the eyes of our customers..
- Work with other functions to ensure we are customer-focused throughout the store..
- Influence and work with your Program Manager and other support functions to ensure that we support the same priorities.
- QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor s degree in any related field..
- Experience in land acquisition and consignment area management finding retail tenants for Bangkok and upcountry sites..
- Strong critical thinking and analytical skills along with an entrepreneurial spirit..
- Experience of setting and implementing action plans, meet the target and deadlines..
- Great negotiation skills and customer service mind, with ability to communicate and influence executive leadership with tact and humility..
- Ability to prioritize and organize your work and subordinates to make the most efficient use of time available and can work under pressure..
- Ability to develop knowledge of the local market and business conditions quickly and take commercial decisions based on this information..
- Must be flexible, able to contribute to a team environment, and able to handle multiple priorities..
- Good command of written and spoken English and Thai..
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).
Contracts, English
Job type:
- Refine market access strategy for selected products and integrate into IPS plans.
- Identify commercial opportunities at payer level and define propositions to capture opportunities (e.g. price/volume contracts, innovative pricing models).
- Support NLEM listing strategy for selected products (submission prioritization, dossier, key messages, and NLEM committee engagement plan).
- Monitor and map out healthcare policy trends/issues at national level that may impact performance and potential of NVS products (e.g. access, reimbursement, prices, patents, legislation, etc.); translate into NVS policy strategy to mitigate risks and capture opportunities.
- Identify and assess stakeholders and stakeholder groups (including government, academia, NGO); assist in defining key messages and value proposition for key stakeholders, roll-out engagement plan to build relationships and shape HC reforms and/or mitigate negative impact from policy changes.
- Forge excellent collaboration and partnerships with the Thai MOPH and other key Government bodies.
- Provide policy inputs for the development and conduct of health economics & outcomes research (HE&OR) studies and price setting consistent with priorities and product strategies in order to optimize market access (reimbursement and listing), to obtain optimal pricing, and to support other commercialization activities.
- University degree in pharmacy or science, or Health economist degree.
- Experience in market access.
- HEOR knowledge, experience in HITAP or NLEM working group.
- Prefer experience in Oncology, Hematology and Rare disease.
- Ability to engage with stakeholders at various levels and effectively influence outcomes.
- English: good written & spoken.
- Why Novartis: Helping people with disease and their families takes more than innovative science. It takes a community of smart, passionate people like you. Collaborating, supporting and inspiring each other. Combining to achieve breakthroughs that change patients lives. Ready to create a brighter future together? https://www.novartis.com/about/strategy/people-and-culture.
- Join our Novartis Network: Not the right Novartis role for you? Sign up to our talent community to stay connected and learn about suitable career opportunities as soon as they come up: https://talentnetwork.novartis.com/network.
- Benefits and Rewards: Read our handbook to learn about all the ways we ll help you thrive personally and professionally: https://www.novartis.com/careers/benefits-rewards.
- Division International Business Unit Innovative Medicines Location Thailand Site Bangkok Company / Legal Entity TH05 (FCRS = TH005) Novartis (Thailand) Limited Functional Area Market Access Job Type Full time Employment Type Regular Shift Work NoNovartis is committed to building an outstanding, inclusive work environment and diverse teams' representative of the patients and communities we serve.
Market Research, Research, Contracts, English
Job type:
- Develop and implement purchasing and contract management instructions, policies, procedures and vendor selection criteria;.
- Direct and coordinate activities of staff engaged in buying and distributing goods and services for the relevant departments;.
- Control purchasing department budgets;.
- Forecast demand for services and products;.
- Conduct or get market research to ascertain the best products and suppliers in terms of best value, delivery schedules and quality. Forecast price trends and their impact on future activities;.
- Develop purchasing strategies to make sure that cost savings and supplier performance targets are met - or exceeded;.
- Represent company in negotiating trading terms, contracts and formulating policies with suppliers. Monitoring the quality of goods or services provided;.
- Develop and update the sources of vendors and market prices database;.
- Evaluate bids and make recommendations, based on commercial and technical factors;.
- Ensure suppliers are aware of business objectives. Undertake value-for-money reviews of existing contracts and agreements and lead the periodic performance review for vendors;.
- Liaise between suppliers, manufacturers and relevant internal departments;.
- Build and maintain good relationships with new and existing key suppliers;.
- Process payments and invoices in line with the agreed trading terms;.
- Resolve vendor or contractor claims disputes;.
- Keep contract files and use them as a reference for the future;.
- Keep a constant check on stock levels;.
- Prepare reports regarding market conditions and merchandise costs;.
- Provide reports and statistics on spending and saving.
- Any ad-hoc project as required.
- Bachelor or advanced degree.
- Business Administration, Trade, Finance.
- At least 7 years of experience in procurement field.
- Good command of spoken and written English and strong Excel/Powerpoint/database skills and ERP software.
- Strong analytical skills and logical thinking.
- Good interpersonal, and leadership skills.
- Strong communication, presentation, collaboration, negotiation, problem-solving and team management.
- Result-oriented with abilities to work well under ambiguity, changes, pressure, detailed information and tight deadlines.
- Highly committed to professional ethics.
- CP AXTRA | Lotus's
- CP AXTRA Public Company Limited.
- Nawamin Office: Buengkum, Bangkok 10230, Thailand.
- By applying for this position, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data to us, our recruitment firms and all relevant third parties for the purpose of processing your application for this job position (or any other suitable positions within Lotus's and its subsidiaries, if any). You understand and acknowledge that your personal data will be processed in accordance with the law and our policy. .
Statistics, Research, Finance
Job type:
- Engage stakeholders to understand business problems and customize analytic and predictive model solutions to business needs.
- Solve problems using advanced statistical techniques including, but not limited to regression/logic regression, bootstrap, factor analysis, decision tree, clustering & binning, and basket analysis.
- Conduct exploratory data profiling techniques, common summary descriptive statistics, etc.
- Develop and maintain expertise in a wide range of new technologies, methodologies, and techniques facilitating advanced research, decision sciences, and systems engineering.
- Support the design and management of market and product experiments and pilots to test hypotheses or generate test and control observation data.
- Partner with Technology, Product Management, Engineering, Marketing, Sales, and Finance teams to deliver solutions for clients and into the operation.
- Build and lead a team of analysts, while initially serving as an individual contributor.
- Lead projects with moderate complexity.
- Engage internal customers to understand problems and customize analytic and predictive model solutions to business needs.
- Bachelor's or Master's in Mathematics, Science, Statistics or related Technical field; or Equivalent related professional experience (e.g. driving significant and sustained change and performance improvement from data-driven insights).
- Demonstrates statistical competency and requires limited supervision.
- Familiar with SQL, Python, or R, or any other major data analysis programming language.
- Experience working in the fundamentals of big data architecture (streaming events, data lakes, analytics engines) and relational database models.
- Display strong domain knowledge, business acumen, and critical reasoning skills.
- Strong skills in Excel, PowerPoint, and statistical/data processing software packages and programming languages (e.g. SAS, R, SQL, SPSS, etc.).
- Mines data sets using sophisticated analytical techniques to generate insights and inform business decisions.
- Identifies and tests hypotheses, ensuring statistical significance through experimental design and builds predictive models for business application, product development, etc.
- Translates quantitative analyses and findings into accessible visuals for all stakeholders and multiple audiences, and provide clear view into interpreting data.
- Ability to work in and among cross functional teams.
Job type:
- About TikTokTikTok is the leading destination for short-form mobile video. At TikTok, our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. TikTok's global headquarters are in Los Angeles and Singapore, and its offices include New York, London, Dublin, Paris, Berlin, Dubai, Jakarta, Seoul, and Tokyo. Why Join UsCreation is the core of TikTok's purpose. Our products are built to help imaginations thrive. This is doubly true of the teams that make our innovations possible. Together, we inspire creativity and enrich life - a mission we aim towards achieving every day. To us, every chall ...
- Minimum Qualifications1.Minimum 3 years of experience in UX research, preferably in the E-commerce/tech industry.2.Bachelor's degree or above in Psychology, Statistics, Sociology, Marketing Research, Economics, International Trade, or other related fields.3.Experience using both qualitative and quantitative research methods, such as: usability studies (remote/in lab), focus groups, interviews, concept tests, diary studies, surveys, data analysis, A/B testing, etc. Be able to conduct interviews/design questionnaires in Thailand.Preferred Qualifications:1. Ability to work independently with limited supervision and take initiative to solve problems and learn new things.2. Ability to manage multiple projects at the same time in a fast paced environment.3. Great written and spoken communication skills to influence product partners and major company decisions.4. Ability to analyze large sample data with statistic tools, such as SQL, Python, R, SPSS.TikTok is committed to creating an inclusive space where employees are valued for their skills, experiences, and unique perspectives. Our platform connects people from across the globe and so does our workplace. At TikTok, our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. To achieve that goal, we are committed to celebrating our diverse voices and to creating an environment that reflects the many communities we reach. We are passionate about this and hope you are too.
Job type:
- Planning.
- Gather information and assist in preparing the business budget and the latest estimate of business operations to align with the current situation.
- Execution.
- Consolidate financial information of the business and analyze financial data including sales, prices, product costs, and selling expenses.
- Collect and prepare financial statements for each sales sector and distribution channel, as well as for each product category.
- Analyze expenses related to sales support activities.
- Prepare the overall financial statements of the business, including the performance components of Thailand Beer, exports, and OEM.
- Conduct feasibility studies, such as analyzing price adjustments based on new excise tax rates, studying the impact on initial profit in the case of price adjustments.
- Coordinate with IT to establish necessary data storage systems for data analysis.
- Aggregate financial information and assist in creating brand investment reports for the Thai beer business group.
- Generate financial and market analysis reports to coordinate with the IR team.
- Monitoring.
- Provide consulting advice to team members and relevant stakeholders to ensure efficient workflow.
- People.
- Manage human resources and time to enhance efficiency in operations..
- Bachelor's degree in Accounting-Finance, Statistics, Business Administration, Economics, or related fields.
- Over 3 years of work experience in financial planning and analysis.
- Ability to analyze and prepare comprehensive financial reports.
- Proficiency in Sales and Operation Planning analysis, such as supply chain and logistics.
- Strong communication skills in English.
- Ability to analyze financial competitor benchmarking.
- Proficiency in analyzing, using, and reporting basic market research and competitor data, such as Nielsen, C-Smart, Egg Digital.
- Excellent computer skills in MS Office, particularly in Excel and PowerPoint.
- Basic proficiency in Oracle and SAP..
- Chang International Company Limited
- Thaibev Quarter Building, 8-9th Floor, Ratchadaphisek Rd., Khlong Toei, Bangkok 10110.
Job type:
- Works with Go-To-Market Lead, Traditional Trade Lead, Modern Trade Lead, Sales Ops & GTM Capability Manager, Sector/BU to develop the annual operating plan (AOP), build strategy, and adjust sales systems, processes and capability.
- Leads and develops GTM guidelines and sustain the different GTM mosaics to support short term and long-term business in order to build the competitive advantage for PepsiCo.
- Plan and implement distribution infrastructure quality for future growth.
- Work with key stakeholders to develop & drive distributor management process and define a detailed change management plan of new GTM and sales operating model (MTOM, TTOM) as well as capability building, to ensure the successful implementation.
- Delivers against AOP targets.
- Monitor & control distributor ROI, subsidy and incentives budget.
- Work with sales team to drive S&D KPIs, route KPIs ( e.g., Strike rate, SKUs/bill).
- Be the subject matter expert on building advantage route using automated routing (Territory Planner) and sustain re-routing efforts leveraging customer level data and validated census opportunities.
- Be the business lead for DMS & SFA implementation thru the sales analyst and co-ordinate with MU IT resource.
- Performs periodic market visits to understand market dynamic, needs of AS&D, and validate the GTM implementation.
- Define a detailed change management execution plan of new GTM and sales operating model by clearly articulate preparation work and requirement for the GTM guidelines within the MU as well as training requirement across the value chain (warehouse to delivery), in full alignment with ASMs & RSMs.
- Ensure systems / tools and data availability to follow-up the results (especially for initiatives) and place corrective actions, if needed.
- Develop and organize structure of GTM capability team to address business requirement (if require).
- Minimum 5 -year experience in related field.
- At least Bachelor s degree graduated or MBA is preferable.
- Experience selling in FMCG business, Go To Market and Route Sales operations.
- Strong analytical skills to evaluate information related to the projects and problem-solving skills to develop solutions for specific operational issues and excellent execution.
- Excellent communication (writing/verbal), presentation skills both TH/EN are required and the ability to influence and lead key stakeholders.
- Strong focus on delivery and results with high drive and energy levels.
- Process oriented and having eye for details.
- Has strong data analytical skills.
- Proved record of building talents.
- Capable of setting priorities and working under pressure.
- Be able to multi-task, planning several events simultaneously.
- Ability to work responsibly with minimal supervision.
- Travel required for distributor set up and distributor health check in the upcountry.
Job type:
- TikTok is the leading destination for short-form mobile video. At TikTok, our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. TikTok's global headquarters are in Los Angeles and Singapore, and its offices include New York, London, Dublin, Paris, Berlin, Dubai, Jakarta, Seoul, and Tokyo.
- Why Join Us.
- Creation is the core of TikTok's purpose. Our platform is built to help imaginations thrive. This is doubly true of the teams that make TikTok possible.
- Together, we inspire creativity and bring joy - a mission we all believe in and aim towards achieving every day.
- To us, every challenge, no matter how difficult, is an opportunity; to learn, to innovate, and to grow as one team.
- Status quo? Never. Courage? Always.
- At TikTok, we create together and grow together. That's how we drive impact - for ourselves, our company, and the communities we serve.
- Join us.
- In particular, the e-commerce industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years and has become a hotly contested space amongst leading Internet companies, and its future growth cannot be underestimated. With millions of loyal users globally, we believe TikTok is an ideal platform to deliver a brand new and better e-commerce experience to our users.
- We are looking for talented individuals to join us for an internship in from July 2024 onwards. Internships at TikTok aim to offer students industry exposure and hands-on experience. Watch your ambitions become reality as your inspiration brings infinite opportunities at TikTok.
- Candidates can apply to a maximum of two positions and will be considered for jobs in the order you apply. The application limit is applicable to TikTok and its affiliates' jobs globally. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis - we encourage you to apply early.
- Successful candidates must be able to commit to at least 3 months long internship period.
- Join our dynamic team at TikTok Shop - Thai Platform Operation as a Livestream Business Intelligence Intern. In this role, you will play a crucial part in the growth of our Livestream content and revenue. Livestreaming is a pivotal strategic initiative for us, fostering exceptional engagement with audiences. Given the competitive landscape, with particular attention to competitor's market share, we require swift and frequent initiative deployment to maintain and grow our livestream merchants.
- Set up, monitor, and conduct voucher experiments for key live campaigns and projects.
- Provide daily updates on campaign and project performance data.
- Monitor and record competitor campaigns and voucher activities.
- Other adhoc analysis that requires data analytics, basic MS Excel knowledge skills.
- Attention to details.
- Proficiency in data analysis and reporting tools.
- Ability to work efficiently in a fast-paced environment with frequent changes.
- Preferred Qualifications.
- Actively enrolled university student, preferably with Bachelor degree in Marketing, Business Administration, Statistics, Finance or related fields.
- Experience working in Livestreaming or entertainment industry.
- Proven track record of successful campaign management and revenue optimization.
- TikTok is committed to creating an inclusive space where employees are valued for their skills, experiences, and unique perspectives. Our platform connects people from across the globe and so does our workplace. At TikTok, our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. To achieve that goal, we are committed to celebrating our diverse voices and to creating an environment that reflects the many communities we reach. We are passionate about this and hope you are too.
- By submitting an application for this role, you accept and agree to our global applicant privacy policy, which may be accessed here: https://careers.tiktok.com/legal/privacy. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Industry trends, Statistics, Python
Job type:
- Develop and execute a forward-thinking analytics strategy tailored to the retail industry, focusing on leveraging data platforms to drive revenue growth, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
- Lead, mentor, and inspire a team of data scientists and analysts, fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and data-driven decision-making.
- Stay ahead of industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices in data science and retail analytics to maintain CP Axtra s competitive edge.
- Analytics Execution.
- Oversee the integration of diverse data sources, including POS systems, CRM platforms, online transactions, and third-party providers, into our cloud-based data platform.
- Design and develop advanced machine learning models, algorithms, and statistical analyses to uncover actionable insights related to customer behavior, product performance, and market trends.
- Apply expertise in recommendation and personalization algorithms to enhance customer experiences and engagement.
- Deliver data-driven solutions to optimize pricing strategies, inventory management, and promotional campaigns, leveraging state-of-the-art analytics tools and methodologies.
- Business Partnership.
- Partner closely with retail operations, marketing, and sales teams to understand business challenges and provide tailored analytical support that aligns with strategic objectives.
- Identify opportunities to enhance customer segmentation, personalized marketing efforts, and customer retention strategies through advanced data science techniques.
- Act as a key advisor to senior leadership, translating complex data insights into actionable recommendations and business value.
- Performance Monitoring and Optimization.
- Define and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) related to retail operations, such as sales conversion rates, customer lifetime value, and basket analysis.
- Leverage analytics to continuously assess and optimize business processes, driving operational efficiency and profitability.
- Communication and Presentation.
- Present complex analytical findings, models, and recommendations to stakeholders in a clear, impactful, and visually compelling manner.
- Collaborate across departments to implement data-driven initiatives that align with CPaxtra s goals and drive tangible outcomes.
- Education and Experience.
- Bachelor s degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Data Science, Economics, or a related field (Master s or PhD strongly preferred).
- Extensive experience in analytics, data science, or business intelligence roles, with significant exposure to the retail industry.
- Technical Skills.
- Advanced proficiency in Python, R, SQL, and machine learning frameworks.
- Expertise in data visualization tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI) and cloud-based data platforms (e.g., AWS, GCP, Azure).
- In-depth knowledge of big data technologies (e.g., Spark, Hadoop) and modern data engineering practices.
- Strong understanding of recommendation/personalization algorithms and data processing technologies.
- Leadership and Business Acumen.
- Proven ability to lead high-performing teams in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.
- Exceptional strategic thinking and problem-solving skills with a demonstrated focus on delivering business value.
- Deep understanding of retail operations, including inventory management, customer journey mapping, and merchandising strategies.
- CP AXTRA | Lotus's
- CP AXTRA Public Company Limited.
- Nawamin Office: Buengkum, Bangkok 10230, Thailand.
- By applying for this position, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data to us, our recruitment firms and all relevant third parties for the purpose of processing your application for this job position (or any other suitable positions within Lotus's and its subsidiaries, if any). You understand and acknowledge that your personal data will be processed in accordance with the law and our policy. .
6 years required
Instrument, Excel, SAS, English
Job type:
- Credit Risk Modelling - IFRS 9 model development, validation, Basel II/III solutions, including RWA optimisation, scorecard development, and PD/LGD/EAD model development.
- Market, Liquidity and Operational Risk - calculation of market, liquidity and operational risk capital under various regulations, assisting with implementation, and organisational review.
- Risk management advice: reviewing the current risk management framework, and designi ...
- Complex financial instrument valuation: assisting you in financial instrument valuation in order to evaluate its fair valuation in order to evaluate its fair value.
- Insurance modelling: developing and validating risk management models for insurers including liability.
- Conduct financial risk models design and development, model validation and testing, and other advanced data analytics on a wide range of client portfolios (financial and non-financial services).
- Develop and apply credit risk methodologies including IFRS 9 and Basel II /III PD/LGD/EAD models etc.
- Analyse and interpret quantitative results to understand business impact.
- H andle and manage work streams, build relationships and manage clients during the implementation of projects.
- Communicate confidently in a clear, concise and articulate manner - verbally and in written form.
- Seek opportunities to learn about other cultures and other parts of the business across the Network of PwC firms.
- Uphold the firm s code of ethics and business conduct.
- Preferred skills.
- Experience in current financial regular landscape will be an advantage (Basel II /III, IFRS 9 etc.).
- Proficient in Excel and/or other analytics platforms (e.g. SAS, SQL, R, Python, Excel VBA).
- Excellent English and Thai written and verbal communication skills.
- Demonstrate strong inter-personal skills and good communication skills, including the ability to document reports and conduct presentations for clients and key stakeholders.
- University degree in a quantitative discipline (e.g. Mathematical Science, Financial Engineering, Actuarial, Statistics etc.).
- Analytical and independent thinker with strong English and Thai written and verbal communication skills.
- Between 3 and 6 years of relevant experience.
- If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Prangnart, Human Resources Team, on [email protected].
- We thank all applicants. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.
- Education (if blank, degree and/or field of study not specified).
- Degrees/Field of Study required: Bachelor Degree Degrees/Field of Study preferred:Certifications (if blank, certifications not specified).
- Required Skills.
- Optional Skills.
- Desired Languages (If blank, desired languages not specified).
- Travel Requirements.
- Not Specified
- Available for Work Visa Sponsorship?.
- Yes
- Government Clearance Required?.
- No
Marketing Strategy, Social media, Public Relations, English
Job type:
- Strategic Leadership: Develop and execute the brand's strategic vision, marketing plans, and go-to-market strategies to achieve ambitious growth targets.
- P&L Management: Own the brand's P&L, including revenue generation, cost optimization and profitability. Manage and develop the annual brand budget.
- Marketing Strategy: Lead the development and implementation of innovative marketing campaign across all channels (digital, social media, retail events, public relations) to build brand awareness, engage target consumers, and drive sales.
- Innovation & New product Development: Identify new product development opportunity by working closely with regional team and bring to local market.
- Team Leadership & Development: Lead, motivate, and develop a high-performing team. Forster a collaborative and result-oriented team environment.
- Retail Partnerships & Management: Cultivate strong relationships with key retail partners to optimize brand presence, drive sell-through, and ensure a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints.
- Market Analysis & Competitive Intelligence: Conduct ongoing market analysis and monitor competitive activities to identify opportunities and threats. Adapt brand strategies to maintain a competitive edge.
- Collaboration & Communication: Collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams (sales, finance, supply chain, etc.) to ensure alignment and achieve shared goals. Communicate effectively with management and external stakeholders.
- You HaveMinimum 10 years of experience in brand management within Retails/Luxury brand industries.
- Proven track record of successfully developing and executing brand strategies that drive growth and market share.
- Deep understanding of the luxury beauty consumer and the competitive landscape.
- Strong analytical and strategic thinking skills, with the ability to translate data into actionable insights.
- Excellent communication & presentation both Thai & English.
- Demonstrated leadership ability and experience managing high-performing teams.
5 years required
Statistics, Finance, Risk Management
Job type:
- Bachelor s degree (or equivalent) degree in a quantitative field such as Data Science, Actuarial Science, Statistics, or Mathematics.
- 5+ years of related practical experience, preferably in commercial insurance sector.
- Solid understanding of insurance pricing principles, loss reserving, and risk assessment methodologies.
- Familiarity with insurance industry regulations, standards, and best practices.
- Develop and maintain loss cost models using GLMs and other advanced statistical techniques, incorporating relevant variables and factors for accurate pricing and risk assessment.
- Analyse historical insurance data to identify patterns and trends, and determine the impact of various factors on loss costs.
- Collaborate with underwriting, claims, and finance teams to understand business needs and provide data-driven insights for portfolio management.
- Conduct rate level reviews to ensure appropriate pricing of insurance products, considering risk exposure, market dynamics, and profitability goals.
- Enhance loss cost models over time by incorporating new data sources, refining variables,.
- and exploring innovative modelling techniques.
- Evaluate the impact of pricing strategies, policy changes, and market shifts on portfolio performance, and make recommendations for adjustments, if needed.
- Present findings and recommendations to stakeholders, including senior management and underwriting teams, in clear and concise reports.
- Work closely with other departments including Underwriting, Actuarial, and Risk Management, providing them with the data and insights needed to make evidence-based decisions.
- Functional Competency.
- Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to translate data into meaningful insights and recommendations.
- Strong communication skills to effectively convey complex findings and recommendations to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
- Attention to detail and ability to work independently, managing multiple projects and deadlines efficiently.
- Strong proficiency in statistical modeling techniques, specifically GLMs, and experience with software tools like R, SAS, or Python.
- Proficiency with data analysis and visualisation tools and platforms, preferably Qliksense, Power BI, Alteryx, etc.
- Educational.
- Bachelor s degree (or equivalent) degree in a quantitative field such as Data Science, Actuarial Science, Statistics, or Mathematics.
- 5+ years of related practical experience, preferably in commercial insurance sector.
- Solid understanding of insurance pricing principles, loss reserving, and risk assessment methodologies.
- Familiarity with insurance industry regulations, standards, and best practices.
- Develop and maintain loss cost models using GLMs and other advanced statistical techniques, incorporating relevant variables and factors for accurate pricing and risk assessment.
- Analyse historical insurance data to identify patterns and trends, and determine the impact of various factors on loss costs.
- Collaborate with underwriting, claims, and finance teams to understand business needs and provide data-driven insights for portfolio management.
- Conduct rate level reviews to ensure appropriate pricing of insurance products, considering risk exposure, market dynamics, and profitability goals.
- Enhance loss cost models over time by incorporating new data sources, refining variables,.
- and exploring innovative modelling techniques.
- Evaluate the impact of pricing strategies, policy changes, and market shifts on portfolio performance, and make recommendations for adjustments, if needed.
- Present findings and recommendations to stakeholders, including senior management and underwriting teams, in clear and concise reports.
- Work closely with other departments including Underwriting, Actuarial, and Risk Management, providing them with the data and insights needed to make evidence-based decisions.
- Functional Competency.
- Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to translate data into meaningful insights and recommendations.
- Strong communication skills to effectively convey complex findings and recommendations to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
- Attention to detail and ability to work independently, managing multiple projects and deadlines efficiently.
- Strong proficiency in statistical modeling techniques, specifically GLMs, and experience with software tools like R, SAS, or Python.
- Proficiency with data analysis and visualisation tools and platforms, preferably Qliksense, Power BI, Alteryx, etc.
Business Development, Compliance, Industry trends
Job type:
- Client Engagement: Build strong relationships with clients, understanding their unique business needs and risk profiles. Proactively identify opportunities to deliver value-added solutions.
- Business Development: Contribute to business development efforts by identifying new opportunities, preparing proposals, and presenting solutions to potential clients.
- Team Leadership: Lead and mentor a team of financial risk consultants, fostering a collaborative and high-performing environment.
- Risk Assessment and Advisory: Conduct assessments of clients' financial risk exposures, including market risk, credit risk including risk exposures, portfolios analysis, and stress testing, operational risk, as well as liquidity risk. Provide strategic advice on risk mitigation strategies.
- Model Development and Validation: Oversee the development and validation of advanced risk models, such as credit scoring/rating, PD, LGD, and EAD models for credit risk, VaR, and ES ect. Ensure adherence to regulatory standards and industry best practices.
- Regulatory Compliance: Stay abreast of evolving regulatory requirements and ensure that clients' financial risk practices are compliant with applicable regulations i.e. Bank of Thailand.
- Thought Leadership: Stay updated on industry trends and emerging risks. Share insights through publications, presentations, and thought leadership initiatives.
- You will be expected to communicate closely with senior management and client personnel; assist in proposal development; mentor and develop junior team members; and maintain up-to-date knowledge of financial risk management methodologies, current corporate governance and regulatory developments/requirements, both locally and internationally.
- Your role as a leader:At Deloitte, we believe in the importance of empowering our people to be leaders at all levels. We connect our purpose and shared values to identify issues as well as to make an impact that matters to our clients, people and the communities. Additionally, Directors across our Firm are expected to:Actively seek out developmental opportunities for growth, act as strong brand ambassadors for the firm as well as share their knowledge and experience with others.
- Respect the needs of their colleagues and build up cooperative relationships.
- Understand the goals of our internal and external stakeholder to set personal priorities as well as align their teams work to achieve the objectives.
- Constantly challenge themselves, collaborate with others to deliver on tasks and take accountability for the results.
- Build productive relationships and communicate effectively in order to positively influence teams and other stakeholders.
- Offer insights based on a solid understanding of what makes Deloitte successful.
- Project integrity and confidence while motivating others through team collaboration as well as recognising individual strengths, differences, and contributions.
- Understand disruptive trends and promote potential opportunities for improvement.
- You are someone with:Solid academic background with a Degree in Statistics, Data Science / AI, Financial Engineering, Financial Economics, Quantitative Finance, or other relevant post graduate degree.
- At least 12 years proven experience in financial risk management, with a strong focus on model development and validation with credit risk experience preferable.
- Deep understanding of regulatory frameworks, such as Basel II/III and IFRS 9 ECL requirements.
- Expertise in advanced statistical and quantitative techniques, including machine learning and econometrics.
- Strong leadership skills and the ability to manage and motivate teams.
- Excellent communication and presentation skills.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.
- Proficiency in relevant software tools and programming languages (e.g., SAS, R, Python, SQL, VBA).
- Industry Experience: Experience in the banking, insurance, or financial services industry is preferred.
- Certifications: Relevant certifications (e.g., FRM) are advantageous.
- International Experience: Experience working with clients in multiple jurisdictions is a plus.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website.Requisition ID: 107044In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
Market Research, Research, Statistics
Job type:
- Manage medium to long-term fixed income funds to outperform benchmark and/or peers.
- Estimate and Manage cash inflows and outflows for Mutual Funds / Provident Fund / Private Funds.
- Constantly monitor bond and interest rate movement and adjust investment portfolios to achieve short term and long-term alpha performance.
- Contribute to the fundamental analysis, investment process and idea generation in the team.
- Provide fixed income insight to existing clients and maintain client relationships.
- Liaise and support internal cross functional departments as well as external counterparties.
- Conduct market research to identify trends that may lead to future business opportunities.
- Qualifications Bachelor or Graduates degree in any subject, though business studies, management, statistics, finance, mathematics, accounting or economics can be helpful, as can an MBA or similar professional qualifications.
- Must possess Fund Manager license.
- Extensive experience in fixed income investing preferred.
- Pass CFA level 1 exam or CISA level 1 exam.
- Strong presentation skills.
- Able to communicate technical information to senior management level.
- We're committed to bringing passion and customer focus to the business. If you like wild growth and working with happy, enthusiastic over-achievers, you'll enjoy your career with us.
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