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2 years required
Sales, Ability to travel abroad
Job type:
- ตำแหน่ง: รองผู้อำนวยการฝ่าย / หัวหน้าส่วน / เจ้าหน้าที่อาวุโส / เจ้าหน้าที่บริหารช่องทางการขายและการแบ่งส่วนลูกค้า (Sales Management)
- คำนวณ ปริมาณงานของพนักงานเทียบกับเวลาในการทำงาน (Productivity)
- วิเคราะห์การโยกย้ายพนักงานหรือลูกค้าเพื่อให้มีปริมาณงานที่เหมาะสม
- วิเคราะห์ศักยภาพของพนกงานจากตัวแปรต่างๆ
- ประสานงานกับ HR ในการ Upskill Reskill พนักงานเพื่อเพิ่ม Productivity
- มีความรู้ในความเข้าใจในธุรกิจ SME ไม่ต่ำกว่า 2 ปี และมีความรู้ความเข้าใจในผลิตภัณฑ์ของธนาคารที่เหมาะสมสำหรับลูกค้าในกลุ่มSME เป็นอย่างดี (ลูกค้าที่มียอดขายมากกว่า 100 ล้านต่อปี)
- มีความเข้าใจในกระบวนการทำงานของ RM จุดแข็งจุดอ่อน ของทีมขายเปรียบเทียบกับคู่แข่ง
- สามารถคำนวณ work load ของ RM เปรียบเทียบในแต่ละพื้นที่ และระบุพื้นที่ที่เหมาะสมในการโยกย้าย หรือจัดตั้งทีมที่รับผิดชอบพื้นที่ (BC)
- มีทัศนคติที่ดีในการนำเสนอสิ่งที่ต้องปรับปรุงและพัฒนาเพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพ ในการทำงานให้กับองค์กร
- สามารถเดินทางไปทำงานในต่างจังหวัด ได้ในบางครั้ง (ประมาณ 30 วัน / ปี)
- วุฒิการศึกษาปริญญาตรีขึ้นไปในสาขา เศรษศาสตร์, การเงิน, สถิติ, การบริหาร, วิศวกรรม หรือสาขาที่เกี่ยวข้อง
- สามารถใช้งานโปรแกรม MS Excel (Pivot Data), Power point และ Access ได้เป็นอย่างดี
- สามารถวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลได้อย่างแม่นยำ และนำเสนอข้อมูลที่ Sensitive ได้ดี เช่น ข้อมูลปริมาณงานมากน้อยของ BC การขยาย /ลด BC ตามรายได้และตวามคุ้มค่า การปรับเปลี่ยนโครงสร้างเพื่อตอบโจทย์ธนาคาร
- ท่านสามารถอ่านและศึกษานโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัวของธนาคารกรุงไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) ที่ https://krungthai.com/th/content/privacy-policy ทั้งนี้ ธนาคารไม่มีเจตนาหรือความจำเป็นใดๆ ที่จะประมวลผลข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลที่มีความอ่อนไหว รวมถึงข้อมูลที่เกี่ยวข้องศาสนาและ/หรือหมู่โลหิต ซึ่งอาจปรากฏอยู่ในสำเนาบัตรประจำตัวประชาชนของท่านแต่อย่างใด ดังนั้น กรุณาอย่าอัปโหลดเอกสารใดๆ รวมถึงสำเนาบัตรประจำตัวประชาชน หรือกรอกข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลที่มีความอ่อนไหวหรือข้อมูลอื่นใด ซึ่งไม่เกี่ยวข้องหรือไม่จำเป็นสำหรับวัตถุประสงค์ในการสมัครงานไว้บนเว็บไซต์ นอกจากนี้ กรุณาดำเนินการให้แน่ใจว่าได้ดำเนินการลบข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลที่มีความอ่อนไหว (ถ้ามี) ออกจากเรซูเม่และเอกสารอื่นใดก่อนที่จะอัปโหลดเอกสารดังกล่าวไว้บนเว็บไซต์แล้วด้วย ทั้งนี้ ธนาคารมีความจำเป็นต้องเก็บรวบรวมข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลเกี่ยวกับประวัติอาชญากรรมของท่านเพื่อบรรลุวัตถุประสงค์ในการพิจารณารับบุคคลเข้าทำงาน หรือการตรวจสอบคุณสมบัติ ลักษณะต้องห้าม หรือพิจารณาความเหมาะสมของบุคคลที่จะให้ดำรงตำแหน่ง ซึ่งการให้ความยินยอมเพื่อเก็บรวบรวม ใช้ หรือเปิดเผยข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลเกี่ยวกับประวัติอาชญากรรมของท่านมีความจำเป็นสำหรับการเข้าทำสัญญาและการได้รับการพิจารณาตามวัตถุประสงค์ดังกล่าวข้างต้น ในกรณีที่ท่านไม่ให้ความยินยอมในการเก็บรวบรวม ใช้ หรือเปิดเผยข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลเกี่ยวกับประวัติอาชญากรรม หรือมีการถอนความยินยอมในภายหลัง ธนาคารอาจไม่สามารถดำเนินการเพื่อบรรลุวัตถุประสงค์ดังกล่าวข้างต้นได้ และอาจ ทำให้ท่านสูญเสียโอกาสในการได้รับการพิจารณารับเข้าทำงานกับธนาคาร".
4 years required
Ability to travel abroad, Financial Analysis, English, Mandarin
Job type:
- ตำแหน่งงาน หัวหน้าส่วน-รองผู้อำนวยการฝ่าย
- สังกัด กลุ่มธุรกิจสถาบันการเงิน สายงานธุรกิจภาครัฐ
- วัตถุประสงค์หลัก
- เพื่อคัดเลือกพนักงานสำหรับเตรียมพร้อมเพื่อการปฏิบัติงานในสาขาต่างประเทศ (สาขาคุนหมิง) มีความรับผิดชอบเบื้องต้น ดังนี้.
- ปฏิบัติงานเกี่ยวกับการดูแลลูกค้า Corporate Loan เช่น การสร้างและบริหารความสัมพันธ์กับลูกค้า การวิเคราะห์สินเชื่อและนำเสนอสินเชื่อ หรืองานที่ได้รับมอบหมายอื่นๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการทำงานของสาขาต่างประเทศ.
- มีส่วนร่วมในการกำหนดกลยุทธ์เพื่อการขยายโอกาสทางธุรกิจในประเทศจีน.
- มีส่วนร่วมในการพัฒนา Cross Border Transaction and Financial Service Product ต่าง ๆ ในประเทศจีน ให้สอดคล้องกับเป้าหมายของหน่วยงาน นโยบายของธนาคาร และไม่ขัดกับการปฏิบัติตามกฎระเบียบของหน่วยงานกำกับดูแลของประเทศจีน.
- ประสานงานหรือปฏิบัติงานอื่น ๆ ที่ได้รับมอบหมายในส่วนที่เกี่ยวข้องกับงานสาขาคุนหมิงและสำนักงานใหญ่.
- พนักงานจะมีโอกาสหมุนเวียนตามแผนพัฒนาความก้าวหน้าของพนักงานสาขาต่างประเทศ เพื่อไปปฏิบัติงานที่ประเทศจีนหรือสาขาต่างประเทศอื่น ๆ ของธนาคารตามที่ได้รับมอบหมาย.
- วุฒิการศึกษาระดับปริญญาตรีขึ้นไป ด้านการบัญชี บริหารธุรกิจ การเงิน เศรษฐศาสตร์ การตลาด หรือสาขาที่เกี่ยวข้อง.
- มีประสบการณ์ด้านวิเคราะห์สินเชื่อขนาดใหญ่, Loan Syndication ในกลุ่มประเทศอาเซียนและจีน อย่างน้อย 5 ปีขึ้นไป.
- มีความรอบรู้ในธุรกิจธนาคาร ธุรกิจระหว่างประเทศ ผลิตภัณฑ์และบริการ การตลาด และการบริหารจัดการความเสี่ยงในการปล่อยสินเชื่อ.
- มีทักษะด้านการวิเคราะห์ ประมวลผลข้อมูล การนำเสนอ สามารถในการใช้ภาษาจีนและภาษาอังกฤษอยู่ในระดับดีมาก (ฟัง พูด อ่าน เขียน).
- มีมนุษย์สัมพันธ์ที่ดี มีทักษะ และความสามารถในการสื่อสารได้อย่างมีประสิทธิผล.
- สามารถเดินทางไปปฏิบัติงานต่างประเทศได้.
- ท่านสามารถอ่านและศึกษานโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัวของธนาคารกรุงไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) ที่ https://krungthai.com/th/content/privacy-policy ทั้งนี้ ธนาคารไม่มีเจตนาหรือความจำเป็นใดๆ ที่จะประมวลผลข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลที่มีความอ่อนไหว รวมถึงข้อมูลที่เกี่ยวข้องศาสนาและ/หรือหมู่โลหิต ซึ่งอาจปรากฏอยู่ในสำเนาบัตรประจำตัวประชาชนของท่านแต่อย่างใด ดังนั้น กรุณาอย่าอัปโหลดเอกสารใดๆ รวมถึงสำเนาบัตรประจำตัวประชาชน หรือกรอกข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลที่มีความอ่อนไหวหรือข้อมูลอื่นใด ซึ่งไม่เกี่ยวข้องหรือไม่จำเป็นสำหรับวัตถุประสงค์ในการสมัครงานไว้บนเว็บไซต์ นอกจากนี้ กรุณาดำเนินการให้แน่ใจว่าได้ดำเนินการลบข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลที่มีความอ่อนไหว (ถ้ามี) ออกจากเรซูเม่และเอกสารอื่นใดก่อนที่จะอัปโหลดเอกสารดังกล่าวไว้บนเว็บไซต์แล้วด้วย ทั้งนี้ ธนาคารมีความจำเป็นต้องเก็บรวบรวมข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลเกี่ยวกับประวัติอาชญากรรมของท่านเพื่อบรรลุวัตถุประสงค์ในการพิจารณารับบุคคลเข้าทำงาน หรือการตรวจสอบคุณสมบัติ ลักษณะต้องห้าม หรือพิจารณาความเหมาะสมของบุคคลที่จะให้ดำรงตำแหน่ง ซึ่งการให้ความยินยอมเพื่อเก็บรวบรวม ใช้ หรือเปิดเผยข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลเกี่ยวกับประวัติอาชญากรรมของท่านมีความจำเป็นสำหรับการเข้าทำสัญญาและการได้รับการพิจารณาตามวัตถุประสงค์ดังกล่าวข้างต้น ในกรณีที่ท่านไม่ให้ความยินยอมในการเก็บรวบรวม ใช้ หรือเปิดเผยข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลเกี่ยวกับประวัติอาชญากรรม หรือมีการถอนความยินยอมในภายหลัง ธนาคารอาจไม่สามารถดำเนินการเพื่อบรรลุวัตถุประสงค์ดังกล่าวข้างต้นได้ และอาจ ทำให้ท่านสูญเสียโอกาสในการได้รับการพิจารณารับเข้าทำงานกับธนาคาร".
Problem Solving, Research, Data Analysis
Job type:
- Identify opportunities for efficiencies in work process and innovative approaches to completing scope of work.
- Participate in team problem solving efforts and offer ideas to solve client issues.
- Conduct relevant research, data analysis, and create reports.
- Maintain responsibility for completion and accuracy of work products.
- Assessing restructuring operating models, organizational structures, and business processes to streamline core operations service delivery.
- Assist in proposal development, as requested.
- Actively expand consulting skills and professional development through training courses, mentoring, and daily interaction with clients.
- Your role as a leaderAt Deloitte, we believe in the importance of empowering our people to be leaders at all levels. We connect our purpose and shared values to identify issues as well as to make an impact that matters to our clients, people and the communities. Additionally, Senior Managers across our Firm are expected to:Establish a strong leadership brand and inspire their team through passion, integrity, and appreciation of others.
- Make effective use of resources to optimise value.
- Demonstrate the success and efficiency of Deloitte through leveraging its network and people.
- Deliver exceptional quality results and stakeholder value by leveraging each person s strengths to build high performing teams across businesses and borders.
- Apply deep knowledge of disruptive trends and competitor activity to drive continuous improvement.
- Build deep professional relationships across a diverse network and use a flexible influencing style to gain buy-in and drive impact.
- Translate broader strategy into a compelling team vision and goals as well as align the team and sets priorities to achieve objectives.
- Contribute to building an inclusive talent pipeline by creating a talent experience that attracts, develops and retains diverse, top talent and high performing teams.
- Actively contribute to building the talent pipeline by championing a talent experience that attracts, develops and retains top talent and high performing teams.
- Enough about us, let's talk about youIf you are someone with:Tertiary qualification in a chemicals or petroleum engineering disciple with a well ranked institution and/or currently enrolled in a MBA program.
- Minimum 10 years of working experience with a leading consulting firm focusing in the Energy industry.
- Experience in leading strategy and operational transformation with these topics:Growth and Value Creation Strategies.
- Enterprise Performance Improvement.
- Digital Operations Transformation.
- Asset Management Excellence.
- Established business development track record in Southeast Asia.
- Experience with budgetary responsibilities related to projects or resources.
- Exceptional interpersonal, team-building, and communication skills, with demonstrated ability to write clearly, succinctly, and in a manner that appeals to a wide audience.
- Ability to build consensus and foster change in ambiguous settings.
- Commitment to professional excellence, as well as personal and professional growth.
- Drive, tenacity, client focused and results oriented.
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a pre-requisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignment.
- Willingness to work outside of office base.
- Next Steps So what are you waiting for? Join the winning team now.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website. #LI-MB Requisition ID: 106248In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
6 years required
SAP FI, Teamwork, English
Job type:
- Engage clients in workshops and interviews to analyze process and reporting requirements.
- Advise clients on industry/ cross-industry leading practices. Advise clients on SAP recommended processes and functions.
- Design target state SAP solutions for clients. Influence clients thinking in adopting leading/ standard practices while developing target state.
- Analyze application landscape to design interfaces to SAP solution.
- Perform SAP configuration and tests. Develop specifications for development of forms/ reports/ interfaces.
- Lead the consultant and client teams through the implementation cycle including planning and execution of testing, migration and cutover.
- Support change management execution by developing training material, delivering training and supporting users post cutover.
- Develop relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
- Your role as a leader:At Deloitte, we believe in the importance of empowering our people to be leaders at all levels. We connect our purpose and shared values to identify issues as well as to make an impact that matters to our clients, people and the communities. Additionally, Senior Associates / Senior Consultants / Assistant Managers across our Firm are expected to:Actively seek out developmental opportunities for growth, act as strong brand ambassadors for the firm as well as share their knowledge and experience with others.
- Respect the needs of their colleagues and build up cooperative relationships.
- Understand the goals of our internal and external stakeholder to set personal priorities as well as align their teams work to achieve the objectives.
- Constantly challenge themselves, collaborate with others to deliver on tasks and take accountability for the results.
- Build productive relationships and communicate effectively in order to positively influence teams and other stakeholders.
- Offer insights based on a solid understanding of what makes Deloitte successful.
- Project integrity and confidence while motivating others through team collaboration as well as recognising individual strengths, differences, and contributions.
- Understand disruptive trends and promote potential opportunities for improvement.
- Requirements:A good honors Degree, preferably at postgraduate level, in Information Technology, Business Information Systems, Business, Engineering, Mathematics or related disciplines.
- Good understanding of SAP implementation methodology.
- Senior Consultant will require a minimum of 6-8 years of experience in SAP FI Module, preferably with 4-6 end to end full life cycle implementations with team leading experience.
- SAP S/4 HANA experience is an advantage.
- Demonstrated success in multi-cultural work environment.
- Sound understanding of business process, industry nuances and leading practices in area of focus.
- Good communication and presentation skills in English to build relationship and work closely with client stakeholders.
- Ability to facilitate effective workshops to lead target state design.
- Demonstrated excellence in conceiving and executing SAP solution.
- Sound business acumen, teamwork and leadership qualities.
- Willingness to work outside of office base and most of all.
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a prerequisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignment.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website. Requisition ID: 105311In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
Sales, Salesforce, Java
Job type:
- Work alongside the wider team, lead the overall technology solution, planning and estimation for complex projects.
- Drive innovation and continuous improvement in design and delivery practices of our solutions, including Salesforce best practice in the implementation of client solutions.
- Manage the delivery teams to deliver full Salesforce lifecycle implementations, with a focus on the client success but awareness of other wider business and technology ...
- Act as a role model for the team by always demonstrating the highest standards in business, digital led transformation.
- Conduct quality reviews of our implementation to ensure they meet our high standards.
- Lead end-to-end pre-sales activities.
- Provide leadership and support for delivery teams and staff in local offices.
- Your role as a leaderAt Deloitte, we believe in the importance of empowering our people to be leaders at all levels. We connect our purpose and shared values to identify issues as well as to make an impact that matters to our clients, people and the communities. Additionally, Managers across our Firm are expected to:Develop diverse, high-performing people and teams through new and meaningful development opportunities.
- Collaborate effectively to build productive relationships and networks.
- Understand and lead the execution of key objectives and priorities for internal as well as external stakeholders.
- Align your team to key objectives as well as set clear priorities and direction.
- Make informed decisions that positively impact the sustainable financial performance and enhance the quality of outcomes.
- Influence stakeholders, teams, and individuals positively - leading by example and providing equal opportunities for our people to grow, develop and succeed.
- Lead with integrity and make a strong positive impact by energising others, valuing individual differences, recognising contributions, and inspiring self-belief.
- Deliver superior value and high-quality results to stakeholders while driving high performance from people across Deloitte.
- Apply their understanding of disruptive trends and competitor activity to recommend changes, in line with leading practices.
- Requirements:8+ years CRM experience with a minimum of 4 years on the Salesforce core platform and Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
- At least 4 full life-cycle Salesforce implementation with strong expertise as well as certifications in the following modules: Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Community Cloud, Force.com, Apttus.
- Development and troubleshooting experience with Salesforce (Apex, Visualforce, Lightning, Java/C#/OOP, Javascript/JQuery, Angular, JS/Bootstrap, SQL/SOQL, Web Services) will be preferred.
- Lead technical design sessions with client s technical team/architects; architect and document technical solutions aligned with client business objectives; identify gaps between client's current and desired end states.
- Strong understanding of Agile / Iterative delivery methodology.
- Knowledge of data integration tools and experience integrating Salesforce with different business systems (ETL, CPQ, marketing automation, reporting, etc.).
- Understanding of systems architecture and ability to design scalable performance-driven solutions.
- Familiarity with platform authentication patterns (SAML, SSO, OAuth).
- Strong understanding of environment management, release management, code versioning best practices, and deployment methodologies.
- Responsible for deliverable for project. Capacity plan for specific plan, managing the development team.
- Ensure utilization of staff is optimized by tracking individual team member forecast.
- Allocating resources and responsibilities across the team to deliver business results and develop team members.
- Responsible for supporting quality programs throughout the entire SDLC period.
- Experience with Wave Analytics, Lightening, Blue Kai, Eloqua, Exact Target or Marketo will be a bonus.
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a pre-requisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignment.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website.
- LI_MH Requisition ID: 104113In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
8 years required
Job type:
- IT Strategy Development: Assist clients in developing a technology strategy and roadmap that aligns with and supports their key business priorities, unlocking business value.
- IT Operating Model: Support senior IT leadership or business sponsor in developing an IT Operating Model, outlining the strategic aims of the organization, defining the various components of the IT function (e.g. roles, governance, processes, controls, and tools).
- Application Rationalization and Architecture: work with clients to assess the application landscape and define the target state architecture and platform roadmaps to deliver business objectives. Identify how the next gen technologies can be deployed to deliver their value proposition.
- IT Transformation: Shaping client s major IT Transformation program and running the Transformation Office to deliver business and technology initiatives.
- IT M&A: Working on large international M&A deals (mergers, acquisitions, carve outs etc.) covering due diligence, day 1 strategy, planning, operating model, architecture, and post day 1 optimization and value delivery.
- IT Sourcing: working with clients to optimize their service delivery models, identifying and executing sourcing options for them.
- Your role as a leaderAt Deloitte, we believe in the importance of empowering our people to be leaders at all levels. We expect our people to embrace and live our purpose and shared values, challenging themselves every day to identify issues that are most important to our clients, our people, and the communities, and to make an impact that matters. In addition to living our purpose, Managers across our Firm are expected to:Understand the goals of Deloitte, align our people to these objectives by setting clear priorities and direction by establishing a positive relationship with a senior stakeholders.
- Influence teams, and individuals positively. Lead by example and provide equal opportunity for people to grow, develop and succeed.
- Delivers exceptional client service. Maximizes results and drives high performance from people while fostering collaboration across businesses and geographies.
- Manage diverse teams within a highly inclusive team culture where people are respected and valued for their contribution.
- Develop high-performing teams through challenging and meaningful opportunities and recognize them for the impact that they make.
- Enough about us, let's talk about youIf you are someone with:Tertiary qualification in a technology or business discipline with a well ranked institution.
- Minimum 6-8 years of working experience in technology strategy and transformation at consulting firms, in house consulting role or in an enterprise architecture role working for a leading bank.
- IT Strategy, Architecture and Operating Model Design.
- Cloud strategy and transformation.
- Business case development.
- Delivery of large technology transformation programs.
- Deep understanding of banking technology landscape particularly in digital banking capabilities and underlying technology solutions and how they are delivering their value proposition.
- Demonstrated thought leadership and eminence building in the marketplace.
- Understanding of the new age solution provider landscape and their capabilities across banking.
- Experience with budgetary responsibilities related to projects or resources.
- Experience in collaborating with cross functional teams to shape up and deliver new opportunities.
- Exceptional interpersonal, team building, and communication skills, showcasing executive presence with demonstrated ability to manage senior client stakeholders i.e. CXOs.
- Ability to build consensus and foster change in ambiguous settings.
- Commitment to professional excellence, as well as personal and professional growth.
- Drive, tenacity, client focused and results oriented.
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a prerequisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignment.
- Next Steps So what are you waiting for? Join the winning team now.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website.I-VKRequisition ID: 102459In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
3 years required
Sales, Salesforce, Automation, English
Job type:
- Be an expert in the Digital Sales and Marketing Automation domain to provide a deep understanding of the relevant Salesforce solution(s).
- Responsible for business requirements, functional design, process design (including scenario design, flow mapping, customer journeys), prototyping, configuration, testing, training, defining support procedures.
- Lead on the design, implementation of technology and creative business solutions for iconic brands.
- Take the lead on projects, solving some of the most exciting problems for our clients.
- Build lasting relationships with key client stakeholders and sponsors.
- Collaborate with amazing digital experts across disciplines to innovate and create great solutions. Supporting the Digital team in RFP and proposal responses.
- Your role as a leader:At Deloitte, we believe in the importance of empowering our people to be leaders at all levels. We connect our purpose and shared values to identify issues as well as to make an impact that matters to our clients, people and the communities. Additionally, Senior Consultants across our Firm are expected to:Actively seek out developmental opportunities for growth, act as strong brand ambassadors for the firm as well as share their knowledge and experience with others.
- Respect the needs of their colleagues and build up cooperative relationships.
- Understand the goals of our internal and external stakeholder to set personal priorities as well as align their teams work to achieve the objectives.
- Constantly challenge themselves, collaborate with others to deliver on tasks and take accountability for the results.
- Build productive relationships and communicate effectively in order to positively influence teams and other stakeholders.
- Offer insights based on a solid understanding of what makes Deloitte successful.
- Project integrity and confidence while motivating others through team collaboration as well as recognising individual strengths, differences, and contributions.
- Understand disruptive trends and promote potential opportunities for improvement.
- Requirements:Tertiary qualification in a relevant technology, business, or marketing discipline.
- 3 - 8 years experience in consulting and/or CRM implementation in an enterprise environment.
- Functional or techno-functional expertise one or more of the following: Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud. Development experience in Apex, VisualForce, Force.com or Java/J2EE and AMPScript. Relevant Salesforce certification(s) in Sales, Service and Marketing will be a plus.
- Experience contributing to RFP responses and other sales activities. Strong understanding of Agile / Iterative delivery methodology.
- Configure and implement integration with Salesforce Core and Marketing Cloud.
- Drive and determination to continually learn new things and develop yourself.
- A natural team player who enjoys working with others to solve problems and sharing knowledge. Willing to push the technical limits and find the best solution for the business and our customers.
- Drive, tenacity, client-focused and results-oriented.
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a pre-requisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignment.
- Willingness to work outside of office base and most of all .
- Good articulation and communication skills in English.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website.
- LI_MH Requisition ID: 105582In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
7 years required
Research, Quality Assurance, Assurance, English
Job type:
- You will provide end-to-end advisory and overlay point-of-views and industry insights onto the research and analyses provided by the project teams, and seek to formulate innovative technology-enabled solutions to address our clients business needs.
- You will manage the assessment and business requirements gathering processes, review appropriateness of functional specifications against the problem statements/business requirements, and support solutions prototyping and architecture re-design by applying industry insights and know-hows.
- You will engage our clients in discussions, presentations and workshops to validate technology-enabled solutions provided by the project teams, as well as perform walk-through of work products and deliverables with the clients.
- You will develop trusted relationships with your clients and gain recognition in the marketplace for technical and advisory capabilities across the spectrum.
- You will provide quality assurance and ensure timely delivery of work products developed by the project teams.
- You will actively coach project teams during the execution of projects and support senior team members in maintaining operational excellence at all times.
- You will meet clients on a regular basis to define problem statements, analyse key priorities/issues, and work with senior team members to develop responses to client enquiries, formulate proposals and produce point-of-view publications.
- If you are someone with:A good honors Degree, preferably at postgraduate level, in Information Technology, Business Information Systems, Business, Engineering, Mathematics or related disciplines.
- Require a minimum of 7 years of experience in IT management consulting and in IT Implementation.
- Involved in overall SDLC - requirement gathering, design, test, deploy/release, data migration, project management.
- Preferably has led the project (as a Project Manager) and managed project resource and financials.
- Has experience related to Cloud Implementation (incl. Cloud Business Case, Cloud Design, Cloud Architecture, Cloud Operating Mode, Cloud Migration) using AWS, GCP, Azure / Cloud Certified Architect (AWS, GCP, Azure) is a bonus.
- Strong analytical skills, excellent oral and written communication skills in English, be self-motivated, and be able to work in stressful situations with changing priorities.
- Proven demonstration of sound business acumen, teamwork and leadership qualities.
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a pre-requisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignment.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website.Requisition ID: 104922In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
7 years required
DevOps, Web Services, Linux
Job type:
- Promote public cloud internally to sales and delivery teams to drive growth.
- Be the go to person for Cloud Architecture. You should have a deep understanding of services offered on Public Cloud platforms and understand how to use them together to build complex solutions.
- Educate customers of all sizes on the value proposition of Public Cloud and participate in deep architectural discussions to ensure solutions are designed for successful deployment in the cloud.
- Capture and share best-practice knowledge amongst the public cloud solutions architect community.
- Build deep relationships with senior technical individuals within customers to enable them to be cloud advocates.
- Act as a technical liaison between customers, delivery teams and support.
- At Deloitte, we offer a unique and exceptional career experience to inspire and empower talents like you to make an impact that matters for our clients, people and community. Deloitte offers you a highly inclusive, collaborative workplace and unrivalled opportunities to realize your full potential. We are always looking for people with the relentless energy to push themselves further, and to find new avenues and unique ways to reach our shared goals.
- Your role as a leaderAt Deloitte, we believe in the importance of empowering our people to be leaders at all levels. We connect our purpose and shared values to identify issues as well as to make an impact that matters to our clients, people and the communities. Additionally, Managers across our Firm are expected to:Develop diverse, high-performing people and teams through new and meaningful development opportunities.
- Collaborate effectively to build productive relationships and networks.
- Understand and lead the execution of key objectives and priorities for internal as well as external stakeholders.
- Align your team to key objectives as well as set clear priorities and direction.
- Make informed decisions that positively impact the sustainable financial performance and enhance the quality of outcomes.
- Influence stakeholders, teams, and individuals positively - leading by example and providing equal opportunities for our people to grow, develop and succeed.
- Lead with integrity and make a strong positive impact by energising others, valuing individual differences, recognising contributions, and inspiring self-belief.
- Deliver superior value and high-quality results to stakeholders while driving high performance from people across Deloitte.
- Apply their understanding of disruptive trends and competitor activity to recommend changes, in line with leading practices.
- If you are with:The right person will be detailed, highly technical, having a minimum of 7 years of current Technical Architect experience, including consulting and implementation for hybrid, and non-hybrid solutions. Demonstrated experience in an enterprise environment, and experience with AWS is an advantage.
- Experience in the establishment of an automated DevOps release management pipeline which delivers tooling for next generation application development efforts (the Dev) and on-going production operations (the Ops).
- Experience architecting infrastructure solutions (preferably on Amazon Web Services) using both Linux/Unix and Windows with specific recommendations on server, load balancing, HA/DR, & storage architectures.
- Experience with deploying cloud based solutions and workload migration strategy using tools.
- Experience with Enterprise application and database architecture.
- Understanding of Agile, SCRUM and Continuous Delivery.
- Demonstrated skills in communication (oral, written, presentation), analysis, problem solving and short term and long term planning.
- Experienced, persuasive and effective presenter, both written and verbal.
- Demonstrated skills in leadership, communication, coaching, analysis, problem solving and short term and long term planning.
- Knowledge of standard selling disciplines, specifically Solution Selling and RFP management.
- Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills, ability to handle diverse situations, multiple initiatives and rapidly changing priorities.
- Willingness to work outside of office base and most of all .
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a pre-requisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignment.
- Preferred QualificationsAWS Solution Architect - Professional certification.
- Working knowledge of software development practices and technologies highly desired.
- Degree in computer-science, engineering or equivalent.
- A robust understanding of ERP technical architectures - SAP, Oracle etc.
- We ll love you if you have multi-cloud (AWS, Azure or GCP or both) knowledge, and experience.
- Next Steps So what are you waiting for? Join the winning team now. Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website.#LI-GN Requisition ID: 103976In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
Research, Data Analysis, Problem Solving
Job type:
- Enable omni-channel customer journey and experience design.
- Operating model based on analytics practices.
- Digital enablement and platform implementation.
- You will support Deloitte and client s business growth by:Identifying client s business requirements / overall strategy and vision, and any opportunities for efficiencies in existing process / service design.
- Undertaking extensive desktop and on-the-ground research on various aspects relevant to our current and potential clients viz. market sizing, competitive benchmarking across channels, products, customer experience, digital capabilities, customer servicing, etc.
- Developing draft pitch proposals including storyboarding, data analysis, opportunity sizing, proposed team composition, project costing and fee estimates.
- Using tech, human-centered design thinking and innovative approaches to solve business needs.
- Participating in team problem solving efforts and offer ideas to solve client issues.
- Facilitating client workshops to complete current state assessment and providing basis for future state design and rollout planning.
- Conducting relevant research, data analysis, and create reports.
- Maintaining responsibility for quality, completion, and accuracy of work products.
- Assessing restructuring operating models, organizational structures, and business processes to streamline core operations service delivery.
- Assisting in proposal development, as requested.
- Actively expanding consulting skills and professional development through training courses, mentoring, and daily interaction with Deloitte colleagues and clients.
- As a Manager you will:Focus on the delivery of client work and lead a cross-service line team for major deliverables and projects. Take charge of fulfilling the responsivities and deliverables planned for project working closely with the team and client to obtain sign-off and ensure client satisfaction as a result, build trusted relationships with the client.
- You will be continually encouraged to devise innovative solutions to help our clients maximise the value of their data assets by helping them transform data into insight. You will also assume real ownership of projects and key stakeholders at executive levels as you help them execute their strategy to build an efficient analytics organisation, processes and supporting technology.
- In addition, Managers should support practice development and business management activities to help grow the Analytics & Cognitive practice as well as aligning to an industry to exploit depth of knowledge and professional experience.
- Working as a key business partner to high profile clients, you'll have the chance to develop your expertise from strategy to execution, as well as in delivery and implementation. As a Manager in the FS Data and AI, you'll be able to put your own creative ideas into practice as you take ownership of deliverables and resources on transformation projects and hone your commercial skills.
- Design and develop tailor-made solutions, strengthen presence of AI&D Practice for in the SEA market, identify revenue-generating opportunities, and get involved in proposal writing, pitch presentations, etc.
- Your role as a leaderAt Deloitte, we believe in the importance of empowering our people to be leaders at all levels. We connect our purpose and shared values to identify issues as well as to make an impact that matters to our clients, people and the communities. Additionally, Managers across our Firm are expected to:Develop diverse, high-performing people and teams through new and meaningful development opportunities.
- Collaborate effectively to build productive relationships and networks.
- Understand and lead the execution of key objectives and priorities for internal as well as external stakeholders.
- Align your team to key objectives as well as set clear priorities and direction.
- Make informed decisions that positively impact the sustainable financial performance and enhance the quality of outcomes.
- Influence stakeholders, teams, and individuals positively - leading by example and providing equal opportunities for our people to grow, develop and succeed.
- Lead with integrity and make a strong positive impact by energising others, valuing individual differences, recognising contributions, and inspiring self-belief.
- Deliver superior value and high-quality results to stakeholders while driving high performance from people across Deloitte.
- Apply their understanding of disruptive trends and competitor activity to recommend changes, in line with leading practices.
- Requirements:Bachelor or Masters' Degree in any relevant discipline.
- Minimum 8-10 years of working experience in the Consulting Industry within Financial Services clientele.
- It would be great to haveBusiness problem solving in the banking or Insurance domain, using analytical tools i.e Machine Learning libraries, LLM (Large Language Model) such as Open AI, Anthrophyic, Google Bard.
- Hands-on Experience in finding Data Science solutions, developing AI Models using ML Workbench (i.e PIVOTAL Cloudera, Ms Azure, NVDIA Omniverse).
- Good foundation in Data Management, Data Governance (AI Model, ML Ops).
- Banking domain analytics within mass market;wealth or private banking sales & customer 360 analytics.
- fraud-compliance-risk analytics.
- operational productivity & capacity analytics.
- human resource analytics or various advanced analytical frameworks for SME / commercial banking.
- transaction banking, payments, etc..
- Insurance Domain within Bancassurance, Life, General Insurance domain such as agency sales & distribution, customer acquisition & servicing analytics, claims processing, fraud, etc.
- It would be nice should you haveGood foundation in programming language i.e (at least one) R, Python, Scala.
- Certification with relevant to Cloud / Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence.
- Regional Financial Services Experience, across SEA.
- Strong client relationship skills, including an ability to independently engage with clients.
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a pre-requisite to fit our short-term and long-term project assignments.
- Additionally:Lead or Manage:Opportunity Management - RFI / RFP Process, Solution Designing, Budgeting and Account Planning.
- Delivery Management - Project Management, Manage Project Team, Project P&L.
- Leadership - Mentor and coach team members, fostering their professional growth and development within the insurance consulting domain.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website.Requisition ID: 105649In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
2 years required
Sales, Market Research, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), English
Job type:
- Research and analyse market information of responsible products to prepare market trends and sales plans.
- Contact customers to get a better understanding of their needs.
- Present product information, negotiate the price and close business deals.
- Coordinate with the product quality control team to improve and maintain the quality of the product as required by the customer, such as size, humidity, etc.
- Check and monitor product delivery status and bill payment with customers.
- Perform costing and pricing calculation and estimate time of arrival for product delivery.
- Research regulations, limitations, and rules related to import and export including tariff, free tread area of responsible counties and/or regions.
- Oversee and provide recommendations for team on market s situation, production cost fluctuation, and other issues of concern.
- Manage customer s complaints and coordinate with relevant parties to solve the issues, including preparing preventive measures.
- Other tasks as assigned.
- Bachelor's degree or higher in Marketing or related field.
- At least 2-3 years experience of international sales in food industry or having experience in international sales food industry is preferable.
- Excellent command of English with minimum TOEIC Score of 850 or IELTS score of 7 Up.
- Any other relevant languages considered a plus. (Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, German, etc.).
- Sales oriented attitude and strong sales skills are required.
- People skills, having convincing skills to effectively collaborate with other departments/ teams.
- Ability to travel oversea.
5 years required
Civil Engineering, Construction Monitoring, English
Job type:
- Technical discussion with Consultant/Contractor/Supplier and coordinate with internal other discipline.
- Review various detailed structural/geotechnical engineering deliverables with consideration of project schedule/budget, availability, reliability and performance of the Plant.
- Review on structural/geotechnical construction, testing procedure, detailed installation including BOQ,.
- Vendor document review including specification/data, shop inspection and test procedure including witness test at Factory.
- Provide structural/geotechnical engineering issues raised during structural construction activities.
- Supervise and coordinate tasks for subordinates..
- Job Qualifications.
- Bachelor s degree or higher in Civil Engineering.
- At least 5 years Work Experience on related field.
- Experience in Substation/Renewable Project would be advantage.
- Ability to travel/ work upcountry and abroad.
- Fluent in English both written and verbal (Minimum 750 TOEIC score).
- Goal-Oriented, Unity, Learning, Flexible.
3 years required
ISO 27001, SAP, System Security, English
Job type:
- Performing risk assessment for new or existing of Information Technology Systems.
- Planning and developing audit program following to the audit scope and objective of Information Technology Framework such as COBIT, ISMS, IT General Control.
- Evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control of Information Technology throughout the company s business processes.
- Performing follow up audit over the findings identified in the audit reports.
- Utilizing relevant Information technology Standards and methodologies and demonstrate to improvement the effectiveness of GRC processes.
- Performing other duties as assigned.
- Job Qualifications.
- Bachelor s degree or higher in Information Technology, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Management of Information Systems or related fields.
- Over 3 years experiences in IT Internal Auditor.
- External Audit or Big 4 is also welcome.
- Professional certifications such as CISA, Information Security (IRCA), NIST Cybersecurity Framework, or CIA would be an advantage.
- Testing experience on IT controls e.g., IT Governance, Cyber Security, ISO 27001, SDLC and Change Management, Network Security, etc. would be an advantage.
- Good knowledge of IT Audit, IT Security, IT Risk or IT Compliance.
- Ability to use SAP.
- Communication and interpersonal skills, strong analytics, self-motivation and willing to learn.
- Ability to travel/ work upcountry and abroad.
- Fluent in English both written and verbal (Minimum 750 TOEIC score).
- Goal-Oriented, Unity, Learning, Flexible.
3 years required
SAP, Teamwork, English
Job type:
- Engage clients in workshops and interviews to analyze process and reporting requirements.
- Advise clients on industry/ cross-industry leading practices. Advise clients on SAP recommended processes and functions.
- Design target state SAP solutions for clients. Influence clients thinking in adopting leading/ standard practices while developing target state.
- Analyze application landscape to design interfaces to SAP solution.
- Perform SAP configuration and tests. Develop specifications for development of forms/ reports/ interfaces.
- Lead the consultant and client teams through the implementation cycle including planning and execution of testing, migration and cutover.
- Support change management execution by developing training material, delivering training and supporting users post cutover.
- Develop relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
- Your role as a leader:At Deloitte, we believe in the importance of empowering our people to be leaders at all levels. We connect our purpose and shared values to identify issues as well as to make an impact that matters to our clients, people and the communities. Additionally, Consultants across our Firm are expected to:Demonstrate a strong commitment to personal learning and development.
- Understand how our daily work contributes to the priorities of the team and business.
- Understand the set expectations and demonstrate accountability in keeping personal performance on track.
- Actively focus on developing effective communications and relationship-building skills with stakeholders, clients and team.
- Demonstrate an appreciation for working with others.
- Understand what is fundamental to Deloitte s success as a business.
- Demonstrate integrity and an awareness of strengths, differences, and personal impact.
- Develop their understanding of Deloitte and offer a fresh perspective.
- Requirement:A good honors Degree, preferably at postgraduate level, in Information Technology, Business Information Systems, Business, Engineering, Mathematics or related disciplines.
- Good understanding of SAP implementation methodology.
- Consultant will require a minimum of 3-6 years of experience in SAP SD Module, preferably with 2-3 end to end full life cycle implementations with team leading experience.
- SAP S/4 HANA experience is an advantage.
- Demonstrated success in multi-cultural work environment.
- Sound understanding of business process, industry nuances and leading practices in area of focus.
- Good communication and presentation skills in English to build relationship and work closely with client stakeholders.
- Ability to facilitate effective workshops to lead target state design.
- Demonstrated excellence in conceiving and executing SAP solution.
- Sound business acumen, teamwork and leadership qualities.
- Willingness to work outside of office base and most of all.
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a prerequisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignment.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website.Requisition ID: 103846In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
3 years required
Job type:
- Engage clients in workshops and interviews to analyze process and reporting requirements.
- Advise clients on industry/ cross-industry leading practices. Advise clients on SAP recommended processes and functions.
- Design target state SAP solutions for clients. Influence clients thinking in adopting leading/ standard practices while developing target state.
- Analyze application landscape to design interfaces to SAP solution.
- Perform SAP configuration and tests. Develop specifications for development of forms/ reports/ interfaces.
- Lead the consultant and client teams through the implementation cycle including planning and execution of testing, migration and cutover.
- Support change management execution by developing training material, delivering training and supporting users post cutover.
- Develop relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
- Your role as a leader:At Deloitte, we believe in the importance of empowering our people to be leaders at all levels. We connect our purpose and shared values to identify issues as well as to make an impact that matters to our clients, people and the communities. Additionally, Consultants/Senior Consultant across our Firm are expected to:Demonstrate a strong commitment to personal learning and development.
- Understand how our daily work contributes to the priorities of the team and business.
- Understand the set expectations and demonstrate accountability in keeping personal performance on track.
- Actively focus on developing effective communications and relationship-building skills with stakeholders, clients and team.
- Demonstrate an appreciation for working with others.
- Understand what is fundamental to Deloitte s success as a business.
- Demonstrate integrity and an awareness of strengths, differences, and personal impact.
- Develop their understanding of Deloitte and offer a fresh perspective.
- Requirement:A good honors Degree, preferably at postgraduate level, in Information Technology, Business Information Systems, Business, Engineering, Mathematics or related disciplines.
- Consultant will require a minimum of 3-6 years of experience in SAP Fiori Development, completed at least 3 end to end full life cycle of implementation projects with at least one of the most recent version.
- Senior Consultant will require a minimum of 8-8 years of experience in SAP Fiori Development, completed at least 5 end to end full life cycle of implementation projects with at least one of the most recent version.
- Extensive prior experience in core areas such asReports (including ALV, ABAP List Report, Optional - SAP Query, Report Painter).
- Interfaces (file based, RFC, OData, ALE/EDI, IDoc for both configuration and development).
- Conversions (including BDC, BAPI, Optional - LSMW, JCo).
- Enhancements (User Exit, Customer Exit, Enhancement Framework, BAdI, Optional - BTE, Substitution Exit).
- Forms (SAP Scripts, SAP Smartforms, Optional - Adobe forms).
- Knowledge of SAP S/4HANA and SAP HANA database: Be able to design and create objects in SAP HANA architecture such as SQLScript, ABAP Managed Database Procedures (AMDP), Analytical Models, Core Data Services (CDS) and know how to work with HANA Studio.
- Proven experience in one or more SAP User Interface Technologies: Dynpro-based front end technologies - SAP GUI family, Optional - BSP, WebDynpro ABAP, WebClient UI framework, SAP UI development toolkit for HTML5 (SAPUI5), SAP Web IDE, SAP Fiori, SAP Screen Personas.
- Experience working with object-oriented programming (OOP) Concepts.
- Worked on at least three implementation projects, at least one of the most recent version.
- Working knowledge or exposure to one of the following: SAP Business Workflow, SAP eCATT SAP Portal, SAP XI/PI/PO, SAP Data Services or SAP MDM is a plus.
- Demonstrated success in multi-cultural work environment.
- Sound understanding of development process, industry nuances and leading practices in area of focus.
- Demonstrated excellence in conceiving and executing SAP solution.
- Broad understanding of SAP design. Appreciation of digital enterprise and emerging technologies.
- Sound technical acumen, teamwork and leadership qualities.
- Willingness to work outside of office base and most of all .
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a pre-requisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignment.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website.Requisition ID: 105502In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
3 years required
Safety Management, Construction Monitoring, English
Job type:
- Arranging and conducting proper training on safety issues for staff at solar farm or wind farm sites.
- Working with all managers to ensure proper safety equipment and protection systems which are available and able to use.
- Monitoring the investigation of accidents and reviewing accidents and statistics pertaining to such with the management so that corrective action may be applied and assessed for health safety and the environment.
- Reviewing with all managers on safety & security policies/ procedures to ensure that they are effective and workable.
- Compiling and returning accident statistics to the SH&E manager and plant manager.
- Auditing, analyzing, and collating environmental performance data and using information to drive continuous improvement.
- Ensuring that there is suitable emergency procedures and equipment in place for dealing with emergencies such as fires and spillages.
- Job Qualifications.
- Bachelor s degree or higher in Safety, Health and Environment or related fields.
- Minimum 3 years experience in environmental management and safety management system or related fields (New graduate who is a high - potential and seeking for job challenging is also welcome).
- Knowledge of environmental impact assessment (EIA), SHE management system and SHE Law.
- Experience in construction work of power plant / solar farm / wind farm would be an advantage.
- Ability to control safety in the construction sites.
- Strong leadership skills and excellent communications.
- Ability to travel/ work upcountry and abroad at Pakkbeng Province.
- Good command in English (Minimum 500 TOEIC score).
- Goal-Oriented, Unity, Learning, Flexible.
15 years required
Project Management, Risk Management, Procurement, English
Job type:
- Project development and project management role to lead the team in development and execution of the assigned project and being accountable for the success of the assigned project.
- Developing project approach, scope, schedule, budget, and resources planning for the project.
- Lead the technical scope and support the non-technical scope in development of the projects, including:
- Conceptual designing and development plan of the project.
- Procurement of engineering, procurement, and construction contracts through appropriate approaches; from TOR until contract signed.
- Technical supporting for non-technical works e.g. permit/license, EIA, legal, financing, BOI.
- Execution phase of the projects; responsible for project management to achieve schedule, budget, and quality targets, including:
- Overseeing the engineering, procurement, and construction team.
- Contract management.
- Risk management and mitigation, change management.
- Scheduling and resource planning.
- Project close-out and lesson learnt.
- Coordinating with team and providing supports on relevant issues to complete project effectively.
- Job Qualifications.
- Bachelor s degree or higher in Engineering or related fields.
- Minimum 15-20 years experience with at least 10 years experience in project management.
- Project management, scheduling and resource planning, and risk management capabilities.
- Understanding engineering, procurement, and construction contracts.
- Get it done mindset.
- Managing and empowering others, commercial mindset, problem solving, decision making.
- Fluent in English both written and verbal (Minimum 750 TOEIC score).
- Ability to travel/ work upcountry and abroad.
12 years required
Research, Data Analysis, Problem Solving
Job type:
- Enable omni-channel customer journey and experience design.
- Operating model based on analytics practices.
- Digital enablement and platform implementation.
- You will support Deloitte and client s business growth by:Identifying client s business requirements / overall strategy and vision, and any opportunities for efficiencies in existing process / service design.
- Undertaking extensive desktop and on-the-ground research on various aspects relevant to our current and potential clients viz. market sizing, competitive benchmarking across channels, products, customer experience, digital capabilities, customer servicing, etc.
- Developing draft pitch proposals including storyboarding, data analysis, opportunity sizing, proposed team composition, project costing and fee estimates.
- Using tech, human-centered design thinking and innovative approaches to solve business needs.
- Participating in team problem solving efforts and offer ideas to solve client issues.
- Facilitating client workshops to complete current state assessment and providing basis for future state design and rollout planning.
- Conducting relevant research, data analysis, and create reports.
- Maintaining responsibility for quality, completion, and accuracy of work products.
- Assessing restructuring operating models, organizational structures, and business processes to streamline core operations service delivery.
- Assisting in proposal development, as requested.
- Actively expanding consulting skills and professional development through training courses, mentoring, and daily interaction with Deloitte colleagues and clients.
- As a Senior Manager you will:Focus on the delivery of client work and lead a cross-service line team for major deliverables and projects. Take charge of fulfilling the responsivities and deliverables planned for project working closely with the team and client to obtain sign-off and ensure client satisfaction as a result, build trusted relationships with the client.
- You will be continually encouraged to devise innovative solutions to help our clients maximise the value of their data assets by helping them transform data into insight. You will also assume real ownership of projects and key stakeholders at executive levels as you help them execute their strategy to build an efficient analytics organisation, processes and supporting technology.
- In addition, Managers should support practice development and business management activities to help grow the Analytics & Cognitive practice as well as aligning to an industry to exploit depth of knowledge and professional experience.
- Working as a key business partner to high profile clients, you'll have the chance to develop your expertise from strategy to execution, as well as in delivery and implementation. As a Manager in the FS Data and AI, you'll be able to put your own creative ideas into practice as you take ownership of deliverables and resources on transformation projects and hone your commercial skills.
- Design and develop tailor-made solutions, strengthen presence of AI&D Practice for in the SEA market, identify revenue-generating opportunities, and get involved in proposal writing, pitch presentations, etc.
- Your role as a leaderAt Deloitte, we believe in the importance of empowering our people to be leaders at all levels. We expect our people to embrace and live our purpose and shared values, challenging themselves every day to identify issues that are most important to our clients, our people and the communities, and to make an impact that matters. In addition to living our purpose, Senior Managers across our Firm are expected to:Establish a strong leadership brand by inspiring others through passion, integrity, and appreciation.
- Create opportunities to drive impact by leveraging each person s strengths to build high performing teams.
- Apply deep knowledge of trends and activity to drive continuous improvement and build lasting relationships across a diverse network.
- Translate and communicate broader strategy into a convincing team vision and goals, in order to align the team and sets priorities to achieve objectives.
- Actively contribute to building the talent pipeline by championing a talent experience that attracts, develops and retains top talent and high performing teams.
- Enough about us, let's talk about youIf you are someone with:Bachelor or Masters' Degree in any relevant discipline.
- Minimum 12 years of working experience in the Consulting Industry within Financial Services clientele.
- It would be great to haveBusiness problem solving in the banking or Insurance domain, using analytical tools i.e Machine Learning libraries, LLM (Large Language Model) such as Open AI, Anthrophyic, Google Bard.
- Hands-on Experience in finding Data Science solutions, developing AI Models using ML Workbench (i.e PIVOTAL Cloudera, Ms Azure, NVDIA Omniverse).
- Good foundation in Data Management, Data Governance (AI Model, ML Ops).
- Banking domain analytics within mass market;wealth or private banking sales & customer 360 analytics.
- fraud-compliance-risk analytics.
- operational productivity & capacity analytics.
- human resource analytics or various advanced analytical frameworks for SME / commercial banking.
- transaction banking, payments, etc..
- Insurance Domain within Bancassurance, Life, General Insurance domain such as agency sales & distribution, customer acquisition & servicing analytics, claims processing, fraud, etc..
- It would be nice should you haveGood foundation in programming language i.e (at least one) R, Python, Scala.
- Certification with relevant to Cloud / Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence.
- Regional Financial Services Experience, across SEA.
- Strong client relationship skills, including an ability to independently engage with clients.
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a pre-requisite to fit our short-term and long-term project assignments.
- Additionally:Lead or Manage:Opportunity Management - RFI / RFP Process, Solution Designing, Budgeting and Account Planning.
- Delivery Management - Project Management, Manage Project Team, Project P&L.
- Leadership - Mentor and coach team members, fostering their professional growth and development within the insurance consulting domain.
- Next Steps So what are you waiting for? Join the winning team now.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website.
- LI-VK Requisition ID: 105124In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
SAP FICO, Finance, Accounting, English
Job type:
- Engage clients in workshops and interviews to analyze process and reporting requirements.
- Advise clients on industry/ cross-industry leading practices. Advise clients on SAP recommended processes and functions.
- Design target state SAP solutions for clients. Influence clients thinking in adopting leading/ standard practices while developing target state.
- Analyze application landscape to design interfaces to SAP solution.
- Perform SAP configuration and tests. Develop specifications for development of forms/ reports/ interfaces.
- Lead the consultant and client teams through the implementation cycle including planning and execution of testing, migration and cutover.
- Support change management execution by developing training material, delivering training and supporting users post cutover.
- Develop relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
- Your role as a leaderAt Deloitte, we believe in the importance of empowering our people to be leaders at all levels. We connect our purpose and shared values to identify issues as well as to make an impact that matters to our clients, people and the communities. Additionally, Managers across our Firm are expected to:Develop diverse, high-performing people and teams through new and meaningful development opportunities.
- Collaborate effectively to build productive relationships and networks.
- Understand and lead the execution of key objectives and priorities for internal as well as external stakeholders.
- Align your team to key objectives as well as set clear priorities and direction.
- Make informed decisions that positively impact the sustainable financial performance and enhance the quality of outcomes.
- Influence stakeholders, teams, and individuals positively - leading by example and providing equal opportunities for our people to grow, develop and succeed.
- Lead with integrity and make a strong positive impact by energising others, valuing individual differences, recognising contributions, and inspiring self-belief.
- Deliver superior value and high-quality results to stakeholders while driving high performance from people across Deloitte.
- Apply their understanding of disruptive trends and competitor activity to recommend changes, in line with leading practices.
- Requirements:Bachelor or Master s degree in Finance and Accounting, Information Technology, Business Admistrative or relevant field, supported by relevant experience.
- Minimum of 10+ years of post-qualification experience working with SAP FICO by completed at least 8 end to end full life cycle of SAP FICO implementations.
- Working experience in Consulting firms is most preferred.
- Experience with S4/Hana is a big plus.
- Deep and wide experience in SAP led transformation programs in diverse industries.
- Broad understanding and appreciation of emerging business and technology paradigms.
- Demonstrated ability to engage client stakeholders on a range of issues.
- A self-motivated individual with ability to chart his/ her route to success.
- Ability to provide situational leadership to engagement teams, and coaching/ mentorship to team members.
- Value driven, inclusive individual committed to client service excellence.
- Willingness to work outside of office base and most of all.
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a pre-requisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignments.
- Good command of English communication.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website.Requisition ID: 103845In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
3 years required
Job type:
- Engage clients in workshops and interviews to analyze process and reporting requirements.
- Advise clients on industry/ cross-industry leading practices. Advise clients on SAP recommended processes and functions.
- Design target state SAP solutions for clients. Influence clients thinking in adopting leading/ standard practices while developing target state.
- Analyze application landscape to design interfaces to SAP solution.
- Perform SAP configuration and tests. Develop specifications for development of forms/ reports/ interfaces.
- Lead the consultant and client teams through the implementation cycle including planning and execution of testing, migration and cutover.
- Support change management execution by developing training material, delivering training and supporting users post cutover.
- Develop relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
- Your role as a leader:At Deloitte, we believe in the importance of empowering our people to be leaders at all levels. We connect our purpose and shared values to identify issues as well as to make an impact that matters to our clients, people and the communities. Additionally, Consultant/Senior Consultant across our Firm are expected to:Demonstrate a strong commitment to personal learning and development.
- Understand how our daily work contributes to the priorities of the team and business.
- Understand the set expectations and demonstrate accountability in keeping personal performance on track.
- Actively focus on developing effective communications and relationship-building skills with stakeholders, clients and team.
- Demonstrate an appreciation for working with others.
- Understand what is fundamental to Deloitte s success as a business.
- Demonstrate integrity and an awareness of strengths, differences, and personal impact.
- Develop their understanding of Deloitte and offer a fresh perspective.
- Requirement:A good honors Degree, preferably at postgraduate level, in Information Technology, Business Information Systems, Business, Engineering, Mathematics or related disciplines.
- Consultant will require a minimum of 3-6 years of experience in SAP ABAP Development, completed at least 3 end to end full life cycle of implementation projects with at least one of the most recent version.
- Senior Consultant will require a minimum of 6-8 years of experience in SAP ABAP Development, completed at least 5 end to end full life cycle of implementation projects with at least one of the most recent version.
- Extensive prior experience in core areas such asReports (including ALV, ABAP List Report, Optional - SAP Query, Report Painter).
- Interfaces (file based, RFC, OData, ALE/EDI, IDoc for both configuration and development).
- Conversions (including BDC, BAPI, Optional - LSMW, JCo).
- Enhancements (User Exit, Customer Exit, Enhancement Framework, BAdI, Optional - BTE, Substitution Exit).
- Forms (SAP Scripts, SAP Smartforms, Optional - Adobe forms).
- Knowledge of SAP S/4HANA and SAP HANA database: Be able to design and create objects in SAP HANA architecture such as SQLScript, ABAP Managed Database Procedures (AMDP), Analytical Models, Core Data Services (CDS) and know how to work with HANA Studio.
- Proven experience in one or more SAP User Interface Technologies: Dynpro-based front end technologies - SAP GUI family, Optional - BSP, WebDynpro ABAP, WebClient UI framework, SAP UI development toolkit for HTML5 (SAPUI5), SAP Web IDE, SAP Fiori, SAP Screen Personas.
- Experience working with object-oriented programming (OOP) Concepts.
- Worked on at least three implementation projects, at least one of the most recent version.
- Working knowledge or exposure to one of the following: SAP Business Workflow, SAP eCATT SAP Portal, SAP XI/PI/PO, SAP Data Services or SAP MDM is a plus.
- Demonstrated success in multi-cultural work environment.
- Sound understanding of development process, industry nuances and leading practices in area of focus.
- Demonstrated excellence in conceiving and executing SAP solution.
- Broad understanding of SAP design. Appreciation of digital enterprise and emerging technologies.
- Sound technical acumen, teamwork and leadership qualities.
- Willingness to work outside of office base and most of all .
- An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a pre-requisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignment.
- Due to volume of applications, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Please note that Deloitte will never reach out to you directly via messaging platforms to offer you employment opportunities or request for money or your personal information. Kindly apply for roles that you are interested in via this official Deloitte website.Requisition ID: 105483In Thailand, the services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd. and other related entities in Thailand ("Deloitte in Thailand"), which are affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte in Thailand, which is within the Deloitte Network, is the entity that is providing this Website.
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