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for keyword นักบำบัดความงาม
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apply job Lazada 1
apply job Lazada 1

Job type:




  • Establish strong relationship with new sellers since day 1 by educate them on each key module of platform and build fundamentals of seller to be ready for joining campaign, ensure they are growing in the same direction of the related category, build new/potential sellers to become bigger and stronger within category.
  • Drive sales, order and buyer growth of sellers in portfolio - including launching seller specific initiatives, identifying and actioning opportunities within sellers and portfolio.
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apply job Berli Jucker 2
apply job Berli Jucker 2


Finance, Digital Marketing, Branding, Good Communication Skills

Job type:




  • Strategize the innovation plan and portfolio roadmap to generate the new growth engine.
  • Lead the process of developing the strong insightful and differentiated concept to deliver the winning products until successfully go to market.
  • Develop the impact and full launch plan to deliver the successful business and brand objectives.
10 days ago
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apply job L'Oreal Thailand 3
apply job L'Oreal Thailand 3


2 years required

Job type:




  • Generate sales to achieve target by 100% according to the regulation and adaptation to new sale channel.
  • Follow Brand standard service and selling steps to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Master on daily operations at point of sales (POS), POS system, Activity. In cooperate with OMNI Channel as Pick from Store etc.
2 days ago
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