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for keyword นักธรณีวิทยา
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apply job PTT Exploration and Production PTTEP 1
apply job PTT Exploration and Production PTTEP 1


5 years required


Project Management, English

Job type:




  • Ensure geological and petroleum system study integration to get best of resource evaluation and delineation, de-velopment well and platform locations.
  • Provide geological and subsurface uncertainty input to field development plan in coordination with reservoir engi-neer and other related parties.
  • Evaluate and integrate the data of subsurface (logs, cores, seismic), reservoir and production to perform reservoir characterization analysis and resources assessment to identify new development and infill opportunities in mature fields and support pro ...
4 days ago
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apply job PTT Exploration and Production PTTEP 2
apply job PTT Exploration and Production PTTEP 2


SEM, Research, English

Job type:




  • Demonstrate a technical proficient understanding of carbonate rock description, sedimentary facies analysis, depo-sitional system & environments, carbonate diagenesis, and reservoir quality prediction.
  • Apply laboratory techniques, including petrography, XRD, SEM, Cathodoluminescence, and stable and radiogenic isotopic composition, such as Carbon, Oxygen, Strontium, and Clumped, to stratigraphic and diagenesis questions.
  • Conducts detailed analysis of sedimentary sequences to identify and interpret the la ...
6 days ago
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apply job PTT Exploration and Production PTTEP 3
apply job PTT Exploration and Production PTTEP 3


3 years required


GIS, English

Job type:




  • Assist geologists and geophysicists in preparing various kinds of final geological and geophysical maps, transferring data from/ into project database system and other supporting systems.
  • Collect, compile, verify and load technical data into technical database system such as general well data, geological well data (directional survey, side wall core, reservoir, net pay, maker etc.), well log curve data (edit log), drilling data (daily drilling, weekly and monthly drilling), and all technical reports.
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