Apply now to 9 new job positions at Reckitt Benckiser (Thailand) Ltd.

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Average employee rating


100% of employees recommend this company to friends.

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


review Reckitt Benckiser 1

Reckitt Benckiser (Thailand) Ltd.


Management Trainee - current employee

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


Added: 2017-03-11

Experience in the company


Added: 2017-03-11

review Reckitt Benckiser 2

Reckitt Benckiser (Thailand) Ltd.

"Looked after merchandiser team and Sales capability (training)"

Head Of Sales Development - former employee

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


Added: 2021-10-11

Experience in the company

- Delivery KPIand company goals - Coach, advise and develop merchandiser team - Sales training

Added: 2021-10-11

review Reckitt Benckiser 3

Reckitt Benckiser (Thailand) Ltd.


National Sales Director - former employee

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


Added: 2017-03-04

Experience in the company

ได้เที่ยวรอบโลก ได้พัฒนาศักยภาพ

Added: 2017-03-04

review Reckitt Benckiser 4

Reckitt Benckiser (Thailand) Ltd.


Anonymous employee - current employee

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


Added: 2017-03-03

Experience in the company

ขยายเร็ว สปีดขององค์กรดี

Added: 2017-03-03

review Reckitt Benckiser 5

Reckitt Benckiser (Thailand) Ltd.

"deliver result ด้วยความเป็น entrepreneurship อย่างแท้จริง"

Supply Chain Manager - current employee

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


Added: 2018-06-20

Experience in the company

ทำงานเต็มที่ เสมือนเป็นเจ้าของบริษัท "ดีกว่ายังไม่เพียงพอ"

Added: 2018-06-20

  • 1