Business Excellence Analyst
atThaioil Energy Services Co., Ltd.Business Excellence Analyst
- Formulate business development strategy of TX group that helps drive an achievement of corporate strategic direction and goals.
- Integrate TX Group BU Strategy and Portfolio Development & target Cascading Integration to align with directions
- Act as Groupâs Investment Project Management Office (PMO) role by corporate with center of business development team
- Monitor Group regional performance & commercial optimization as TX Group Performance Driven (BAU & Growth)
- Manage strategic meeting management (Internal & External)
- Track the progress of improvement initiatives and report on their outcomes.
- Coordinate with stakeholders to define project scope, objectives, deliverables, and timelines.
- Monitor project progress, manage risks, and ensure effective communication among all parties involved.
- Assist in the development and execution of change management strategies to ensure smooth transitions during process changes.
- Work closely with various departments to understand their needs and challenges related to business processes.
- Act as a liaison between business units and the business excellence team to ensure alignment on improvement initiatives.
Bachelor degree or higher in Business Administration, Management, Engineering, Science or Economic. Further education in MBA is a plus.
Minimum of 1-3 years of experience in business process analysis, continuous improvement, or a related role.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with the ability to interpret complex data.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to work effectively with cross-functional teams.
Experience required
- 1 years
- Negotiable
Job function
- Analyst
Job type
- Full-time
Company overview
Thaioil is the first and the largest refinery in Thailand. We was established in 1961 under the vision of âA leading fully integrated refining and petrochemical company in Asia Pacificâ. Now, we are still the largest refinery in the country, and we aim for growing str ...
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- Five-day work week
- Professional development
- Provident fund
- Accident Insurance
- Health Insurance