Average employee rating


100% of employees recommend this company to friends.

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


review GoWabi 1

GoWabi Thailand Co., Ltd.

"Great work environment"

Business Development - current employee

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


Added: 2018-08-07

Experience in the company

I have been here for over a year and I love it! The team environment is great and full of passion, there it lots of learning and as a biz dev I get lot's of free beauty services!

Added: 2018-08-07

review GoWabi 2

GoWabi Thailand Co., Ltd.

"Great work environment"

Business Development - current employee

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


Added: 2018-07-25

Experience in the company

Fun working environment, I came as fresh grad but learned alot and became independent. Small and close team, lots of responsibilities since day 1, good independent work. Plus got lots of company discounts for spa, nail, or eyelash services, it's great if you like this stuff :)

Added: 2018-07-25

review GoWabi 3

GoWabi Thailand Co., Ltd.

"A Formidable Learning Journey"

Marketing Executive - current employee

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


Added: 2018-07-25

Experience in the company

You'll be able to wear many different hats, giving you a chance to be a vital part of the company. Learning how to be independent and quickly adapt to abrupt changes within the company are some of the qualities you wouId gain. The environment is very friendly and your voice will always be heard. There will always be some deserving fun times after some hard work!

Added: 2018-07-25

review GoWabi 4

GoWabi Thailand Co., Ltd.

"Awesome team!"

Sales Executive - former employee

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


Added: 2018-07-25

Experience in the company

I loved the team! Great family spirit and collaboration. Everyone is so helpful and cooperative

Added: 2018-07-25

  • 1
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