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review Pomelo Fashion 1

Pomelo Fashion

"Lack of visionary and clear direction of Boss"

Anonymous employee - former employee

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


Added: 2021-06-29

Experience in the company

Young and active staffs who has passion to work hard. Strong in Marketing and branding team "Over your boundary" Practice : Your boss will push you on the unrealistic KPI and lead you to the unclear direction. Do not expect for fair measurable KPI . Even your products are performed well , it dose not mean you will get good score if you are not your boss's favorite. "We" not "me " value : As rule of a high priest , your boss will not be included into" we" . Teamwork is only formed in other departments who lead by real leader , not boss .

Added: 2021-06-29

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