Expedia Inc.
Customer Service - former employee
Work/life balance
Benefits and perks
Career development
Working environment
Experience in the company
Increasing my experience to work with a team and lead me to think of the box. I learned more how to improve for myself in the important skills which will be benefit to the next career path. The workplace environment is very comfortable.

Expedia Inc.
"property assiatance coordinator"
Lodging Operations Agent - current employee
Work/life balance
Benefits and perks
Career development
Working environment
Experience in the company
เรียนรู้ว่าต้องจัดการการทำงานยังไง ถึงจะให้ ประโยชน์กับลูกค้าได้

Expedia Inc.
Area Manager - current employee
Work/life balance
Benefits and perks
Career development
Working environment
Experience in the company
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