K.d. Holding Co., Ltd.
There are no jobs for this company. Below are the jobs that you might be interested in.
No experience required
English, Thai
Job type:
- Collaborate with the Brand and eCommerce teams to update and enhance the appearance of our eCommerce platforms, ensuring brand consistency and sales optimization.
- Review and resolve content issues on international websites, utilizing newly created branded content.
- Manage and maintain YouTube channels across multiple countries to ensure a consistent brand image.
- Provide competitive creative intelligence and trend analysis using tools like Facebook Ad Library and Google Trends.
- Work closely with the SEO team to implement best practices on our websites.
- University graduate or in the final year of studies.
- Excellent command of English, both spoken and written.
- Strong proficiency in Excel and other MS Office tools.
- Preferred: Certification in Facebook and/or Google Ads.
- Why join us?
- Join WorkVenture to gain real-life digital marketing experience in a dynamic and supportive environment. You'll have the chance to work on meaningful projects that make a difference, while developing your skills and growing your career in the ever-evolving digital marketing industry.
- Thong Lor (Panjit Tower, Sukhumvit 55, Sub District Khlong Tun Nua, Sub Area Wattana, Bangkok 10110).
5 years required
Finance, Good Communication Skills, Work Well Under Pressure, English
Job type:
āļŋ60,000 - āļŋ80,000
- Transaction Processing and Settlement Management: This involves overseeing the lifecycle and settlement of Treasury Products, specifically for Foreign Exchange, Derivatives, and Foreign Currency bond trading.
- Management Functions: This encompasses various management aspects, including shop management, people management, cost management, and overall control of departmental operations.
- Coaching and Training: Providing guidance and coaching to lower-level staff to enhan ...
- Client Support: Offering support and services to both internal and external clients with an emphasis on maintaining good control and effectiveness in client interactions.
- Backup Responsibilities: Serving as a backup to the Treasury Investment and Money Markets Section Head, potentially during absences or when additional assistance is needed in that role.
- Bachelor s or Master Degree in Business Management related fields.
- At least 5-10 years of professional background in finance or banking industries.
- Well capable of handling bussiness interruption and incident with limited resouces circumstance.
- Able to work under pressure, and manage uncontrollable factors.
- Work well independently as well as a team, within and cross functions, and with 3rd parties.
- Good command of English.
- Strong communication skills.
- Presentation and question handling skills.
3 years required
Finance, Financial Analysis, Financial Modeling, English
Job type:
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No experience required
Analytical Thinking, Project Management, Business Statistics / Analysis
Job type:
āļŋ25,000 - āļŋ40,000
- Lead the Implementation of new products / existing products and system enhancements.
- Gather business requirements and document them in BRD/CR, ensuring alignment with project objectives.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams (IT, Operations, Credit Underwriting,Credit Marketing) to ensure successful product delivery.
- Manage timelines, scope,and resources to meet project goals.
- Ensure product compliance with internal polices and external regulations.
- Oversee UAT testing, include preparation of test scripts, execution, and defect resolution.
- Provide project updates/implementation plans to higher management.
- Monitor post-implementation performance and address any issues.
- Provide training and support to stakeholders on new product features and processes.
- Bachelor/Master of Degree in any relate fields.
- Project management / Business Analysist / System Analysist.
- Strategic and logical thinking.
- Strong analytical skills.
- Be able to work with other to deliver the outcome
- If you are up for a challenging role and would like to apply or recommend some who is capable, please contact us at [email protected] or call 065-520-7336
- Remark: The Bank requires the verification of criminal records prior consideration for employment to ensure secured and maintain standards of the organization.
eCommerce, English
Job type:
- Responsible for committing and delivering Sell Out per aligned target on all available online platforms for all brands of company.
- Responsible for E-Commerce P&L Management (Minorations (Promotional allowance), GWPs, PLVs, platform s barter programs) to achieve aligned REX%.
- Responsible for Detailed Commercial Activity plan and strategy on Platforms (including campaigns mechanic, thematic alignment with Zone, visibility barter, live streaming).
- Internal alignment on upcoming promotions to all stakeholders, mainly performance marketing, brand team and controller.
- Responsible for all platform s Sahapat.
- Responsible for E-Commerce team; ensuring team member s target deliveries, manage challenges, and strengthens team s E-Commerce capability.
- Responsible for managing stock orders and demand planning of all channels.
- Ensuring to comply to Demand Planner s KPIs and maintain healthy stock availability for all channels.
- Continuously seek to improve business working processes, looking for ways to reduce both overall costs and efficiencies within the role.
- Work closely with digital / marketing team and marketing agencies to generate new sales opportunity through the marketing tools that drive shoppers to purchase on e-com channel.
- Responsible for building long term partnership with the existing and potential customers.
- Bachelor of Master Degree in any field.
- Experience in sales 7-10 years key account development in the local market. Solid experience E-commerce and Commercial Online 2-3 years, preferable in B2C Channel.
- Strong leadership with Strategic Vision and Drive.
- Proactive in communication Proficient communication in both English and Thai.
- Ability to collaborate with multiple stakeholders: Strong interpersonal skill to manage different stakeholder with internal and platform.
- Excellent understanding of local e-commerce channel market trends and ecommerce channel operating models (e.g. B to C, C to C, M-commerce, Social commerce etc.).
- Familiar with current top ecommerce technologies.
- Experience with consumer goods companies preferred but not essential.
- Good presentation, communication, and interpersonal skill.
- High passion, high degree of learning agility, quick at adapting best practices and staying ahead of the curve.
- āļŠāļāļāļāļēāļĄāļāđāļāļĄāļđāļĨāđāļāļīāđāļĄāđāļāļīāļĄ āļŦāļĢāļ·āļ Line āļŠāļāļāļāļēāļĄāļāđāļāļĄāļđāļĨ.
- āļāļĢāļīāļĐāļąāļ āļŠāļŦāļāļąāļāļāļāļīāļāļđāļĨ āļāļģāļāļąāļ(āļĄāļŦāļēāļāļ).
- āđāļāļĢ.
- Email: [email protected].
Job type:
- Tactical Program Management: Lead the end-to-end management of short-term tactical programs that supplement and enhance core programs. These initiatives will be customized to meet the specific needs of different seller types and regions. (For example: Add-on packages, social seller program, group company packages)
- Regional Program Framework: Develop and establish a flexible framework for regional tactical programs that can be adapted based on the unique characteristics of each venture.
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Create and implement SOPs that ensure tactical programs are executed consistently and efficiently across various ventures.
- Program Launch and Execution: Drive the successful launch and adoption of tactical programs, working closely with cross functional teams to ensure smooth implementation
- Stakeholder Engagement: Collaborate with internal stakeholders across multiple teams to ensure alignment and clear communication regarding program goals, expectations, and progress (e.g. ventures, finance, product)
- Problem Solving & Risk Management: Identify potential issues or challenges in program execution and take proactive steps to mitigate risks and ensure timely delivery.
- Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of tactical programs and make data-driven recommendations for improvements and optimizations.
- Reporting & Communication: Provide regular updates and status reports to leadership, ensuring transparency and clear communication of program progress, challenges, and outcomes.
- Project Management: Proven experience in managing complex, short-term programs or projects, with the ability to quickly adapt to changing requirements and priorities.
- Stakeholder Management: Strong ability to engage and collaborate with large number of internal teams and stakeholders to ensure program success.
- Customization & Flexibility: Experience tailoring programs to meet the unique needs of different seller types or customer segments.
- Problem-Solving: Excellent analytical skills and the ability to navigate challenges with innovative solutions.
- Leadership: Self-starter with a demonstrated ability to lead programs independently, managing multiple priorities simultaneously.
- Experience in E-commerce, preferably with commercial background
- Experience leading projects and PMO.
Job type:
- Nielsen Retail Index.
- Kantar Consumer Panel.
- CSS Solution (Big C Data Platform).
- EDM (Lotus s Data Platform).
Sales, Negotiation, Fast Learner, English
Job type:
- Responsible for account with driving the customer plan of the assigned categories and brands to achieve their sales target within yearly budget and goal.
- Coordinate sale activities and create relationship with Buyer to achieve business target and solution for in-filed problems and opportunities.
- Daily tracking up-to-date sales vs sales target.
- Propose and implement sale strategy to maximize sales performance.
- Make regular store visits to ensure effective in field operation, survey for competitor activities and opportunity for sale growth and solution for in field problems.
- Coordinate with demand planner and DC to ensure on time delivery and mitigate OOS issues.
- Master degree in Marketing, Business Management or related fields.
- Have own car and driving license.
- Customer focused and result oriented with good interpersonal and analytical skill.
- Willing to work hard and work under pressure within tight deadline, good team player, excellent problem-solving, negotiation, selling, presentation skills and fast learner.
- Strong command in English and computer literacy.
8 years required
Excel, Negotiation, Data Analysis, Management, English
Job type:
- Owner of strategic 3 years aspiration plans with distributor and partner which includes opportunities identification, volume aspiration and stack up, and brands positioning, format portfolio, sales and channel strategy.
- Lead to develop sales & marketing yearly plan (by channel and SKU, activities grid and budget) with distributors and partners.
- Owner of distributor & partners management and performance (sell in / sell out sales, inventory, forecasting, RTM & sales force efficiencies) and meeting cycles.
- Owner country budget - Meet the defined ROI / objectives for the brand trade investment, budget control and management.
- Develop sales analytics to drive business understanding and decision.
- Develop consumer, customer and channel insights to strengthen market understanding and decision.
- Ensure & monitor country plan to execute with clear objectives and KPIs measurement.
- Build and maintain good relationships with Distribution partner & Key accounts.
- Monitor marketing and sales situation of competitors such as sales, promotion, prices, distribution, market share & etc.
- Follow up monthly plan and adjust the plan to fit and correspond to competitive market situations.
- Be Company representative.
- At least 30 years of age.
- Bachelor/Master Degree in Business or related fields.
- Minimum 8-10 years of experience in Distributor Management, Country Management, Sales, MKT, Export & Import or related fields.
- International experiences, especially related to EMEA and crossculture understanding.
- Strong biz network with local players in APAC is a plus.
- Can work independently under minimal supervision.
- Excellent English Proficiency.
- Resilient and able to work under pressure & business dynamic.
- Proficiency in Excel and PowerPoint. Key Competencies.
- Strong Business Acumen.
- Distributor Mgt.
- Strategic Thinking / Data Analytic / Negotiation skill/ Adaptability.
- Passionate about regional sales scope of work.
2 years required
Microsoft Office, Problem Solving
Job type:
- āļāļđāđāļĨ āļāļĢāļ°āļŠāļēāļāļāļēāļ āļāļĢāļīāļŦāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļāļēāļĢāļāđāļēāļāļāļēāļāđāļāļāļŠāļēāļĢ āļāļēāļāļāļļāļĢāļāļēāļĢ āđāļĨāļ°āļāļēāļāļāļīāļāļāļĢāļĢāļĄāļāļāļāđāļāļĢāļāļāļēāļĢ āđāļāļ·āđāļāđāļŦāđāđāļāđāļāđāļāļāļēāļĄāđāļāļāļāļēāļāđāļĨāļ°āđāļāđāļēāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒāļāļĩāđāļāļģāļŦāļāļāđāļ§āđ.
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- PTG Energy Public Company Limited.
- 90 CW Tower, Tower A, 33rd Floor, Ratchadaphisek Road,.
- www.ptgenergy.co.th.