KPMG Phoomchai Business Advisory Ltd.
Anonymous employee - current employee
Work/life balance
Benefits and perks
Career development
Working environment
Experience in the company
Good environment and team work , collaborative and professional
KPMG Phoomchai Business Advisory Ltd.
Anonymous employee - former employee
Work/life balance
Benefits and perks
Career development
Working environment
Experience in the company
Good at allocating responsibilities according to different people's skills.
KPMG Phoomchai Business Advisory Ltd.
"Nice Co-worker and work experiences"
Anonymous employee - current employee
Work/life balance
Benefits and perks
Career development
Working environment
Experience in the company
- Many company activities - Great co-worker - Good work-Life balance
KPMG Phoomchai Business Advisory Ltd.
Anonymous employee - current employee
Work/life balance
Benefits and perks
Career development
Working environment
Experience in the company
สวัสดิการดี เพื่อนร่วมงานดี มี career path ชัดเจน
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