Data Governance Solution Enabler
atSiam Commercial Bank (SCB)Job Description
- Provide administration of Informatica platform suite including Axon, EDC, BDQ and other tools to support Data Governance activities.
- Evaluate platform needs, configure, manage and maintain technical details of each module.
- Manage/coordinate creation and maintenance of connections between the Informatica tools and other data sources/applications.
- Manage user roles and access within Informatica platform including configuration and ongoing review process.
- Perform batch management and troubleshooting.
- Coordinate/plan platform maintenance and release management.
- Manage onboarding new users onto the platform.
- Provide initial support for incidents related to the platform.
- Contribute to documentation, review & communication of related platform manuals.
- 2-5 years of relevant experience in a systems administration role. Experience with Informatica platform or similar type of data management tool is a plus.
- Knowledge of Metadata Management and Data Quality Management.
- Knowledge of the software security model and adaptability.
- Knowledge of AD authentication models and LDAP integration.
- Knowledge of Unix (Linux) and Window environment system.
- Knowledge of Cloud environment.
- Negotiable
Job type
- Full-time
Company overview
Siam Commercial Bank is the first bank in Thailand that was informally established in 1904 as "Book Club". According to the Bank of Thailand, it is Thailand's fourth largest commercial bank in terms of total assets, deposits, and loans.
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- Professional development
- Learning & Development Opportunities
- Five-day work week
- Performance bonus