Big Data Engineer / Data Architect (Onsite)
āļāļĩāđāļāļĢāļīāļĐāļąāļ āđāļāļāļ§āļēāļāļāđ āļāļīāļāđāļāļĢāđ āđāļāļāļĢāđāļ§āļīāļŠ āļāļģāļāļąāļ (āļĄāļŦāļēāļāļ)We are hiring a highly skilled and experienced Big Data Architect and Consultant with a strong background in cloud data architecture to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate should possess extensive expertise in designing and implementing scalable and robust big data solutions on cloud platforms. As a Big Data Architect and Consultant, you will be responsible for leading the design, development, and deployment of cutting-edge data solutions that drive business insights and value.
- Design end-to-end big data architectures and solutions on cloud platforms (e.g., Azure, GCP) to meet business requirements and scalability needs.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including data engineers, data scientists, and business stakeholders, to understand data-related needs and translate them into technical solutions.
- Provide expert guidance and consultation to clients on best practices in cloud data architecture, data integration, data warehousing, and data governance.
- Lead the planning, design, and implementation of data pipelines, ETL processes, and data lakes, ensuring optimal data quality, security, and performance.
- Evaluate and select appropriate technologies, tools, and frameworks to optimize data processing and analysis in a cloud environment.
- Conduct performance tuning and optimization of big data solutions to ensure high-speed data processing and real-time analytics.
- Stay up-to-date with industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices in cloud computing and big data to continuously enhance the organization's data architecture capabilities.
- Mentor and guide junior team members, fostering skill development and knowledge sharing within the team.
- Collaborate with sales and business development teams to assist in pre-sales activities, such as solution architecture design, proposal development, and client presentations.
- Provide thought leadership through presentations, workshops, and industry conferences.
- Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Technology, or a related field.
- Minimum of 5 years of experience in designing and implementing big data solutions with a focus on cloud data architecture.
- Proven experience with cloud platforms such as Azure, or GCP, including services like Azure Data Lake, Big Query etc.
- Strong proficiency in programming languages such as Python, Java, Scala, or similar languages for data processing and manipulation.
- Big Data
- Data Warehousing
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- Industry trends
- Cloud Computing
- Business Development
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