Event and Business Relations Manager @ICONSIAM
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- Ensure the continuous organization of events within the designated area.
- Oversee the entire process of selling common area spaces.
- Present and offer spaces to clients, including preparing sales documents, conducting site visits, creating quotations, and coordinating with the accounting department for payment collection.
- Monitor and ensure that revenue targets are met.
- Prepare rolling forecasts of income and expenses related to the common areas.
- Maintain the overall condition of the common areas.
- Supervise and manage client activities within the center to ensure they comply with the center's standards.
- Ensure events do not disrupt existing tenants in the center.
- Assist clients during the setup, event execution, and teardown phases.
- Prepare documents according to the established procedures.
- Ensure documents are prepared on time and accurately.
- Bachelorâs/Master Degree in Business Administration, Marketing or related field
- Minimum 5 years of experience in managing event space.
- Good at organization and project planning, strong data sense.
- Experience and proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Office
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