Key Responsibility
- Lead in designing process and standardize for job description, job profile of the whole group in the organization.
- Maintain job description and titles database for the whole group.
- Provide advice and support to Human Capital Business Partner, HC Shared Service in job description, categorizing jobs and positions, including organizational design according to governance and policy, recommend solutions or alternate methods to meet requirements of business partners.
- Provide consult to development team in other fields on job/position related (e.g. competencies, career path, development systems)
- Support in transformational initiatives, staff project team, and execute processes, tools, and techniques needed to achieve required project outcomes
- Support team lead in developing the organization architecture design process for top levels of the global organization, including, but not limited to, organization structure, job roles, span of control, titles, delegation of authority, and relevant governance & control, etc.
- Provide relevant knowledge, experience, and support mechanisms needed to manage change and foster an environment conducive to sustaining that change.
- Bachelor's degree in human resources, business administration, psychology, political sciences, or related field or equivalent work experience
- 5 years experience in organization development, HR development, Recruitment, project management, or consulting
- Background from FMCG, consulting firm.
- Ability to be self-directed and be an independent contributor to the team
- Strong in analytical and critical thinking, problem-solving, and consultation
Contact Information:
Office of Human Capital, Thai Beverage Public Company Limited
- Project Management
- Human Resources Development
- Problem Solving
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- Analytical Thinking
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