Job Responsibility
- Conduct market surveys, prepare consumer insight reports and consistently follow marketing news to support marketing planning.
- Coordinate brand activation and event activities, including procurement, scheduling appointments with suppliers, and conducting site inspections prior to the event day to ensure thorough preparation.
- Verify document authenticity and conduct quality checks on each premium products, advertising media and also manage and check product inventory to align with ongoing activities.
- Prepare budget approval documents following the proposal, quotation, and accounting procedures to seamlessly align with project documentation.
- Follow up tasks from stakeholders such as artwork, photo, POP mockup/sample, and premium in order to make them align with the marketing plan.
- Compile and organize expense data for each brand product involved in activities to assess expenses accurately.
- Work collaboratively with internal and external departments.
- Other tasks as assigned.
Job Qualification
- Bachelor's Degree in Business, Marketing or related field.
- Minimum of 1-2 years of experience in marketing or fresh graduates.
- Possess knowledge of marketing and media management.
- Project management skills.
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