Digital Business Partner (Product Manager)
āļāļĩāđāđāļāļĒāļāļāļĒāļĨāđ āļāļģāļāļąāļ (āļĄāļŦāļēāļāļ)Digital Business Partner (Product Manager)
- Bachelor degree in Business Administration, Engineering, Management or related fields
- 5 years experience in broad of business functions
- In depth knowledge of diverse business functions and principles
- Strong organizational and time management skills with the ability to produce accurate, quality information within agreed timescales.
- Desire to work in business transformation and change environments also driven by information systems/ organizational strategy
Product define and initiate:
- Actively discuss with BUs to understand expectations, pain points and business requirement and its functionality for new initiatives
- Gather, collect, analyze and refine requirements from BUs,
- Summarize requirement for technical solutions
- May suggest features/ functionality for initiative
- Prioritize the requirements based on business value and risks
- Option to suggest strategic partners based on their credential (work together with strategic/contract partnership officer)
- Understand SAP business process and align to business requirement
Product development:
- Represent BUs/users to explain/clarify the requirement to development team
- Engage and communicate users, business function/departments and stakeholder regularly to provide feedback on development and ensure on business priority
- Collaborate with project manager to ensure business/user and stakeholder value based on the requirement is delivered
- Participate in change management and change control process to evaluate change requests (if any)
- Option to support business departments/users during UAT to ensure requirements are met
Product management:
- Communicate with business functions/users and stakeholders on a regular basis to provide feedback on the progress of the implementation
- Analyze user response and satisfaction survey
- Consolidate value realization from BUs to portfolio planning officer
- Evaluate lifecycle of products
- Collaborate with business departments to maintain product vision and requirement backlog regularly throughout product lifecycle
- Collaborate with business departments to conduct product continuous improvement and roadmap which can improve seamless experience and optimize number of applications
- Collaborate with business departments and facilitate Small Work Items (SWI) initiations
- Proactively identify solutions for recurring incidents
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