Senior Mechanical Engineer â FO Engineer (True Internet Data Center)
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- Responsible for planning preventive maintenance schedules for air condition & Fire protection systems.
- Responsible for coordinating and managing vendors and suppliers to preventive maintenance and payment plans.
- 2nd Level support to Data Center Operation (FOC), on site to solve Incident and Problem management.
- 2nd Level support to engineer team all site, Data Center (TT1, TT2, MTG, BNA).
- To create & update reports and documents to comply with ISO 20k, 22k, 27k, 50k & TCOS standards.
- Review PUE, cost saving energy and report.
- Measured Efficiency air system and record annual report.
- Responsible for implementation of Mechanical such as comfort air, precision air.
- Responsible for implementation of Fire suppression such as FM200, NOVEC, CO2, Fire Sprinkler, Fire Pump, Fire alarm, and Vesda.
- Working period office time 9:00 â 18:00 and able to standby on call or onsite to work on holiday.
- Bachelor degree of Engineering, Mechanical engineering or related field.
- At Least 3 yearsâ experience in maintenance air conditioning such as comfort air, precision air, chiller air cool, water cool, pump motor: implement and support for mechanics-air condition systems in buildings or Data Centers.
- At least 1 yearsâ experience in designing air conditioners such as comfort air, precision air, chiller air cool, water cool, pump motor: implement, and support for mechanics-air condition systems in building.
- Able to Air â Diagram and Psychrometric chart knowledge.
- Able to work as a team and work in and standby on call on holiday.
- Able to work overtime if required and a hotline arrives (Less than 1 hour on site from your home)
- Proficiency in English communication is beneficial.
Work Location: TrueIDC â Bangna Site (KM26)
- English (Excellent)
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Ascend Corporation, a spin-off from True Corporation under C.P. Group, is driving digital innovation across Southeast Asia. Weâre transforming everyday life with our range of tech-driven servicesâspanning e-commerce, digital payments, cloud solutions, and more. Our Key B ...
āļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāđāļĢāļē: Ascend Group isnât just about digital innovationâweâre creating a vibrant space where you can truly thrive, right in the heart of Bangkok. Our Workspace âĒ Central Location: Our headquarters spans two floors in t ...
āļŠāļģāļāļąāļāļāļēāļāđāļŦāļāđ: AIA Capital Center Building, 18-19 th Floor, 89 Ratchadaphisek Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400
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