Innovate to solve the world's most important challenges
Senior Advanced R&D Engineer
Chonburi, Thailand
Chonburi, Thailand
Start your career by making an impact and real connections with some of the most meaningful challenges around. When you join Honeywell, you become a member of our performance culture comprised of diverse leaders, thinkers, innovators, dreamers, and doers who are changing the future.
Make the Best You.
Make the Best You.
Working at Honeywell is not just creating incredible things. You will collaborate with top minds, grow through continuous learning, and benefit from an inclusive environment that rewards performance and celebrate achievements.
Join Us and Make an Impact.
We are currently seeking an Senior Advanced R&D Engineer to join our Thermal Interface Materials (TIM) team in our Chonburi, Thailand office.
"In October, 2024 Honeywell announced the spin-off of our Advanced Materials business to become a stand-alone publicly traded company, independent of Honeywell. Our intention is that this role, dedicated to the Advanced Materials business, will be a part of this future transaction when the separation occurs.â
Key Responsibilities:
- Participates in research and development activities to understand product CTQ, design, theory and lab process. Utilizes established mathematical and scientific techniques to compile and analyze data. Writes technical reports detailing procedures, outcomes, and observations.
- Leads the design to production activity, ensures an integrated technology transfer from development to production, and supports the manufacturing process setup, risk mitigation, and control planning for new products.
- Build up lab capability of product and application evaluation in the plant.
- Guide product design team on formulation and process optimization and guide production team by material knowledge.
- Collect information of competitors, end users and industries, monitor competitorsâ activities and make analysis/proposals for counteraction.
- Problem solving for customers, material and process analysis for root cause identification.
- Regularly contact with global / local commercial and technical team on project development and support activities
- Cross-function communication on projects
- Master degree or above in polymer, materials, organic chemistry, applied chemistry, chemical engineering, or related. Experience in thermal management materials or related industry would be preferred.
- Minimum 3 years of industry solid experience in the composite material formulation, scale-up implementation and production process.
- Strong knowledge of raw material and process correlation to composite material properties.
- Systematic planning, execution, and documentation.
- Open mind and quick learning
- Strong communication skills
- Ability to work with inside cross-functional and cross-region teams.
Who We Are
The Future Is What We Make It at Honeywell. From sustainable aviation fuel and life-saving healthcare sensors to collaborating on every NASA space mission since the 1950âs, over 100 years of innovation has always been driven by an investment in our people. Learn more about Honeywell:
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Start your career by making an impact and real connections with some of the most meaningful challenges around. When you join Honeywell, you become a member of our performance culture comprised of diverse leaders, thinkers, innovators, dreamers, and doers who are changing the future.
Honeywell is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified applicants will be considered without regard to age, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, nationality, sex, religion, or veteran status.
For more information on how we process your information in the job application process, please refer to
If a disability prevents you from applying for a job through our website, e-mail [email protected] No other requests will be acknowledged.
Copyright ÂĐ 2024 Honeywell International Inc.
Additional Information
- JOB ID: req474543
- Category: Engineering
- Location: 32 Moo 8 Srirachi, Chonburi Industrial Estate,Chonburi,BANGKOK,20110,Thailand
- Exempt
- Research
- Product Design
- Problem Solving
- 3 āļāļĩ
- Chemical Engineering
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For over two decades, Honeywell has grown along with Thailandâs industry, enhancing its infrastructure network and supporting its sustainable economic development. The company provides high-quality automation and control solutions, performance material technologies and aerospace products and systems ... āļāđāļēāļāļāđāļ
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