Manager, Corporate Communications
āļāļĩāđāļāļīāļŠāļŠāļąāļ āļĄāļāđāļāļāļĢāđ (āļāļĢāļ°āđāļāļĻāđāļāļĒ) āļāļģāļāļąāļWorking Location: Rajanakarn Building, Sathorn, Bangkok, Thailand
Occasion Work Location: Nissan Bangna-Trad KM.22 Office, Samut Prakarn, External events both in Bangkok and upcountry
Hiring Condition: Permanent
Job Description
- Oversee the implementation of Nissan Motor Thailand's internal and external communication strategies.
- Implement effective communication strategies for both internal and external communications for Nissan Motor Thailand.
- Develop and execute compelling on corporate stories, such as dealer networks, after-sales, manufacturing, sustainability, people, etc., including writing copy of various materials.
- Manage internal communications, including executive communication (town hall, coffee and talk, etc.), employee engagement, content creation, and ensure all internal communication channels are updated on timely manner.
- Plan executive communication strategy and manage its implementation, including thought leadership activity, speaking opportunity, media interview, etc.
- Work closely with PR agency and media monitoring agency and monitor the progress or tracking of KPIs and monitor the competitors' movements. Support in issue management and crisis communication when necessary.
- Bachelor's degree in communications, public relations, journalism, or a related field. Advanced degree is preferred.
- Minimum of 5 years in corporate communication in corporate/multinational companies or PR agencies.
- Strong skills in writing, editing, speaking, listening and storytelling.
- A good knowledge of automotive industry and the media landscape in Thailand. Experiences in automotive or other manufacturing sectors is a plus.
- Good relations with media esp. business, lifestyle, international and Japanese media in Thailand is preferable.
- Excellent command of English communication. TOEIC score of 900 or higher.
- Excellent writing skill in English and Thai.
- Good interpersonal communication and able to work and collaborate with cross-functional teams and stakeholders.
- Creative, problem-solver, and has a good project management skill.
- Ability to work under pressure and manage multiple tasks.
- Good skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
"Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted for an interview"
Why Nissan?
Bangkok Thailand
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