O&M Manager â AMD Renewable Energy (Udon Thani)
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- Coordinates with relevant parties to achieve objectives and targets aligned with management policies.
- Manage plant operations, safety, and maintenance procedures, along with all contracts and permits with relevant parties to ensure compliance with regulations and standards.
- Manage the operating and maintenance budget.
- Coordinate the daily operations and ensure efficient energy production.
- Oversee forecast production, all operation strategy and comprehensive maintenance, including preventive and corrective maintenance plan.
- Coordinates with relevant parties for warranty claims.
- Oversee spare parts and inventory management, ensuring efficiency and economy.
- Supervise risk management activities, including risk assessment, incident investigation, mitigation plans, root cause analysis reports and implementation.
- Manage the procurement requisitions as related, ensuring efficiency and economy.
- Monitor billing and invoices delivered to off-taker monthly.
- Provide support to the regional manager on financial, accounting, tax, and related matters.
- Develop and maintain relationships with stakeholders.
- Support and development the technical training programs for O&M staff.
- Must be aware and play a vital role of quality, environmental, safety and social management system. (ISO 14001, 9001, 45001, ESMS)
Job Qualifications
- Bachelorâs degree or higher in Engineering or related fields.
- Minimum 5 years of experience in operation and maintenance management of Renewable Energy plant or Conventional power plant or related fields.
- Good English skills, both written and spoken.
- TOEIC score minimum 600
- Experience in contract management or maintenance planning is a plus.
- Able to prioritize multiple tasks assigned with good follow-up skills.
- Capable of working both in a team environment and independently with minimal supervision.
- Ability to focus on essential information and identify key details.
- Able to work in an upcountry. Local people of the project area are a plus.
- Proficient in MS Office applications such as Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
- Community relations.
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āļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāđāļĢāļē: Work with GULF Are you a high-achiever ?, Are you a team player ?, Do you embrace challenge ? If you are, then you have come to the right place. Gulf is defined by our unique culture. Our dynamic environment makes us an ideal workplace for talents who are ...
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