Assistant Manager/ Manager - Corporate Finance
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- Securing funding to support operation in term of short-term loan or working capital loan and equity investment in term of corporate loan, bonds and raise equity
- Building consolidated Financial Model to support in Corporate Finance strategy, including developing and implementing annual strategic operating plans, resource requirements, and revenue/operating income targets
- Providing support in annual operating and business fiscal plans (budgets)
- Managing loan agreement in order to ensure confidence that the company can make the loan drawdown, pay back the principle, interest, and dividend up to expectation and ensure compliance with all covenants under loan agreements
- Preparing overall corporate specific deliverables related to financial information or contractual requirements for BOD/shareholders/bankers
- Ensuring timely and accurate financial reports and plans and presenting them to the Managements to increase financial transparency in management reporting
- Performing financial analysis for the company financial status planning and controlling to comply with conditions of all stakeholdersâ conditions (Lenders, Shareholders)
Job Qualifications
- Masterâs degree in Finance, Accounting, Business Administration or related fields
- Minimum 2 - 4 yearsâ experience in banking or corporate finance function in any companies
- Experience in corporate finance or investment banking is required
- Good financial planning and financial model knowledge
- Ability to use MS Excel
- Experience in power generation, renewable energy, hydropower, gas and infrastructure & utilities would be an advantage
- High accountability, strong analytical skills, and confidence in turning facts into recommendations
- Creativity, problem solving skills, negotiation and systematic thinking
- Fluent in English both written and verbal (Minimum 750 TOEIC score)
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āļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāđāļĢāļē: Work with GULF Are you a high-achiever ?, Are you a team player ?, Do you embrace challenge ? If you are, then you have come to the right place. Gulf is defined by our unique culture. Our dynamic environment makes us an ideal workplace for talents who are ...
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