Company Secretary officer
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TOA Paint (Thailand) Public Company Limited
Key Responsibilities:
- Organizing and preparing for, and taking minutes of the company's executive committee meetings, meetings of the board of directors and shareholders' meetings in compliance with related laws, regulations and company rules including preparation and distribution of appropriate notices of meetings, minutes and all relevant documents.
- Coordinating and liaising with regulators and authorities on regulatory compliance and company secretarial work.-Maintaining statutory books, including registers of shareholders and directors.
- Providing proper and timely disclosure of the company information in compliance with the notifications and regulations of the relevant stock exchange.
- Preparing the 56-1 One report, AGM notice, CGR and AGM Checklist.
- Bachelor's degree in Linguistics, business administration, or related field.
- At least 3 year of experience in a similar position within a company listed on a reputable stock exchange
- English Good Communication.
- Excellent in written English.
- Ability to coordinate with various departments both inside and outside the company.
- Excellent attitude and interpersonal skills.
TOA Paint (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
31/2 Moo 3, Bangna-Trad Rd., KM. 23, Bangsaothong,Amphur Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10540 Thailand
Website: http://www.toagroup.com
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