Key Responsibilities
Present in the nominated area to deploy sales and consult actions with customers and manage key Schneider stakeholders in geographical area, to maximize the business with them through mainly field interactions.
- Be present and develop relationships with strategic accounts (i.e. specifier, developer, designer, PEA, university, POS, and IT PoS) within the nominated geographic area.
- Create an area ecosystem map and platform key strategic account.
- Build a strong working relationship within the ecosystem and manage key stakeholders in geographic areas.
- Cooperate with all relevant Schneider BU and support team and lead support team to best address the customer needs and best support to the customer.
- Identify, qualify, and prioritize business opportunities in the area.
- Become an area business leader, identify, qualify, and prioritize business opportunities in the area, and lead a virtual team to ensure a successful outcome.
- Localize TML marketing and GeoX plan and roll it out within the nominated area.
- Education: Engineering and/or Business degree
- Fluent in English, other languages beneficial
- Strong track record of capability to manage and grow accounts
- At least 3 years of sales experience background for electrical products to residential developers, designers, and hotel owners (Phuket, Chiangmai)
- or At least 3 years of sales experience background for electrical and service to factories in Central or East area (for Central, East recruitment) or At least 3 years sales experience for electrical product and service.
- Understanding of account management, customers, sales channels & third parties
- Demonstrates significant experience in detecting and discussing industry and customer pain points and proposing high-value solutions
Primary Location: TH-10-Bangkok
Schedule: Full-time
Unposting Date: Ongoing
- Sales
- English (Excellent)
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Schneider Electric is the global specialist in energy management and automation. With revenues of ~âŽ24.7 billion in FY 2016, our 144,000 employees serve customers in over 100 countries, helping them to manage their energy and process in ways that are safe, reliable, efficient and sustainable. From t ... āļāđāļēāļāļāđāļ
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