Manager, Marketing Campaign and Communication
āļāļĩāđSephora (āļāļĢāļ°āđāļāļĻāđāļāļĒ) āļāļģāļāļąāļAt Sephora, we reimagine beauty and influence positive change every day. Our Manager, Marketing Campaign and Communication will be responsible for planning, developing, and executing 360 omni-channel marketing campaigns. This role involves overseeing all aspects of marketing communication. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in marketing strategy, excellent communication skills, and the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. This role reports to the Head of Marketing. Get ready to make your mark at a leading global retailer. Together, weâre evolving, innovating, and reimagining the future of beauty and retail.
You will shine here if you enjoyâĶ
Integrated Campaign Strategy and Execution
- Develop and implement integrated marketing campaigns that align with the company's goals and objectives
- Manage the entire campaign lifecycle from concept to execution, including budgeting, go-to-market planning
- Provide Analysis of campaign in branding, commercial, and customer acquisition metrics
- Partner with research agency on tactical quantitative and qualitative projects
- Lead Brand Partnersâ campaigns to drive business growth for portfolio of brands and Sephora
Branding and Communication
- Together with direct report, lead and develop relationships with key partners including brands & landlords
- Plan and lead Retail Happenings and activities through key moments to drive traffic to retail stores and elevate customerâs experience
- Become the guardian of Sephoraâs brandâs image in Thailand, collaborate with regional to ensure communication and activations are on brand.
Leadership and Teamwork
- Inspire and uplift direct reports to achieve their best performance
- Foster collaboration with multi-functional team and regional stakeholders
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams for alignment and ensure campaign consistency across channels
We would love to hear from you ifâĶ
- You are Strong project management skills with the ability to manage multiple projects and priorities effectively.
- You have excellent written and verbal communication skills in both Thai & English.
- You have ability to work autonomously in a highly demanding and often ambiguous environment, with strong attention to detail and exceptional organizational skills
- You have 5+ years of relevant experience
- You are Strong in analytical acumen and comfortable generating and evaluating various forecasts, metrics, and analyses
- You are a creative thinker with a strategic mindset and attention to detail.
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