HRBP Support Manager, Home Care Thailand
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HR Partner for Business Unit:
Support HR Director to directly working with Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore Business Unit, delivering HR support, and implementing HR policies.
Day-to-day HR Partnering operations (employee communication, people movement, talent management, culture building, team activities)
Eyes and ears on ground for people concerns.
Works at both the organizational and individual level to assess learning & capability building needs.
Understands the broader market context and whatâs happening in the organization and uses these insights to improve business performance.
Uses insight for HR interventions and people solutions.
Assesses the talent needs of the organization to design and deliver the most effective talent solutions.
Works closely and collaboratively with other HRBPs, Employee Experience, and HR Expertise teams.
Training and Development Programs:
Collaborate with the HR Director to assess the organization's training needs and develop training programs accordingly.
Assist in the design and development of training materials, modules, and resources.
Coordinate and schedule training sessions, workshops, and other learning activities.
Manage the logistics of training, including booking venues, arranging equipment, and coordinating with trainers or facilitators.
Maintain training records and track employee participation and progress.
Performance Management:
Assist in the implementation of performance management processes, including goal-setting, performance appraisals, and development plans.
Work with managers to identify skill gaps and recommend appropriate training interventions.
Employee Development:
Collaborate with managers and employees to identify career development opportunities and support the creation of development plans.
Assist in implementing mentorship and coaching programs.
Evaluation and Reporting:
Conduct evaluations and assessments to measure the effectiveness of training programs.
Prepare reports and make recommendations for program improvements.
Experiences & Qualifications
Bachelorâs degree in Human Resources, Organizational Development, or a related field (Master's degree preferred).
Proven 5 yearsâ experience in HRRP, Learning and Development, or related roles.
Strong understanding of adult learning principles and instructional design.
Knowledge of learning management systems and e-learning platforms.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Detail-oriented and well-organized.
Ability to work collaboratively and independently.
Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.
Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and other relevant technologies.
HR Strategy
Organizational Development & Design
Change Management
Employee Engagement & Relations
Purpose & Service
Personal Mastery
Business Acumen
Unilever is an organisation committed to equity, inclusion and diversity to drive our business results and create a better future, every day, for our diverse employees, global consumers, partners, and communities. We believe a diverse workforce allows us to match our growth ambitions and drive inclusion across the business. At Unilever we are interested in every individual bringing their âWhole Selfâ to work and this includes you! Thus if you require any support or access requirements, we encourage you to advise us at the time of your application so that we can support you through your recruitment journey.
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